
With Blu-Ray Support by Toshiba, Xbox 360 Blu-Ray Add-On with Is Only a Matter of Time

After Toshiba Corp., the developer of the HD DVD format, releases its Blu-ray disc player by the end of the year, Microsoft Corp. will have to follow and launch Blu-ray add-on for its Xbox 360 game console. The support of Blu-ray disc (BD) by Toshiba means that the format is finally becoming a de-facto standard for high-definition home video. Toshiba is the last major consumer electronics maker to support BD.

Microsoft has publicly stated that high-definition video downloads and streaming is the future of video delivering to homes. However, it also had HD DVD add-on for Xbox 360, hence, the company admits that physical media is still popular. Moreover, with all the consumer electronics making BD players, Microsoft also needs to provide such an option to its consumer electronics video-game platform: it is clear that there will be much higher demand towards Blu-ray hardware in the coming years.

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PirateThom5402d ago

I didn't even know Toshiba was making a Blu-ray player, I thought they'd gone the "upscaled DVD" route.

My TV is Toshiba, they always made awesome things (my next TV will probably be one of the Toshiba w/Cell Processor efforts), so a stand alone Toshiba Blu-ray would be nice.

GWAVE5402d ago

The more Blu Ray support, the better, yet somehow I doubt Microsoft would make a Blu-Ray add-on for the 360, especially with all the work they've been doing to convince their fanbase "you don't NEED Blu-Ray! Here's Netflix! Here's Hulu!"

FamilyGuy5402d ago

When was Hulu announced for the 360?

Other than that I agree, M$ is not going to make a blu-ray player, they're a software company. That would mean they'd have to pay royalties to whoever made the add-on for them as well as paying royalties to sony for incorporating their technology. The won't do it and are fully backing digital distribution as a way to avoid that outcome (among other reasons).

Bnet3435402d ago

Microsoft won't adopt Blu-Ray this gen on the 360 side. They'll push digital downloads with Netflix and their upcoming Games On Demand service. I seriously doubt this.

MAR-TYR-DOM5401d ago

Microsoft WILL adapt a blu ray add on for this generation for the 360. HOWEVER, it will NOT be for GAMING RELATED PURPOSES. It will simply function as a MOVIE/MEDIA player just like the HD DVD add on and it wont cost $200 more like $100. They understand there is some profit to selling an add on because the blu ray industry is just getting bigger and bigger and they are missing out.

darthv725401d ago

MS doesnt NEED to follow with a BD add-on. I have started seeing stand alone players under $100 so the need is negated. There are some out there that just want to see it happen so they can say "I told you so" and claim MS as a follower.

360 is a game machine first and movie/media player second. PS3 was targeted as a movie player that played games even though we all know it is the opposite. I am basing that last statement on the marketing strategy when it was first released. The giving away of free blu movies and the unknown number of people who bought it to just play movies.

People seem to forget that for every PS3 sold is not an automatic addition to the install base for "gaming". For every 360 sold (as well as wii) however...is. MS will continue to pursue their efforts with their media formats of choice. Sony will obviously do the same with theirs. No harm..no foul.

GWAVE5401d ago

@ darthv72

Your logic applies to the 360 as well. The PS3 is a gaming system, even if it is purchased for the Blu Ray initially. On the same note, I know several "older" couples who bought an Arcade 360 simply for the Netflix playback. The only games in their house are the ones their grandchildren bring over.

So, quit with your one-sided logic and think for a moment, mkay?

likedamaster5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Credit where credit's due. Microsoft did an amazing job promoting THEIR download service and other features(netflix, etc), they would never promote bluray in that way. On the other hand, I do think Microsoft will have bluray(or they should) integrated but on their next console. Games are getting bigger, thats a fact. And with technology out now that can eliminate the need for multiple discs(and bigger issues with multi-discs) why not adapt it?

Not to mention Bluray has won the format war and is now making its way into homes more and more, it makes sense to integrate. By next gen bluray will be cheap enough to actually be considered by Microsoft to include in their next console and still be profitable.

But no add-ons, I could find a $99 bluray player easy. http://cgi.ebay.com/Memorex...

a_squirrel5401d ago

Microsoft said themselves, "We are looking into the future by not going Blu-Ray"

And I thought that Bluray was Sony's....

darthv725401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

I can respect your statements but you need to realize that nobody buys a 360 to play upscale dvd movies. Netflix is somewhat a moot point as it is an after thought of the system added later. It isnt a selling point like bluray is to the ps3.

To generalize, the percentage of people who purchase the 360 to play games is significantly greater than the percentage of those who bought it for the netflix service. You just can't say the same about the ps3.

I use both of my systems for games first and movies second (both blu/hddvd). Don't hold that against me. When the price of a blu player with netflix support drops to $100 I will be first in line to get one. Then I will have both features of hd movie playback as well as netflix streaming in one convenient package. I have my eye on the Samsung BDP-1590 but if Toshiba comes out with one just as nice for under $100 then I am sold.

It will save on the wear and tear of my game consoles.

