
CRank: 5Score: 7560

ye no shitt serious about gaming,for whos normal to spend literally 1500dollars or more just to play 1 game, and keep on playing the games with best looking graphics,but games arent about graphic.

4067d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

the only shitty problem is I bought ng3 and it sucks,and I bought at full price at launch,and now if I want the stuff that ng3re have I need to pay the same amount which means I need to pay double for 1 game,and thats just not gonna happe,I hope team ninja goes bankrupt and burns in hell for this,even with razors edge the game still sucks.

4074d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can spot ms fanboy miles away.
only reason 360 has sold so much is a few reasons.

1 is that 360 has rrod has like 50% chance or so,I dont know,but when it breaks down it seems everyone is just buying a new 360,so its because of the rrod of the high sales.

2 is that its shooting console mostly,I dont play shooting games,I play car games,h&s,fighting games and some rpg's.so for me the ps3 is console to play,besides I have owned my ps3 for 3yea...

4076d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

ffs,ive been waiting on CVLOS2 since beginning of 2013,first ive read its in march,then i read its in late 2013,god dammit,I want a release date now from the dev's.

4081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I must say Gow:a was the first gow game that actually challenged me,and I spent like 2hours on the challenge of arhimedes which has patched,I felt really good when i completed it tho,so kinda stupid they patched it,but it would be impossible almost on hardest difficulty.

the combat in gow isnt that tight,I used to just spam a few combos in gow without even looking and such and gow1-3 is just to easy.
if I want challenge on h&s games I play other games that can cha...

4081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you dumb?
using ng+ if you have completly maxxed out your stats,that means you can kill every fiend in 1 hit and that is no fun.
in a final fantasy game grinding is a major thing to do,and if you dont like that you shouldnt play ff,.
SE wont add ng+,its only remaster in hd.

no ff game I have played except for ff13 and 13-2 have ng+.

4082d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

cant say I really care wheter team ninja goes under or not,but they do deserve to have serious problems for themselves.

NGS1 was a really good game,NGs2 was watered down in some ways,but ng3 just takes the shittcake and the game deserves to be burned in hell for all eternity,ng3 sucks,the end.

4083d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

ohh no,santa monica are gonna bring qte in the last guardian,im sure of it.

4091d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

my god your a moron,getting an average of 9/10 is not weak,just because a site gives gow:a really bad or really good score doesnt mean its good or bad.

for me,the gow series isnt good,its mediocre,and for players that have played every hack n slash game out there agrees,1 thing I really about gow is qte,puzzles,platforming,but ill buy it when I have finished 2 other games.

4094d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you do realize that zeus is greek right?
odin is Norse myth god and egyptian is no where near greeks,these are gods in different cultures,you cant just take all the known gods and think thats a great idee for new gow,man your thick.

4100d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

gow isnt in the platforming genre,portal is in the platforming genre,just because it has platforming doesnt its in that genre,I totally agree they should lay of platforming in gow,I friggin hate it,I wanna fight nonstop in hack n slash games,not doing stupid QTE or platforming or puzzlesolving,all H&s games got some platforming,but not as much as in gow and I hate that,thats one of the reason why I dont like gow that much.

4101d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

first off gow is not the best h&s game ever.
gow does have a good story,but I cant really care if a hack n slash game has good or bad story,I dont play h&s for story,I play these games for the gameplay.
NOW,I got 41 hack n slash games I know what games are good and bad.

I have no idee what you mean by set pieces.
as a h&s gamer I could care less for the character,but in DMC Dante has alot of funny 1 liners and bayonetta which doesnt take he...

4102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well,its because in DmC you can chain combos together and be atleast a little creative,but on gow its buttonmashing deluxe and the combat is piss easy on gow.

I also died more times in DmC in gow:a,in fact I didnt die in the demo at all,thats how easy gow is on default,people want challenge in H&S games,even tho DmC is way more easy then any DMC games.
atleast DmC has more challenge then gow and thats actually saying something.

4102d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

im not a shooter guy anymore,but back in the day I played MOH alot,I even got the MOH box with all games on it on my pc.its 1 of the best shooters I have played,except the part in MOH frontier I think where you need to mortar to hit the tankses from the house on the field.

MOH is just done for now.

4105d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the gameplay looks really nice,nice graphics to on the cars,and I like that it says ps3 and x360.

4108d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

finally,a person that thinks the same thing as me.kudos for you to say gow is crap.the story isnt that important in hack n slash as long as the gameplay is great,and gow doesnt have that,its an mediocre game and I can prolly beat the game with my eyes closed.

4110d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

my god that is like the worst trailer of a console ive seen,96% crapp trailers of other games,only the racing games is intresting to me.

4112d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

if vs gets released in ps4 era,im boycotting ps4,im not buying that crappy system for vs 13 when I have waiting since the dawn of the beginning of vs13,if so screw SE.ill just hope that some devs will still develope games for the ps3 even after the launch of ps4.

the ps4 is to much bullshitt for me to buy,since I can play all the FF games I want on my ps3 and the library of PS games on ps3,but ofcourse I might change perspective after a while at launch of ps4 when I see how t...

4113d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

the problem with this reviwer is that he is a hardcore MGS fan that expects it to rely on stealth,MGR isnt stealth,its a hack n slash game,and you cant really expect a ninja to be stealthy,he uses the sword like a man and like the samurai's,he lives by the sword and dies by the sword.

and the reviwer cant really compare a stealth game vs a hack n slash game.

and because he says that the slide move is OP that doesnt mean he has to use it,if people using ea...

4113d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I kinda agree gow:a is decent game,I dont play games for the graphics or how easy the game makes you look by dealing a 2hit death like in gow does,the gameplay is boring and way to easy and depth in it,but DMC has the best depth I belive,atleast for DMC4,if you see some of the pros in DMC4 style tournement you know that gow doesnt have anything on dmc.

4116d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment