
Crysis 2: Details on technology, game world, Nanosuit and more in the chat log

Uncharted 2 is the non-plus-ultra for Playstation 3 in terms of graphics. But this lead will only last till Crysis 2 is out. It'll beat Uncharted 2 in terms of graphics, the editors of PC Games said. They've seen Crysis 2 in action and spoke about it in a chat. Much more details through the link.

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Major_Tom5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

It might.

Bungie5206d ago

the PC version will

Crysis still the best looking game to date

qface645206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

if crysis 2 was a PC exclusive i don't doubt it would surpass uncharted 2 in terms of graphics
but its not pc exclusive

its a 50/50 thing

-Alpha5206d ago

... On PC.

It's going to be a tough call if it can beat it on consoles, but graphical limitations are always pushed so it's all down to the essence of time.

Marceles5206d ago

Wow...you know gaming is changing when a PC game has to compete with a console game for the graphics crown

gamer20105206d ago

According to the editors of PC Games they have seen the 360 version of Crysis 2 and they said it looked better than any console game, including Uncharted 2.

toaster5206d ago

Uncharted looked good to PC gamers... 3 years ago. UC2's graphics is nothing new to PC people.

Crysis 2 will surpass its predecessor and maintain it's irongrip as the king of gaming graphics.

Zedux5206d ago

the only thing they failed to mention is the fact you will need a U$ 2k plus hardware to take it there!

krisq5206d ago

It'll be hard to beat U2 in the amount of details. Texture resolution, sure. But not details.

PoSTedUP5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

once i put a good $1,600 into my pc, then it will look and play better than uncharted2 : )

@zedux- i know right... $299.99... uncharted2, killzone2, heavy rain graphics (cheaper than $299 used console)

$199.99... gears2, mass effect2, alan wake graphics. (cheaper than $199 used console)

PC ftW!

just kidding pc, i love trying to learn how to like you a little bit XD

dirthurts5206d ago

And I'm sure that if the developers can master the consoles they can match it. It's just programming. I'm not sure if they'll match it on consoles, but if they do it will be a great day for us all.
No doubt about the pc version.

S4NDM4N5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

You can build a gaming PC for $600 and max out Crysis. Just build it yourself.

Not only that a PC is mandatory in a house hold nowadays. So don't go around saying PS3 is half price! PS3 can't do even 1/4 of the stuff a PC can do. And I'm pretty sure you used the price justification in PS3 vs. 360 discussions (PS3 costs more because it comes with so much more).

Honestly, Uncharted 2 still doesn't touch Crysis or Arma 2. U2 is a LINEAR game. Without destructible environments.


You try to recreate that, an entire island with 1700 AI in real time, and U2 would look pretty bad.


lol my a$$ U2 looks better

gamer20105206d ago

Guys, they specifically mentioned several times that they only saw the 360 version. They also said of course that they expect the PC version to be even better looking.

We had another article about this on N4G awhile back where they were saying that the 360 version they saw looks better than any other console game.

Letros5206d ago

You can't try to explain things like real-time AI, physics, environment destruction, SANDBOX GAMEPLAY etc. to people on this site they just don't understand.

nix5206d ago

of course it'll beat it. why won't it? what a stupid article. i'm a PS3 owner and a fan but i'm not THAT blind.

nevimkdojsem25206d ago

I don't think you can build a PC for $600 that can play Crysis on max. Before I bought NVIDIA GTX295 (cost me 500 euro a year ago) I had 8800GT... which gave me 4-5 fps(!) in the "Paradise Lost" level on high settings. I had to turn off AA completely and go with medium settings to have > 20 fps. GTX295 seems to be the only card that enables you to play with very high settings, 1920x1200, 4xAA at > 30fps average.

On topic: I doubt Crysis 2 on consoles will look better than Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. 1st party developpers have more support, information and resources to build a better engine.

PoSTedUP5206d ago

ok computerman go back to playing your computer now. even if you teach me how to build a pc, i still wouldnt do it because.. well... ps3 exclusives... alot of em' and you cant get tham anywhere else.
i mean, crysis is like the only pc exclusive that i can think of that other people talk about.

ryuzu5206d ago

Unless they manage to make Crysis 2 a significantly better *game* than Crysis & Warhead (and for that matter Wars) then U2 has nothing to challenge it still.

