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Infinity Ward quietly adds 120fps to Call of Duty: Warzone on Xbox Series X - but not PS5

The support, which was not mentioned in Modern Warfare's latest patch notes published this week or on social media, was spotted by players as they tested the battle royale on Microsoft's new console.

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Tedakin1294d ago
Deathdeliverer1294d ago

I’m sure it’ll come to PS5 too. The real shocker is that people still have this space hog downloaded. Let me install JUST multiplayer. Maybe that will help.

lelo2play1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

Hum... Surprised they didn't bring it 1st to PS5, since Activision has a exclusive deal with Sony.

Does COD run at 4k on SeriesX/PS5?

seanpitt231294d ago

Xb launched worldwide ps5 didn’t they are probably waiting till next week when it comes to all other countries

Mr Pumblechook1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

I'm disappointed but not surprised to see Wesley Yin Poole the deputy editor of the supposedly mature video game website Eurogamer stirring up the flames of the format wars.

SullysCigar1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

Just more Eurogamer smearing.

Maybe let the console finish launching before worrying about a patch for a last gen game lol

agnosticgamer1294d ago

Not all game consoles are created equally. Maybe the PS5 can't handle it?

It's not a big deal, because to say the Xbox Series X isn't more powerful you're just being ignorant. There will be some games that only have this option on the Series X and that is just a fact.

The fact they have an exclusivity deal with Sony and Xbox series X got it first should possibly tell you something.

1294d ago
oof461294d ago

The developer for Rocket League hinted least for their game:

"Right now we have nothing further to share on additional PS5 plans, but can shed some more light on the why. Our team’s main focus this year was our recent free to play transition, and updating major features like our Tournaments system. Due to this we had to make tough decisions on what else we could achieve. Enabling 120hz on Xbox Series X|S is a minor patch, but enabling it on PS5 requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console, and unfortunately wasn’t possible due to our focus elsewhere."

Babadook71294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

“ The developer for Rocket League hinted least for their game: ”

The head to heads so far show the real story. PS5 is equal in every game that allows a direct comparison. So the only hint there, is that that dev was lazy or worse.

Sophisticated_Chap1294d ago

It's called "a more powerful GPU". You console kids might start to understand how PC's work soon, especially once DF starts doing comparisons on more and more 3rd party games.

Sitdown1293d ago

This has to be the worst defense I have ever seen. So current users can't get this, until PS5 launches in other places? Stop.

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Muzikguy1294d ago

People keep telling me you can but I can not delete the single player portion and I've checked many times. The option isn't there

1nsomniac1294d ago

It’s there on the PC. I have the game on the PS4 as well but haven’t checked out there.

DerfDerf1294d ago

On Xbox you simply uninstall the campaign portions.

Muzikguy1294d ago

I've seen reports of it being on PS4 (where I play) but it's not there for me. The game is getting too large these days.

1294d ago Replies(2)
1294d ago
MaximusTKG1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

I deleted both my campaign and spec ops, left only mp and warzone.

Kaze881294d ago

How about just googling it, first one after google search: https://support.activision....

Should be possible on every platform. did this on pc and works.

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Newmanator1294d ago

Maybe they’ll add it by the time I’m able to find one.

PigPen1294d ago

Playstation 5 isn't powerful enough to output 120 fps. It can't even handle 1440p for whatever that's worth. If by chance it do, it will be like 1080p @ 120 fps.

Ash01Live1294d ago

Why you have to be this way?

Abnor_Mal1294d ago

But please, continue with what you were saying.

PigPen1294d ago


At what though cause that's not saying? All bet money 1080p.

RazzerRedux1294d ago

"At what though cause that's not saying? All bet money 1080p."

You didn't say "at what though" when it came to the game running 120fps on the XSX. Hilarious.

1294d ago
ScootaKuH1294d ago

I think you're overestimating PS5. It'll only be able to output this game at 540p for 120fps. If you want 4k it'll only be 3fps. I promise.

Series X is capable of 16k and 480fps though because teh velocity engine and powarrrz

PigPen1294d ago


Any next gen game under 1080p I'll be shocked!

ArthriticPowers1294d ago

Mate get you hand of it, got the series x day one but you're talking crap, sensationalising and drawing attention away from from an interesting conversation

SullysCigar1294d ago

I got your sarcasm, but honestly, you have to sign post it. Sadly, there are some on here that would probably write what you wrote and believe it to be true lol

purple1011294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

PS3 outputted a game (superstardust). It was a puzzle game mind... They outputted that in 1440p! 10 years ago on PS3.. so I'm sure ps5 can do it it's just an option they haven't bothered to code in yet.

