
Donkey Kong Country 4? Rare wants Wii Virtual Console sequel

Rare's answer to a reader asking about a real Donkey Kong sequel on the Wii Virtual Console was:

"As for VC, it's ultimately Nintendo's decision what gets released. Beyond the [three] DKC games we don't have anything in the pipeline at the moment, but that doesn't mean it won't happen in future."

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Omegasyde6091d ago

Not to sound ignorant but doesn't rare just make 360 games because of a deal?

iceice1236091d ago

Viva pinita is coming to the DS, so I could see this.

Daewoodrow6091d ago

Microsoft do have a deal with Rare, but they were unable to secure the rights to a few games, including the DK series. Nintendo still own the rights to DK.

TheSadTruth6091d ago

it isn't just a deal, Microsoft OWNS Rare now, they are a part of Microsoft Game Studios, just like Bungie is

I'm 99% sure of this

SorenK6091d ago

The title of this message is (depressingly) misleading.

Rare's response seems to be an issue of DK fans (of which I am definitely one) wanting a sequel, not Rare.

Spartacus6091d ago

It's not the fans wanting a 2d sequel, it's Nintendo. Rare's saying if Nintendo approached them and said that they wanted Rare to make a DKC4 on the DS/WiiWare, then it's a possibility. So, until Nintendo requests Rare to make it, it's not happening. (Besides, even though Rare is a first party developer to Microsoft, Microsoft said that they're going after a difference audience than Nintendo.)

Personally, I want a new 2d game, but I also want Rare to try a 3d DK game again. DK64 was fun, but there was too much collecting.

djt236090d ago

Rare just want to create games for nintendo not no MS
they want to make some new DK country and new DK 3d game
let them make so i could be happy

ChickeyCantor6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

i don't get it, Nintendo knows what to do with platform games and they could make a kick @ss DK game, Nintendo has the power to make it as good as the first 3 or even better.

If rare makes it its nothing but awesome, but Nintendo could do it too >_> i never liked the n64 title....i still love DKC2 it was the best from the series....to bad there hasn't been made one in a long time.

O and rare is owned by MS it wouldn't hurt them to make a DS game, there is no competition when it comes down to handhelds.

vidoardes6090d ago

Thsi is total BS. That comment was made in response to someone asking about Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark appearing on the VC and Rare are owned by Microsoft. I doubt the would allow a game to be exclusivly devloped for a competitor and I can't see DK working on any other console. This is a very, very badly edited article.


Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows908d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic7d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos11d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto11d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8811d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies11d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Nintendo Switch Online April 2024 SNES Lineup Offers Cutesy Chaos

Nintendo has announced the SNES and Super Famicom games gracing the Nintendo Switch Online library this month, and there are some gems to enjoy.

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OtterX23d ago

Strange headline, as I thought the star of the show was Super RType. I almost bought RType Dimensions EX this last month and was just thinking, man I wish we had the SNES one somewhere on Switch. That's where I got my start w the series and I was beyond excited to see it drop this week!