
GamesRadar: Ninja Gaiden II Review

It's unflinchingly hard, unapologetically cheap and just when you think you're getting good with the combos, a multi-boss sequence demoralizes you in that way that you've come to expect from the series. There's a fine line between challenging difficulty and blood-boiling frustration. Depending on who you are, Ninja Gaiden 2 will either respect that line or slice it up into tiny pieces and force feed it to you with bits of broken glass.

So those who aren't down with the difficulty level are going to want to play a game that utilizes the Xbox 360's potential with a balanced difficulty level that compliments the solid gameplay - and thereby restore self esteem - leaving Itagaki's insatiable bloodlust to the hardcore crowd that loves it so.

You'll love:
- Gory, slice and dice combat
- Easy-access sub-menu
- Punishing difficulty makes victory that much sweeter

You'll hate:
- Horrible camera that gets stuck behind things
- Lousy level graphics that don't jibe with the pretty-looking gore
- Punishing difficulty makes victory nigh-impossible

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Ri0tSquad5839d ago

But I'm still buying this. Big fan of the series.

Rikitatsu5839d ago

He was Dissing DMC yesterday , Now look LOOOOOOL his game got 7/10

Itagaki FAILS

Kamiya FTW

sonarus5839d ago

Haha Cue the fanboy randomness.

I have no doubt NG2 will be better than DMC4. DMC4 is honestly one of the worst games i have played this gen. The combat is super boring and the unnecessary load times feel too last gen. DMC4 is a perfect example of how graphics aren't the only thing that make a game next gen. The game would have been 10 times better without so much loading.

After reading the review, its appears games radar is only b1tchin over the difficulty

mikeslemonade5839d ago

"Lousy level graphics that don't jibe with the pretty-looking gore"

Another mediocre looking game on 360.

xboxftw5839d ago

"Another mediocre looking game on 360. "

DOnt say 360 isnt competiting with ps3 in all areas. They are trying to cover the mediocre range as well.

gaffyh5839d ago

sonarus - you obviously don't know what a good game is if you honestly believe that NG is better than DMC. When we all know that Ninja Gaiden is pretty much a Devil May Cry clone, with a mediocre story, more repetitive gameplay and slightly worse graphics.

Also your point of load times making DMC4 last gen is ridiculous, every game needs to load, where do you live? In the future where games never need to load??? Even Ninja Gaiden has slow load times, it's just not mission based.

juuken5839d ago

I love how Itagaki made this game sound like a godsend.

It still looks pretty good for me but I've officially made up my mind.

Not getting a 360 for this game.

dan-boy5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

as if you would get a 360 anyway...lol. after reading some of the comments you make on here about it?!

i wont be gettig NG2. i don't like devil may cry(over hyped trash!), run/jump/hack/slash repeat over and over, and NG2 is exactly the same...except they have made it hard to frustration levels, and i dont want to destroy one of my controllers because they've made the game too hard to compenste for the lack of everything else.

mikeslemonade: surely you're not under the illusion that every game on the ps3 is AAA??? for a system with a limited library, it's had a fairly high ratio of flops already..lair, and the much touted, now swept under-the-carpet haze spring immediately to mind. and just look at the 12 fanboys who've agreed with you! lololololol you've just got to love n4g.com, and the saddos that dwell on here.

juuken5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

dan-boy, if the 360 wasn't a piece of crap hardware, I would have gotten that first. I chose the PS3 for reliability so um...loool? The 360 does have a really good library and I was considering that when I made a choice for a next-gen console. But I also saw that the PS3 has free online service and it wouldn't break on me in a month, so I went with it.

This game tempted me to get a 360 but I officially made up my mind. I'll wait and see if a PS3 version comes. If it doesn't, then God of War III for me.

And the reason why I'm so against the 360 is because of the fact that 1. It's coming from a company that runs its stupid mouth 24/7, 2. It's unreliable, and 3. Paying for Live is an utter ripoff.

So to say I wasn't considering a 360 would be stupid. I did say in my profile that I would have supported MS as well if they weren't a bunch of douchebags.

dan-boy5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

just read your rant there...i believe you lol. i could almost feel the anger flowing through the monitor lol. you say all that but then pretend that you were "going to get one" lol

Amanosenpai5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Agree with sonarus... Im not a DMC hater, actually ima fan of the series and thats why i can easily say: DMC4 SUKED...

NG (a nes franchise) is not a copy of DMC... for real. Anyway, if you compare DMC"4" (DMC 1, 3 are true masterpieces) with NG... ill give my vote to NG on the next gen terrain.

Rock Bottom5839d ago

This review is retarded.

"Punishing difficulty makes victory nigh-impossible" !
Most people now days can't take a challenge, what good is game if you can through it from start to finish without dieing?