Crysis looked good - so did Warhead, but as FPS games - meh. They just aren't that fun.

A Vietnam setting or something would've suited that engine. Annoying suit powers and the crappy alien story line (and associated levels) just ruined the whole thing.

While I don't mind tech demos, I don't think I'll pay full price for yet another one.


NinjaAssassin5206d ago

this is about graphics fellas, not about how good the game will or won't be. we will have to wait and see how good the game turns out to be, but what these guys are telling us is that from what they have seen the 360 version of crysis 2 is on track to beat any other game on consoles in the graphics department.

ryuzu5206d ago

What a stupid thing to say!

After all, you can render a photorealistic scene that is better looking than any other in game shot - but if there's no gameplay, then the scene is utterly redundant.

The *whole point* of graphics comparisons is whether you can push those graphics and have gameplay with it.

If you think a game graphic comparison can exist isolated from any gameplay then you aren't a gamer - just watch films, they have great graphics...


bnaked5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

Sure the PC-version will be much better. Everybody knows..

But on console? First they must top Killzone 2 grafics. The Lighting and the particle effects, then they must top the characters and the level of detail of Uncharted 2. And they must top the textures of both games.

They will NOT reach that.. They are telling us, that Uncharted 2 is much more linear then Crysis 2, but, thats no excuse, because god of war 3 is coming, and the enviroments are HUGE..

And i think, that they will have no chance against Killzone 3. It will be similar with it's vertical gameplay and larger enviroments. Sony-development studios will always be the kings of Playstation 3 grafics..

I'm really excited whether Crytek can achieve their aims.

Sitdown5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

Did you read the article title? "in terms of graphics"...which was specified because obviously they are not including "gameplay". Prime example, Afrika for the ps3....its pretty much about graphics, and not gameplay....when you move into gameplay, you are beginning to step away from the basic concept of graphics...and into physics and all that other stuff.

Anyhoo, I find it interesting that so many people believe that UC2 is god...and that nothing will ever be able to beat it graphically. Why is it so impossible to believe that other companies might just be able to yield great results from the ps3 as well?

SL1M DADDY5206d ago

It is said that God of War III will beat Uncharted 2 in the graphics department. So the question is actually, will Crysis 2 beat God of War III?

Maybe... Maybe not.

kneon5206d ago

I hope it does beat UC2. Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 are my favorite games on the PS3 yet only an idiot would want them to never be beaten in graphics and overall quality. I'm greedy, I want MORE!!

But if Crysis focuses mainly on looking good by sacrificing other aspects such as the physics and gameplay then it's a poor tradeoff. For example I find the physics adds a huge amount to the immersive quality of the game. KZ2 just wouldn't be the same without it.

Marquis_de_Sade5206d ago

Major_Tom, Blind and delusional.


S4NDM4N5206d ago

The amount of ignorance astounds me.

Crysis has far superior physics than in U2. Not only that the gameplay depends on you entirely. It is an actual sandbox game. You can play the game by mainly stealth, run and gun, etc..

The gameplay depends on your completely. Crytek left it open and unscripted, so the player themselves can decide how everything plays out

Major_Tom5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

FACT: PC is maxxed out.

= π ∫₀¹ ((2-y²)² - (2-y)²) dy
. . . . . . = π ∫₀¹ (y⁴ - 5y² + 4y) dy
. . . . . . = π (y⁵/5 - 5y³/3 + 2y²) |₀¹
. . . . . . = π ((1/5 - 5/3 + 2) - 0)
. . . . . . = 8π/15 ≈ 1.6755

= CRYSIS Looks worse than Uncharted 2.

Actually, with my careful math skills I've proved Crysis is more maxxed out than Naughty Dogs engine.

Monkey5215206d ago

When did this discussion turn from graphics to gameplay.... The article is about whether Crysis 2 will have better graphics, yet of course, you guys want to turn it into MY GAME BEATS YOUR GAME!!! Who cares if one is sandbox and has better physics, that doesn't make it a better game.

Sitdown5206d ago

I completely agree....even though I must admit, I feel like I have reached my graphics threshold; more so than ever, its really becoming about art style/direction and animation for me.