P_Bomb1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

Treyarch’s already said COD will hit 120fps on both consoles

Here’s how to activate performance mode on PS5
John Linneman walk through

Nioh 2 also announced a 4K/120 edition for next year, fwiw.

Abnor_Mal1294d ago

Neither article states what the resolution will be for the PS5. Neither article also states what the resolution will be for the Series X.

Besides, the article was about the frames and you saying no the PS5 isn't powerful enough to output at 120 fps. The link provided proves that it can, so the matter of resolution is moot at this point since neither article mentioned what either system will output at resolution wise. Unless you have some kind of proof that says the Series X will run at 4k native and the PS5 will run at 1080p.

Switching gears.

Damrock1294d ago

Doesn't DMC5 on PS5 handle 120fps better than series X.....

SullysCigar1294d ago

Yup - a LOT better, in fact.

Hedstrom1294d ago

Ps5 runs Assasons creed Valhalla at higer resolution and higer fps than Serie X.

ThePacemaker1294d ago

PigPen is obviously a blindfolded Xbox fan. Chill up & enjoy your gaming console.

maybelovehate1294d ago

1080p @ 120 fps is fine. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Sunny_D1294d ago

They just added 120 FPS for the PS5 version. You were saying?

Eonjay1294d ago

It's because Warzone runs in BC mode on PS5. That's all there is to it.

SmokinAces1294d ago

Wrong, just stop you're embarrassing yourself.

Ninver1294d ago

You're just itchy to say something bad about the ps5 huh? Like a troll under a bridge waiting to mug.

Profchaos1294d ago

The consoles have launched doesn't that mean we can all get along again and stop the misinformation and trolling

Edgelordsupreme1294d ago

It can't OUTPUT 1440p, it can render at 1440p all day long. Stop opening your ignorant mouth.

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pingthing1294d ago

If this had been the other way around, there would be nothing 'quietly' about it in here.

RazzerRedux1294d ago

Why are you pretending this isn't being talked about "in here"?

InUrFoxHole1294d ago

Hes saying trolls would be all over it. Im surprised you're clueless to this.

RazzerRedux1294d ago

Trolls are all over this. I'm not surprised you are clueless to this.

Toncsipapa1294d ago

That's 100% ps fanboys would be all over the moon and talk crap about xsx...

Atticus_finch1294d ago

Xbox fans are always the victim.

1294d ago
1294d ago
Necr0philiac1294d ago

Exactly. Its funny how butt hurt people get. But the same reactions happen to both sides of the fence. But this is a PS5 website. So there is a lot more crying on there side

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Zeref1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

So where are the people that were celebrating assassins Creed running "slightly" better on PS5?

Mr_Luke1294d ago

Playing it, probably, instead of wasting time here with a stupid console war

Sayai jin1294d ago

@ShinnokDrako, it's a make believe console war. Only in the mind of fan boys.

Silly gameAr1294d ago

Wow, you guys will take any "victory" you can get, huh? Don't be so desperate for something so small.

Pickledpepper1294d ago

60fps to 120fps isn't that small, that's quite a big leap

Sayai jin1294d ago

Nobody should be taking victory over silly pieces of plastic...nobody. No matter if it sales, games, etc. Consoles are not like some elite club or agency. It's simply a purchase of device people get to partake in their hobby...gaming.

RazzerRedux1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

I would think people would have learned to not "celebrate" prematurely after all the elation XSX fanboys expressed over XSX having native 4k and then finding out it was actually dynamic. It is going to be funny if this happens again and we find out they added the 120fps mode to PS5 in a few days. Maybe you shouldn't set yourself up so easily.

Edit: oh.....this is hilarious



That was quick!

Abnor_Mal1294d ago

They already added 120 fps to PS5.

Nd1vhu1294d ago

No they didn't. They added 120 fps to Cold War. Wrong CoD.

Zeref1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

Do you see me declaring victory? In fact I'm pretty sure they will add 120 to PS5 too. But yall weren't as rational yesterday 😂

You really think that somehow a 9tflop console is gonna outperform a 12tflop console? 😂 Foh

RazzerRedux1294d ago (Edited 1294d ago )

That is your problem. It is all about "y'all" and "us". Your silly tribalism. And what the hell is unrationale about speculating that PS5 may be more powerful than some thought?

