
Edge: Bayonetta Review

Bayonetta is funny. It even threatens to be tender in places, though quickly thinks better of it. It's a beautiful and graceful fighting game that lets imagination loose, and winks before slapping Dante, Kratos and every other hero back to the drawing board. Above all else, it's proof that you can never have too many great ideas – or do too much with them.

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Blaster_Master5243d ago

Get the heck out of here! Slap Kratos back to the drawing board? You guys must have some good drugs over there in Europe? I haven't played the full version yet, however I played the demo and sure it was an okay game, but to compare this game to GOW is cynical. Then again, this is Edge I am talking about. One of the most eccentric group of so called gaming gurus in the gaming media. I would say they are even worse then Eurogamer. At least Eurogamer puts out credible news (not reviews) once in a while. All edge does is over hype games like they are doing now.

DevilishSix5243d ago

I agree comparing GOW to Bayonetta is apples and oranges, its the same genre but different style. Bayonetta is closer to DMC and Ninja Gaiden than GOW, but what I came away for the review was that Bayonettas core combat system slaps Kratos down and frankly from what I have played this is true.

Bayonetta is a AAA game, all the big boys like Gamespot, IGN, 1UP, Eurogamer, EDGE, Play, Gamepro, etc. have given it a 9.0 or higher, its a fabulous game from an excellent developer.

This genre is probably my favorite I own and have played all the versions of GOW, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC, so believe me when I say Bayonettas is the best combat system to date. Bayonetta trumps GOW's QTE's and brutality, it trumps Ninja Gaidens combo depth and weapon varitation, and it trumps DMC's style and humor.

Please note I did not say its better than GOW's overall gameplay experience, I am just saying when comparing toe to toe, Bayonettas combat is deeper and more satisfying.....I think I am going to go pester my wife for a bit now.

PS3GamerFix5243d ago

You said it best when you stated it has the best combat system to date. Most people will not understand what you mean until they play the full game.

Marceles5243d ago

Great game that everyone should play other than just the boring demo. Yes yes I know "buh buh bad port" yada yada..."buh I'll just wait for (insert game)" yada yada...but it really is a good game that gets way better the more you play it. Trust me, DONT go by just the demo or else you're only going by 1% of the game. Even after platinuming the game there's tons of stuff still to do in the game.

nycredude5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )


I played the demo and it sucks ass. Getting Darksiders instead. have fun playing an 8 hour game with 4 hours of cutscenes. The only thing I gathered from the demo is this is a better DMC with a girl that you can pretty much button mash your entire way through. The couple of boss fights in the demo I beat by using ONE button. Epic fail there. Just keep shooting the gun. Plus those finishing moves look retarded.

Also no one is really talking about the story. Is there even one?


Gow3 doesn't need to do anything but what it has done with 1 and 2 but better. As a fan I am buying GOW 3 for GOW not some new game with new ideas. It could get a 7 by all the BS media for all i care cause I all but paid off my ultimate edition.

To be fair Bayonetta is prob a good game but I didn't like any of the DMC games so likely won't like this either.

TOO PAWNED5243d ago

Nope still don't care- there is something about this game ...i just don't find it appealing. It could be because it plays like DMC and i hate DMC. Maybe that's it

pangitkqb5243d ago

I consistently disagree with Edge. 10 for Bayonetta? The oversexed action fest that is light on story and character development and heavy on boobs and butt? A horny fifteen year old's dream, perhaps, but really? Grown men came up with that score?

There is no outlet I ignore like edge.


hummmm.... the last time i ignored a demo and thought i would still give the game a try, i ended up with a festering pile of dogpoo known as Ninja Blade.

I tried the demo of Bayonetta and it didn't knock my sox off at all. I can't say I am much of a DMC fan and the last one didn't impress me at all. I am more of a NG fan, but again NG2 i felt was a bit of a let down.

Is this the real deal ?

BRG90005243d ago

Clicking into the review and commenting with a rant about edge is a funny way of ignoring it...

DelbertGrady5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )


A 360 or Wii exclusive I could understand, but a Playstation exclusive? Such foul words have never before been spoken. We all know that Playstation exclusives are pieces of Eden, developed by Jesus and the 12 apostles - in his parents basement - and then ported to earthly code by the holy angels over at Sony. Heathens!

Two-Face5243d ago


If a PS3 exclusive get's great scores, it deserves it.. but when a 360 exclusive or a multiplatform game get's it... it's overrated.

This site is overrun by so many PS3 fanboys it's not even funny. I'm a PS3 owner, but I atleast don't have my head in Sony's ass, and I play quality games. Even if multi or exclusives. Bayonetta is a quality game.