INehalemEXI5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

You mean to tell me ... that a game coming out in 2010 is going to outdue a game from 2009 graphically?

o.0 ... lets freaking hope so.

zeeshan5206d ago

Better than Uncharted 2? Ok that's good news :) Better games pushing the boundaries of each console. That's a win win situation for us gamers :)

gaffyh5206d ago

PC, yes.

Consoles, probably not, but there's hope.

iamgoatman5206d ago


I'm still running an 8800GT and it plays Crysis fine on high settings, at 1680x1050 with no AA with a constant 30+FPS. Using the benchmark tool I get an average of 45FPS.

You must have one serious bottleneck for you to got 20FPS on medium on 'Paradise Lost'. And no, the 295GTX isn't the only card to run Crysis at those settings, most modern day cards do it just fine.

ThanatosDMC5206d ago

On PC, no freaking duh. Geez, it's like they havent seen Crysis 1.

Crysis 1 >>> all games in terms of graphics

Crysis 2 console versions is something i wanna see beat a PS3 exclusive.

LONEWOLF2315206d ago

Well the current Crysis titles already does.
But i guess the one that needs to prove itself is the Upcoming Crysis console version SO i dont know..........i guess we will have to wait and see since Uncharted 2 is the best there is when it comes to console graphics!

5206d ago
heroprotagonist5206d ago

Sorry, but Gran Turismo Prologue wasn't especially impressive. To tell you the truth, Project Gotham Racing 4 looked better to me.

I definitely think Crysis 2 is likely to be the best looking game on consoles when it comes out.

vhero5206d ago

no multiplatform game will beat uncharted for graphics for the same reason uncharted cannot be ported for 360. Even if Sony gave permission (if thats what was holding them back of course)

ProjectVulcan5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

Crysis already beat uncharted 2, when it came out in 2007....nothing on this generation of consoles can or will surpass the original two year old crysis on Pc, on ultra settings with full HD resolution. Only people who have never played crysis with everything turned on would disagree it completely outdoes every console game from a technical standpoint. Uncharted 2 is a great looking 720P (Insert Context....)CONSOLE game. But Pc is always the TOP bar, Crysis is that bar.

Obviously Crysis 2 should look even better than the original on PC and widen the gap between 360/ps3 and PC. Duh.

@ the guy below. Crysis will NOT max on a mere 9800GT, unless its some pathetic resolution like 1024 x 768. Its pretty easy to dismiss everything else you just said on the basis you dont even know what you are talking about regards PC.
http://www.extremetech.com/... This bench shows an 8800GT which is the very same card......With a high end quad core of the time aaaaaaaaand DX10 very high it manages an absolutely pathetic AVERAGE 17 frames a second @ just 1280 x 1024. Minimum is probably about 5 frames a second...From my experience, thats about right. Want more proof you are talking crap about maxing 'easily'?
http://www.bit-tech.net/har... shows how DX10 very high again, a GTX275 only just manages to make the game playable with a minimum of 22 frames @ 1280 x 1024! GTX275 is twice as fast as a single 9800GT......

bman335206d ago

Upon hearing everyone talk about the graphical beast crysis is, I purchased myself a high end pc with a ge force 9800 gt and 6 gb of ram. I easily run crysis at max settings and the game is not impressive at all. I downloaded the mod for crysis which supposedly makes the graphics better and it still didn't look that great, especially in action. The game play is weak, the story is weak, and the game overall is boring. I spent so much money on a gaming pc and never touch the thing anymore. PC gamers brag way too much. Uncharted 2 is a way better game then crysis and after playing them both I was much moreimpressed by uncharted 2.

evrfighter5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )


lol that arma 2 battle looked epic.


and no...bman didn't max out crysis on that setup.

specialguest5206d ago

Only by another PS3 exclusive though, in terms of console games. Possibly KZ3???

Kain815206d ago

and the orginal source says that they try to beat Uncharted 2

Shepherd 2145206d ago

trust me, even with the first Crysis, there is no competition.

davekaos5206d ago

No you can not build a pc for $600 and max out crysis.
Gaming rigs that cost $2000+ still cant max out crysis
Max out is when you get 60fps at highest resolution with all AA turned on to max.
At the min the only rigs to acheive this in crysis are the ones that are quad sli/X-fire, and even then they use the flag ship graphics cards.
So lets do some maths
ATi 5870 card costs around £280/$437
so 4 of them would cost $1748
Thats just graphics cards, then u need a cpu that can handle them because a low end cpu will result in bottlenecks.
Then because you have a quad gpu set up your gonna need a beast of a PSU, 1000W plus, thats another $300
then you need the mobo which supports quad gpu setup, in this case its the EVGA 4way classified mobo which is around $500.