No...the unrational comment was your silly "keep dreaming" nonsense.

You are the definition of fanboy. We all know it.

1294d ago
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IamFrasierCrane1294d ago

That wasn’t a celebration. That’s was merely people pointing out how running your mouth came back to bite you in the ass.

Just like that time you were posting comments everywhere, saying Ni No Kuni 2 was coming to X1 and not PS exclusive. You were flat out wrong. As you usually are. Learn your lesson.

Toncsipapa1294d ago

Wait till digital foundry do the comparison...the way it was compared in that video was awful... In the end he said himself the mostly identical.. Its jist the loading time... Then he said the loading time better because you can skip on ps5 but not on xsx...

ILostMyMind1294d ago

They are waiting for global PS5 launch. The patch will come.

1294d ago
Eonjay1294d ago

The reason it's locked to 60 is because it is a BC title on PS5. Xbox supported up to 120 on BC (see Xbox One X). Activision would have to patch to port the game to unlock the FOS and that's not gonna happen lol.

SmokinAces1294d ago

They're waiting for the inevitable article stating it runs at 120fps on PS5 too, just like what happened with the most recent Dirt game. I swear you guys should just wait a few days before jumping the gun and celebrating your short lived console war victories.

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Monetization in Gaming Is Getting Insane

Trevor Walker said: Well, here we are again. Every time I think I’ve said all I have to say about this topic, another studio falls into the same cycle. Monetization in video games seems to be getting more and more out of hand. If you’ve played any AAA title in the last 6 years, you’ve surely seen it. Battle passes, exclusive skins, and sometimes pay to win features have spread throughout the gaming industry like a plague, and we need a cure. Badly. I never thought I’d see the day, but the first game that comes to mind is one that holds a special place in my heart.

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victorMaje48d ago

You need a cure. Here it is:

1. Don’t buy the game.
2. Don’t just not buy the game, announce it!

Announce on every social media/chat/discourse/streaming … platform available & imaginable that you will not buy the game that is coming out & state the reason that we all know. Then advise others to do the same.

Once you’ve announced it, announce it again for the next game by the same dev that you will not buy their future product either, because of their past dealings with consumers.

3. See 1.


I don't sub to anything digital, games, movies, TV shows, etc. I just take what I want for PC for the unbeatable price of $0.00 🤣 But I sometimes buy the occasional game, but as for the others I mentioned yeah ok, haha paying for a streaming service to watch shows, movies, etc man GTFO lol

jznrpg48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I know many people who don’t buy MTs or support gaas. But unfortunately there are just as many people that I know who do and they don’t care about it. Companies won’t stop doing it until the vast majority don’t buy anything. Some GaaS do it better than others but most are looking to make as much MT money as they can get away with and there’s too many who don’t mind it at all

anast48d ago

Reviewers can prioritize monetization schemes in their reviews and give companies low scores based on severity.

Chocoburger47d ago

This is one of the reasons why I've been focusing more on older games from PS3 & X360 all the way back to the NES.
Rarely can a modern big budget game garner my attention, because its just the same stale concept over and over again. Open world, busy work, grinding, where your job is literally to be a trash collector (constantly picking up endless resources off the ground), the entire industry has been copying Ubi-junk, and I'm just not interested.

Add in the fact that games are clearly releasing in beta form (sometimes very early beta form!), then there's randomized gear you have to pick up and upgrade, then all those boring skill trees to fill in, which is the laziest form of fake game progression imaginable.

Then there's the nasty business model of paying an extra $20 just to play an unfinished game 3 days early. Disgusting behavior, and anyone who supports those companies are actively making our industry worse.

The game industry has never been perfect, but its also never been this bad either.


Call of Duty Warzone Let's You Experience Today's Solar Eclipse In-Game

Call of Duty Warzone players will see today's solar eclipse happen in-game, which is kind of a neat thing to do by Activision.

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Seraphim53d ago

We're afraid that for a few hours today you may actually go touch grass, we can't have that. Activision


Warzone Season 3 adds a lucrative new Rebirth Island easter egg

Rebirth Island is back in Call of Duty Warzone Season 3, and it has a brand-new easter egg that rewards you with the spicy Redacted blueprint.

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