NJ is one of the few action games that offers a real challenge now days, and that alone is a good enough reason for me to own it. >_>

yesah5839d ago

i dont know if its the "lolololololol" or the lol after every three words. But your comment make you seem like a serious douche

LJWooly5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

The camera... I hope it's really not that bad. I'd hate for it to ruin such a fast-paced game.To be honest, they should have had the camera nailed, it's pretty damn important in a third-person action game.

Seriously, though, I'd still buy it. I really liked the first one. Didn't love it, but I liked it. At the very, very least, it'll be worth a rent.

Btw, dan-boy, I agree whole-heartedly with yesah. You only need to put "lol" once. We pretty much get the picture, that you're laughing out loud, after reading it the first time. Why you felt the need to finish every sentence with it, is completely beyond me.

Scrooge5839d ago

I'm anxious to see what gamespot will give this game. I still trust their opinions even though they've been 'X'ed by every Sony gamer.

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Condoleezza Rice5839d ago

And this ^ ,is exactly what I was afraid of.

Looks like it will be a rental for me.

InMyOpinion5839d ago

Sounds like something that should not be acceptable this generation.

boodybandit5839d ago

You would think devs would have figured a way to fix this by now.

Kleptic5839d ago

yeah wasn't it marginally fixed for Sigma? (over NG and NGB)...once I inverted the horizontal motion for Sigma, I never found too many issues with it...

one of the reviews pointed out that Ryu just moves so fast anyway, that there really isn't a way to make the camera perfect...but its annoying some reviewers more than others...

as it stands now though, this is averaging lower than Sigma...while I didn't enjoy DMC4 either...Itagaki is simply a douche...

5839d ago Replies(3)
5839d ago Replies(4)
End Of war 25839d ago

well not to mention this si not a great western game and is getting quite nice reviews on th epar of msot ps3 games that they claim are aaa UNCHARTED GOT MILLIONS OF 8/10 AND 7/10 HAZE NO COMMENT,unt3 6/10 7/10,rachet got 7s amnf 8s tbh not many ps3 games get 10/10 or 9/10 its an xbox trend that ps3 fans seem to think inclcudes there exclusive ( only ps3 mulipats get 10/10) this game will scare the same as the old ninja gaiden andwill be a immense game i wil lbuy this day 1

power of Green 5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

We deserve backlash due to us making fun of PS3's supposed AAA's getting 4's, 5's, 6's and 7's.

This won't stop millions of NG2 fans from doing what it takes to play this game. Who actually though a good story could come from JAP devs?. We already knew it would have the busted camera system the action in modern NG titles is beyond what any camera system can handle thus far.

Media has been harsh on PS3 games maybe they feel this will even things out. Most the things this game is getting docked for were expected.

Obviously this is why so many PS3 fanboys are in here surprizingly they're not talking too much Sh8t! maybe because they know NG2 will be popular regardless and the fans and new fans will digggg it regardless of the reviews or it could be that some of their titles were complete flops and below average titles in there genre's and don't have any room to really talk.

AngryXbot5839d ago

The 3 NG games (NG, NG Black and NG Sigma) combined sold like crap. So who is this "millions of NG fans" you are talking about?

They have to resort into releasing NG on the DS to make some money out of it. How sad is that.

As for this topic, another overrated 360 game revealed.

This score is spot on. Ever since I saw the footage and pictures, I realised this game is nothing but a 7.

Thoas5839d ago

LMAOOO you guys are like M$ on damage control for the Zune and you guys are talking out of your asses like Shane Kim has been. NG2 AAA?? I think not HAHAHAHAH at least you have Viva Piñata, Banjo Kazooie Too Human and Gears of war 1.5 left for 08'.

juuken5839d ago

....PoG must be off his meds again. >.>

themyk5839d ago

i'm so glad pog showed that video. it's like i've said all along. the 360 exclusives look just like semi hi def versions of ps2 games. i love how the bots need as much blood as possible in there games just goes to show that they really are mostly 15 to 16 year olds.
graphically that game looked like sh1t.

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 debuted in 2009; ahead of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's launch, it's time to look back at one of Tecmo Koei's best titles.

MIDGETonSTILTS17446d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


The 10 Hardest PlayStation 3 Platinum Trophies

With the release of games now slowing on the PlayStation 3, Twinfinite take a look at the 10 hardest platinum trophies on Sony's older system.

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DarkOcelet3014d ago

I almost got the Lost Planet 2 one, but that get no One in the Leaderboards was effed up.

Many of those trophies are just time consuming, if we are going to talk some seriously hard platinum trophies, put MGS4 in there.

I will never forget the day i got that Big Boss Emblem.