So far your $600 is well out of the window.

Then you need to consider the RAM,HDD,opticle drive,case,sufficient cooling.

Dont go on about how you can max crysis on a rig for under $1000 because you cant.
You want proof check out trubritars vidoes on youtube, he is constantly benchmarking rigs with crysis

WildArmed5206d ago

That's great!
That means there is more room for improvement in Uncharted 3 / Killzone 3.
I'm looking forward to this game.

PR0X15206d ago

UC2 is 1280x720 no AA. All pc games can look better from 2009 than UC2. Pc vs console is no match.

irepbtown5206d ago

i'm not sure about Crysis 2
Heavy Rain will probably be the best looking game, having played it myself (the demo), i just couldn't believe the graphics.
Back to Crysis and UC
As most of you said, on PC yes Console No.

pixelsword5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

it's hard to tell right now how much graphical wow is from the power of the PC and how much is from the programming prowess of the company at this point.

multipayer5206d ago

I think RAGE will be the best looking game of the year, and Crysis 2 will suffer the same ill effects on PC as Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2. Gimping.

ATi_Elite5206d ago

"Christian Schlütter: All three versions will be developed simultaneously. This also applies to the control. We saw the Xbox 360 version, but they are sure that it takes for the PC version, no major adjustments, because the system is very flexible"

I had to copy this quote because it verifies to me that Crysis 2 was made for the Xbox360 and ported to everything else. This game is going to suck and it will not look better than UNCHARTED 2.

Crysis on PC was a graphical tour de force but the game was actually average. I rather play Half Life 2. Crysis 2 is going to suck, mark my words.

ShadowCK5206d ago

Of course Crysis 2 will defeat Uncharted 2 in terms of graphics.

You'd be a fool to think otherwise.

Traveler5206d ago

Well, they have seen it and I haven't so I will take their word for it right now. I can't wait to see how it looks on consoles. I have seen the tech demos running on the 360 and PS3 and they looked phenomenal, so I expect great things from this game. At least when it comes to graphics.

5206d ago
mal_tez925206d ago

Don't just say the PC version is better. Say: "Played on a powerful PC, the graphics will be better than consoles"

Saying one vesrion is superior when everyone has different computers is very misleading.

I know for sure that my PC will have better graphics than Uncharted 2, it already does, but not everyone's will.

multipayer5205d ago (Edited 5205d ago )

@0.8 Sure you can even make a game like "Dark Void" look better than uncharted 2 on PC, when completely still... Same goes for most any relative game, including crysis, when completely still... The point is your PC is not going to magically give a game the production values and insane amount of animation alike uncharted 2. Which has the best graphics IMO.

Also, did you know Bioshock 1 has better textures than part 2 on PC? No need for a high end PC if games are being built around specifically working on a lowend PC.(aka consoles) I'm pretty happy about this actually, no upgrading GPUs for me. I will overclock my cpu to death to make up for it.

Pillage055205d ago

It will on high end pcs no doubt...if you didn't believe that then you're an idiot. BUT..I bet U2 on a $300 ps3 looks better than Crysis/Crysis2 on a $300 pc. food for thought.

+ Show (56) more repliesLast reply 5205d ago
Major_Tom5206d ago ShowReplies(6)
IrishAssa5206d ago

On consoles no, nothing will for years(uncharted 3) ,on pc obviously it will

Kurylo3d5206d ago

I've seen the cryengine 3 running on ps3 and 360 at siggraph... beleive me... it dominates anything uve seen running on consoles.. and even runs good.

Darkeyes5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

^^^ Those were tech demos mate, the final product is never as good as the demos.... The demos were impressive, but there was nothing happening on screen, it was just you roaming in a jungle.. Besides I still think the jungle in UC2 beats anything on a console even Cryengine demo....