Actually, let me rephrase my first post. When the ps3 was first released it was considered the cheapest blu player on the market. So you have to wonder what percentage of units sold were for gaming/movies or just movies. We don't know, that is the point. I am not sure when it started becoming more apparent that ps3's sold NOW are counting towards the gaming install base. I can only assume that units sold NOW are to those who want to game on them simply because cheaper stand alone players are available.

It isnt cost effect to purchase a ps3 simply to play movies anymore. It was when it came out but not anymore. The 360 sold to gamers which is obvious. Like i mentioned above, nobody buys a 360 to play movies be it netflix or upscaled dvd. It isnt cost effective either. stand alone players with netflix support are far cheaper than buying the 360 (arcade as you put it) and then paying for live service to simply be able to use netflix.

To summerize: someone purchasing a 360 has a pretty clear agenda in regards to gaming. A ps3 sold (then) was not so clear.

@below: drive strain. Using a cheaper dedicated player is more expendable than using a console which can be costly to fix when/if the drive goes bad.

SnuggleBandit5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

why do you need to save on "Wear and Tear"

dragunrising5401d ago

If a blu-ray add on is released for the 360...good. Choice is never a bad thing.

Strikepackage Bravo5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

like this statement give the author away as biased, at least somewhat.

"Even though Microsoft managed to push its VC-1 codec onto both Blu-ray and HD DVD"

They failed to mention that before VC-1 bluray looked like CRAP compared to HDDVD, which had been using VC-1 extensively from the start. VC-1 was a good thing for both formats, I hardly think MS had to do much pushing.

El Botto5401d ago

Uh no.

Its been stated time and time again. But MS nor Toshiba can make that decision. Only Sony/ Blu Ray Association can make that decision.

SaberEdge5401d ago

This article is a stretch. I don't think Microsoft would release another add-on for the 360 after the last add-on. Plus I think they want to push digital downloads and streaming and stuff like that. Anyway it would only be for movies and wouldn't really be able to be used for games. I do think they will put a Bluray drive in their next console.

Greywulf5401d ago

The BD players may be cheap, but the movies are still more expensive, and they do require you to actually care about not seeing chunks of compression everywhere and having surround sound. These people are still in a minority of video/techphiles.

Much Like MS using old technology like DVD, they have created their own audience that listens to what they say. You don't need Bluray, you need digital downloads. Because digital is the future, just like motion controls.

n4gno5401d ago

"People seem to forget that for every PS3 sold is not an automatic addition to the install base for "gaming". For every 360 sold (as well as wii) however...is"

360 : multiple 360 for same player, and piracy.
WII : only for game...but one game :)

it does'nt matter if some people don't play with their ps3, the others buy games (not all the same, like halo phenomenon or others...but each AAA are selling well...not each time like hot cake, but well, concurrence of good games is not good for enormous sells)

InFAMOUS15401d ago

Didn't Toshiba or some other company create some DVD that has so many layers it can hold like 250GB of data, and play on a standard DVD player?? Last time the MS adopting BD came up, people were talking about that.. Personally if MS actually decided to go ahead and offer a blu ray add on and I was sony, I would tell them to take a hike.. MS has pulled so many stupid 1up stunts on sony since the launch this gen, that they deserve to be shut down. Having said that, I highly doubt MS will go this route. They have been saying forever that they are looking into the future without blu ray... ONLINE downloads is where its at.. HD content, ANY file size u want it to be. I guess the only real downfall to that would be for the people who have bandwidth restrictions per month..

Syronicus5401d ago

BD is the "current" format for movies and games (to come). DVD is on the way out and BD is the new guy. Now, can we stop with the Wednesday BD doom and gloom articles? Let's kick another horse for a while.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5401d ago
5402d ago Replies(2)
5402d ago Replies(1)
-MD-5402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

Wonder how much it'll cut into PS3 sales if a bluray addon is available for 360. Bluray was half the reason I bought one so I'm sure it would push a lot of people away.

36T5402d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Agreed! Honestly, i doubt it will happen. Even if it does, i'm not buying it. For the price Blurays sell at, the difference in quality between a bluray disc and a dvd is not exactly forcing me to upgrade anytime soon. Sure the quality is much better but it's still too expensive considering i can get dvd's at half the cost or less.

*** What exactly are you people disagreeing with? My name or what i wrote? The N4G pu$$y parade is passing through i guess.

user8586215402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

doesn't really matter since sony will still make money off the blu-ray drives, and blu-ray movies :)

p.s after braggin so much that digital distribution is "the future" a doubt microsoft would adopt blu-ray

36T5401d ago

"doesn't really matter since sony will still make money off the blu-ray drives, and blu-ray movies"

You say that like as if you'll be making money off of it. Do you work for Sony or do you just like the taste of their ass?

lloyd_sr15401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

It won't cut into PS3 sales because it's integrated into the PS3 and will always be cheaper.

MS is scared sh*tless at the thought of supporting Blu-Ray. They'll have to pay Sony big fat royalty checks and possibly have a say in pushing Blu-Ray into 30mil homes. perpetuating Blu-Ray and the only console that gets all the Blu-Ray marketing and has it's name all over Blu-Ray retail boxes.... The PS3. "HIGH DEFINITION MOVIE plays on BLU-RAY PLAYERS and on PLAYSTATION 3."