The reviews also proves my point that it is a quality title.

Unicron5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Scores totally arbitrary and biased and not my own opinion thus mattering little to nothing at all, you say? Reality.

Bayonetta is good, like all good games, because of whats in the box, not what some biased fanboy journalist says about it.


v1c1ous5243d ago

you DO know you DON"T have to re-invent the wheel everytime to still BE FUN AND INTUITIVE!

chaosatom5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

How long is the game?

Maybe it's worth a rental.

People need to stop comparing it to God of War, which isn't even out yet. It's stupid for Edge to even mention Kratos in there.

Darrius Cole5243d ago

More brutal that God of War, huh?

I find that hard to believe. The phrase "writing checks that your --- can't cash" comes to mind. I'll find out today, though.

Homicide5243d ago

You PS3 fanboys are just mad that the PS3 version isn't as good as the 360 version. This is a good game; deal with it.

Unicron5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

"you DO know you DON"T have to re-invent the wheel everytime to still BE FUN AND INTUITIVE! "

You're totally right vicious. Though I do find it hilarious when one game DOESN'T reinvent said wheel, is amazing, and gets slammed for doing nothing new... meanwhile other games do nothing new, are fun and get a free pass in reviews.

<3 "journalism"


and overhyped. Yes I played it and finish it and only took me 7 hours. Want some spoilers?
I really cant understand the overrated this game is. In the other hand Im enjoying Darksiders(360 version) better than this game. So I dont know why the hell they compared it to a demo of GOW3. But you know what guys?? You dont need to play the demo to saw that the GOW demo (yes a demo) is wayy ahead graphically speaking of this game. PS3 gamers buy an exclusive isnstead of this game...if not you will find a better, larger and funnier adventure on Darksiders!


Blaster_Master5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Im not mad. I would totally agree with this article if I thought that Banyonetta totally looked and played better then GOW. But it doesn't. Not even by a small margin. Besides the fact that the game's story sucks, unlike you 360 only guys, I think having to put 100 bullets into something just to kill them is really unsatisfying. She is far from a badass. She's sexy, and the combos are pretty cool, but the aiming of the guns feels more like a chore then being fluid. Her hair monster is repulsive. And most of all, nothing about this games draws me in. Im not saying its a bad game though. Its better then most action games out, but its not even in the same league as GOW. Even Dante's inferno is better. Not much better, but it is better IMHO.

mastiffchild5243d ago

I'm surprised that Edge have joined in throwing perfect scores at Bayonetta. While it's a fine game, and one I misjudged from the demo-though only slightly-with their penchant for innovation I'm sure it doesn't REALLY fit their bill, does it?

It's a great romp but seeing as it's still just DMC, made by the same man in Kamiya to boot, with tits and hair attacks I woul;d've thought Edge might be tempted not to think it was perfect but there you go-what do I know? Consistendy of policy from a gaming publication? Madness!

Anyway, do I think it's overrated? Yes, any game that gets ten anywhere is overrated and the ten/ten system leaves so little room for subtlety that it cripples itself into making games appear perfect when that thing(the perfect game) has never been close to being made-not Uncharted2. Not Bayonetta and not GOW3 or Reach when they laucnh will be WORTHY of a true ten/ten score and the way they get thrown around when we can all find several flaws even with opur favourite games makes me feel, more and more, that scores would be better consihgned to the realms of history rather than just being the minor flame starting irritant and inaccuracies they are today.

Seriously, it's great that Bayonetta's getting some great scores(as it is when any good game is recognised by the media) nbut the opast few years are littered with 10/10 scores and it's starting to get a little pointless when games with obvious faults like Bayonetta get them like this-seriously I'm a big Kamiya fan(DMC is one of my favourite series)but Bayonetta is so close to his former work that I struggle to think of it as a true new IP. Anyway, i wouldn't have much of an issue , and don't apart from the fact no game's perfect, with other sites giving whatever score they like to Bayonetta even with what I feel are it's flaws but with Edge ready to hammer most games for lack of innovation I find it a little odd from them, that's all.