Crysis 2 on PC will beat every game (well maybe Rage on PC will give it a tough fight), but on consoles, it's hard to beat UC2.... Personally feel KZ3 will take the crown, but GOW3 is also looking really great.

Ghostsmoker5206d ago

according to the whole tech behind. And Crysis 2 will surpass it without any doubt.
Do some of you really think that UC2 will dominate the graphics on consoles for years? If that's the case you should take off your fanboy glasses and stop lying to yourself.

gamer20105206d ago

Uncharted 2 is only very marginally better than a few other games as it is. It isn't the untouchable graphical monster that some people make it out to be. Like previous games that came before it such as Gears of War 2 and Killzone 2, it too will be surpassed. Things never stand still; they are always progressing.

Double Toasted5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

...Uncharted loses its spot its die hard fans will deny it...


Double Toasted5206d ago

"GSSD Wird Crysis 2 an die Grafik von Uncharted 2 auf der PS herankommen? If Crysis 2 GSSD come to the graphics of Uncharted 2 on the PS?

Christian Schlütter: Crysis 2 soll auf allen Plattformen das "am besten aussehende" Spiel werden. Christian Schlütter: Crysis 2 will be on all platforms, the "best looking" game. Das könnte klappen. That could work. Wenn Crytek alles umsetzt, was sie sich vornehmen (und die Technik ist da) wird es besser aussehen als Uncharted 2. If Crytek all implements what (they make themselves and the technology is there) it will look better than Uncharted 2nd Allerdings muss man auch bedenken, dass Uncharted 2 sehr viel linearer ist als es Crysis werden wird. However, one must also bear in mind that Uncharted 2 is much more linear than it will be Crysis. Crytek muss sehr viel mehr KI, Umgebungen, Variablen berechnen. Crytek has a lot more AI, environments, variables calculated."

nevimkdojsem25206d ago

"should become", "it might work", "if crytek implements all..."

Good that i didn't click the link... So basically they don't know anything and are just dreaming and guessing but the title says it will beat Uncharted 2 in terms or graphics. Great journalism. Looks like some naive people will be disappointed....

NinjaAssassin5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

i still can't believe el presador is saying that stuff. it's crazy that he says he was playing the ps3 fanboys all along. i'm not sure i believe that, but at least he realizes now how out of control ps3 fanboys are.

anyway whether people want to accept it or not it won't change reality. uncharted 2 is slightly the best looking console game right now but it will soon be passed by even better looking games like crysis 2.

pixelsword5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

LOL that was EPIC!

What's a weeble? Is that "Wiible"? He says it but talks about the 360 fans, so I don't get it.

I used to watch this dude, but he was very extreme so I stopped watching after like looking into three or four of his vids in his backlog a while ago and he was kinda rude for no reason, but now I guess he was just faking, which is good. Because he was talking about "middle-aged fanboys" and he sure reminded me of what he was talking about.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5206d ago
bunfighterii5206d ago

I dunno if its the translation but he said it 'could work', and then added the caveat that Crysis will have alot more going on and be more sandbox style. He didn't sound that optimistic.

I hope it does, I'm a total graphics wh*re. We should be at a point where, on PS3 at least, all games coming out this year look better and UC2.

Seferoth755206d ago

I love when some noob says"I'm a total graphics wh*re" then goes on to mention how they play on an inferior system... Any REAL graphics person has a high end PC and doesnt make money excuses to justify having an inferior product. But I cant wait to see all the Sony fanboys disagree with the truth. You only think you are a high end graphics person because that is all your console really offers over the other consoles, sadly it does not offer that over the PC in any way, but you just arent gamer enough to know that

bunfighterii5206d ago

I simply don't have a high end PC. I don't see a need for it, I have a Macbook I use for my computing needs, and consoles for my gaming needs. It's a personal preference.

Why it bothers you, I don't know. Why I can't be a 'graphics person' with a console? Again, I don't know- you seem to think you're the arbiter of who is what according to gaming so you tell me. PC's have better graphics than consoles, I get it.

And money excuses? Money talks and BS walks. Unlike some I have other things to spend money on than simply building a collection of powerful machines to play games on. I've got what suits me.

Natsu X FairyTail5206d ago

the engine it's using is pretty nice but we'll have to see.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1403d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1787d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141787d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1786d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1787d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1787d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1786d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1781d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


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