Complete the game in less than 5 hours
Use no continues
Use no health items
Kill no enemies
No alert phases
No special items
Complete the game on The Boss Extreme

One of my proudest trophies :)

skcej3013d ago

yeah the Lost Planet 2 one was pretty ridiculous with the amount of time you had to put in but when I researched the list I found a lot of people saying that the Nom de Guerres were really annoying/ quite tricky to get. I did think about putting MGS 4, maybe it should have got an honorable mention. Impressive trophy to have though dude! :)

kotaku773013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Yeah! specially when you got to play over and over MGS4, when you could be playing, idk, MGS3 or any other game

FallenAngel19843014d ago

I'm only one Trophy away from getting the Platinum in MGS4, but unfortunately it has to be that damn Songs of the Battlefield one that requires me to get all the emblems. It's such an eyesore to be so close only to be set up against such a daunting task

kotaku773013d ago

Mortal Kombat 9
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Lost Planet 2
Far Cry 2
Wipe Out HD
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Persona 4: arena
Raiden IV
NBA 2K16

Knushwood Butt3013d ago

+1 for Raiden IV

What is your best score in Overkill mode (online ranking rules) ?

kotaku773013d ago

I don't know what you're talking about

Knushwood Butt3012d ago

Raiden IV

Shhoting game

High score?


Are AAA Games Too Easy?

"Perhaps extreme difficulties are still here, just presented in different ways. Multiplayer focused shooting games (for the most part), have average (to-below) difficulty within their campaigns. However, jumping online and playing competitively can produce a welcomed contest." KJ of Play Legit Writes

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itsjustexuma3317d ago

From Software thinks differently

bacrec13317d ago (Edited 3317d ago )

Real Talk. Wish more companies would get the memo.

joab7773317d ago (Edited 3317d ago )

So do I. Unfortunately, it doesn't sell so it doesn't get made. At least it doesn't sell 5-10 million like Assassin's Creed, And all the others. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played, and it ruins other games b/c it expects better of you. It wants you to play it for awhile, instead of moving on to the next big thing a week later.

It's goal is to consume you, and not just your time, but your patience and your will, and it promises, unlike other games, to reward you for that time w/ actual satisfaction.

breakpad3317d ago

eeh ?? have you heard bloodborne or Souls games ? ..no if the develeopers dont seek wide casual acceptance (aka all kids must play the game) no ... are not easy

bouzebbal3317d ago (Edited 3317d ago )

i think western games are getting much easier than ever.
japanese are the only ones who dose difficulty. Games like Ninja Gaiden, Souls, Bloodborne raise the level.

johndoe112113317d ago

Why? That makes no bloody sense. Most games have varying levels of difficulty, if you are someone who likes to be constantly punished and frustrated while playing a game simply start off playing the game on it's hardest difficulty. Why the hell should they make all games with only one level of frustrating difficulty, to pander to a select few who have nothing better to do than spend 10 hours trying to pass one level?

This argument makes no sense and since bloodborne released people act like they've forgotten about difficulty settings. People saying all games should be difficult and punishing are selfish and inconsiderate and don't give a damn about anyone else's time or preferences. if gamers want to spend over a month trying to finish every game then they should not complain when only 5 or 6 games get released every year. It's a senseless foolish expectation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3317d ago
rawrock3317d ago

From Soft makes Souls games hard the wrong way. Slow clunky controls and questionable mechanics and design. Anybody can make a game where you die a lot. It takes more talent to make a game with a good difficulty balance and smooth gameplay. I have not played Bloodborne but at least it looks to be step up in gameplay over the Souls games.

3317d ago
freshslicepizza3317d ago

from software became a aaa developer based on expanding its fanbase who often felt neglected to play games where if you die you suffer for it. the first demons souls game was not marketed as a aaa game, it grew from word of mouth and they managed to fill an area that was being ignored.

lots of aaa games are made easy and that makes sense since they want the barriers of people to play them to be as wide as possible. the more accessible the more will play is what they are thinking because aaa games cost a hell of a lot more money to make now than they did 30 years ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3317d ago

The industry doesn't use the word easy but "accessible" so yes games are easy.

joab7773317d ago

It's because they know that you won't be playing long. Only certain games get played over a period of time longer than 2 weeks. They just want your money, and want you to finish it. And they know that if you get the Souls reputation, you are screwed.

700p3317d ago

it depends on the game really.

BitbyDeath3317d ago

Depends on the difficulty setting.

Perjoss3317d ago

I find the souls games a bit too hard personally but I think Bloodborne has perfectly balanced difficulty.

KryptoniteTail3317d ago

Too hard, actually. Well, not "hard" but complicated, with long boring tutorials, and unbalanced sections and they try your patience with collectathons, bulls*** missions and try to make up for it with half hearted multiplayey and/or bitchy trophies.

I prefer more indies these days. AAA can still be the best around but most are boring rehashes and DLC fests.

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