Which is why MS is still stuck on DD.

user8586215401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

@36T wow clearly u daint get fed off their mums breast 2day

p.s daint really no a company can hav an ass :S wow evolutions really fcked up nowadays

Major_Tom5401d ago

Lol murderdoll you're such a tool.

lokiroo4205401d ago

AN integrated player will be cut into by an addon,lmao, back to the coloring books fool.

fuckoffodion5401d ago

LOL, you're so funny. Look on the bright side you prepubescent liar, if the 360 do have a blu-ray add on, you don't have to lie about owning blu-ray movies. Everyone knows you don't own a PS3.

user39158005401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Stupid journalist making comments on crap that they dont have a clue about.

MS has bought 30% share on investment to pioneers new format of 500 GB disk red lasers (shipper than blu g@y) and the main reason why MS will not have a new console until 2011 when the format its available to the main public.

This deal was conducted 2 years ago, and MS platform are introducing 3d and 4D capabilities only capable with a media storage of 300GB and above with a resolution of 1880 X 1600, yeah, you should be able to see blackheads out of your filthy faces in them resolutions. Blu g@y its only for them yahoo's that only see and play with the futuristic vision of a pink vibrating device.

user8586215401d ago

@nlvwithgms (noob)

the former ur on about is a BLU-RAY!! lol daint u no pioneer where 1 of the companies that helped develope the Blu-Ray, but yh ur ryt their developing a 500gb disc compatible with current n future bluray players :D

-MD-5401d ago

@1.8 - That's probably why there's a picture of my name and my ps3 in my profile.

Denial is a powerful thing.

fuckoffodion5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

the same pic you use all the time when you want to prove that you have one. Yea, keep playing that card. It's a wonderful shtick you like to use. Makes me smile. see --------------? :)

pre-teen lying is what you must be riding on until you're an 'adult' right?

Oh I also the multiple accounts you use to bubble yourself up.

-MD-5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

I actually have never bubbled myself up. why would I always be at 6 if I did? Sorry big fella but your theory is flawed.

And I'll take some new pictures of my setup if you really want them. Heck I'll even sign in and show you the only profile on the PS3 is mine.

You're such a joke "it's his cousins" ROFL I haven't seen my cousins in years. And what's with the pre-teen bull? I'll be 19 in 2 months big fella.

Mo0eY5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

It doesn't really matter what it cuts into. Regardless, M$ will be paying Sony royalties for all those blu-ray attachments.

While I'm here, let me just re-evaluate for those who are undecided this gen:

PS3: $400 with 80 GB(can swap out HDD), wifi, blu-ray, bluetooth, usb ports, HDMI slot
Total: $400
Xbox 360 Elite: $400 with 120GB (pay for proprietary HDD), no wifi, no blu-ray, no bluetooth, usb ports, HDMI slot
Wifi dongle: $78
Blu-ray: probably $150 or so
Xbox live: $50 a year
Total: $678 (with chance of RRoD/e74)

No brainer.

The_Beast5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

dont they have to go through sony?

i got this from diff website

Sony owns the logo, but, like CD and SACD, it was developed with Philips.
Contributing to the development of the format were/are Matsushita, Pioneer, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp and Samsung.
The current Board of Directors is comprised of:

Apple and sony dont get along with microsoft.

Mitsubishi Electric
Sun Microsystems
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney
Warner Bros.

Sony does not "own" Blu-ray.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5401d ago
dirthurts5402d ago

But I don't see this one getting it.

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It's good SLI is dead and buried - and my wallet agrees

Kevin writes: "Multi-GPU gaming was one of those things that seemed like a good idea for as long as it lasted. I mean honestly, the idea of a modular approach to graphics upgrades – be that SLI or CrossFire – was brilliant. I repeat, the idea was brilliant."

darthv7214h ago

Im old school... when i hear the term SLI, I immediately think of 3dfx. I still have a pair of 12mb Monster V2's in an old rig. I never tried out the more modern take on SLI or Crossfire for that matter.

Vits13h ago

I mean, it was mostly for bragging rights. It was a very temperamental tech that improved with newer iterations, for sure. But folks like myself, who have used it, probably recall that troubleshooting was an integral part of the experience and the value that you got out of the setup was really low.

However, none of that mattered because it looked sick as hell on a well-built PC.

Wretchedstain1h ago

I remember doing my research at the time 😂 I got 2 GTX 460's, as they in SLI were meant to be better than the 480 at the time. Not all games were optimised at the time, which meant some games meant setting them up for 1 card alone. Never forget the time I came home from night shift, turned on my computer like normal, went and made a cuppa, come back and it was still off. Tried to turn on again, and one of the 460's caught fire... good times.

shaenoide1h ago

Why ? For the price of two SLI cards you only get one RqtX card now...


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B14h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7211h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii13h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast10h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.


Our favorite midrange CPU for gaming has over $200 off and it has never been cheaper

If you're after a powerful midrange processor for your gaming rig, this AMD Ryzen CPU could be your best bet now that it's 35% off.