I will say, though, that you get a hell of a lot more out of it the longer you play but no matter how much someone might love it there will, justoifiably too prolly, be those that hate it as it's going to get up lots of people's noses with it's style and char design inparticular-pretty Marmitey, imo. And if you found DMC too much I just wouldn't buy before renting. I'd give it a high eight point something if pushed and after playing both demos I was really unimpressed! Lastly, there's been a lot made of the poor quality of the PS3 port but I chose to actually play the game on PS3 anyway because of a controller preference I have as I feel the issues are WAY overstated and won't bother you that myuch and certainly weren;'t as bad as, say, The Orange Box was imo and not nearly enough for me to ditch my DS3. There was some slowdown(as there was on the 360 too just not as much)and I found it was sometimes not when I'd expect(I.E not always when the screen was very busy)which was odd and also the load times were a little longer sometimes but unless that's a particular bugbear of yours I wouldn't worry too much about getting whichever version you choose and if you like DMC it's unlikely you won't find a good bit of fun with the little headed witch ghost thing!

Anyhow, that's me done on the whole Bayonetta thing as I'm onto D'siders next. Is it just me that thinks sites are throwing around perfect scores so much that it's devaluing the whole point of scores?

Jamegohanssj55243d ago

It's no Ninja Gaiden. In fact neither is GOW or DMC.


Kevin ButIer5243d ago

You are really arrogant when it comes to reviews, and you gave a perfect score to Bayoneta... Lame

Bayoneta is a great game but ¿10/10?... WTF

Perkel5243d ago

agree.. i lol at score ...with same basic dmc formula ... lol lol lol ^ 2.

Jaces5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Why must they make idiotic comments like that?

You didn't hear them say "Dante slapping Kratos and every other hack n' slash character back to the drawing board or vice versa bull. It really is silly and tasteless.

GoWIII and DMC are games that set the pace for HnS games, Bayonetta has simply made further innovations to the genre. Why hate on two games that have been nothing but great?

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5243d ago
PS3GamerFix5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

I was really unsatisfied with the demo and was skeptical about the game but once I played the full game was truly impressed. This game is better than most action hack and slash games available period. Yes, it pushes the whole naughty witch angle a little too much in your face but an incredible game nevertheless. Give this game a chance and try the full game, its just that good.

Edge have a very questionable history of review scores but this one is on the money. I am sure God of War 3 will be great (storyline and action) but it better come up with something more than the same gameplay and more graphic mutilations or will get more very good but not great reviews. I rather not make too many assumptions about GOW3 until I play it though so will reserve judgement for now.

Son_Lee5243d ago

I'm going to go rent it within the next hour. Will give you my review if any of you care, I'm extremely fair.

IQUITN4G5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Simple truth is that this just wont appeal to some and the demo enough will have confirmed that it doesn't add up in the minds of those that prefer their Gow etc

It is over the top and quite off putting at first.It also seems no more than standard hack and slash

It is however quite easily the best example this genre has if you can get past the presentation of it all

A couple of weeks ago prior to my playing the demo, i was of the belief that the game was a bag of sh!te in that typical Japanese over the top way.Despite my 2 or 3 attempts of the demo, i still came to the conclusion that Bayonetta sucked a big one

To where i am now having played the demo probably a good 50 times.Bayonetta quite easily destroys everything else in this genre.It may not ever appeal to some but as a GAME, it's combat mechanics are far beyond games such as GOW or even the mighty Gaiden

On the surface yes it's nothing special maybe but when you discover just how delightfully different it's aproach to freedom and depth is - and just the sheer ease that is controlling Bayonetta - it's then you are in heaven

It might be that you will always prefer Gow say for it's story and it's journey through a mythology, and while that is of course fine, it sure as hell wont make it the better game based on a superior example of combat design - Gow has never been praised for it's better than anything combat to begin with - more than anything else, Gow's positive media attention is mostly gained from how the game tells an epic tale all of it presented by impressive action

To slag on Bayonetta is to really not have the first clue as to what actually makes for great games - basically just ignorance

Information Minister5243d ago

So if I don't like Bayonetta, that's because I'm ignorant? Really? People aren't allowed to have different tastes and preferences these days?

khellendros15243d ago

I 'm not sure why everyone is hating on this game. I've never seen a game received so much resistance. I think that most of it comes from the PS3 fans because of the sh!tty port. I'm very interested in this game but I don't want to pay $60 for an inferior game. Especially when there are so many great games coming out.

ceedubya95243d ago

They have this idea that most 360 gamers are overhyping this game for fanboyish reasons. Yet, review sites left and right are giving the game outstanding scores. Obviously, the game is good at what it does, and that's being a stylish action game. This game has nothing to do with God of War, no matter how many times people want to bring that series up to compare. They aren't even close to being similar.

I would suggest anyone that considers themselves a fan of Devil May Cry type action to really check this game out, even if you can only do so on the PS3. At least give it a rental.

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I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal422d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


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