
CRank: 5Score: 6680

But that's just life. As a PS3 owner and Fan, I like the PS3 alot and like it better than the 360 but both have their problems. I'm sure the same thing will happen to the PS3 as well. My friend has a 360 which freezes up , and my PS3 froze once but I've had it for 3 days. It just goes to show that both have their problems. I know some1 who bought 3 gamecubes before buying one that actually worked. Its just a bad batch. It's certainly not Microsoft's fault, its the manufacturing process, thing...

6309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the graphics are better than the trailor then it "COULD" possibly be a Halo 3 killer. Now I am a Halo fan but this game is more appealing to me than Halo 3 at this point. And if the graphics and gameplay are the same or even better than the trailor then this could be the Revolution that the PS3 needs. The AI is realistic, the graphics are almost perfect, the environment is beautiful, and the whole thing is just amazing.

6314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fact: They were sitting on the shelves because after christmas people are paying off their credit cards and debts. To be perfectly honest I did see PS3's stacked at walmart and I live in the south. But now they are out of Ps3's, it seems the hype has risen again or somethin. I plan on getting one very soon because I'm a FPS fan and I like games like COD, GRAW, RFOM, KZ2(Which I look forward too), and I am also into RPGs like Oblivion and I plan on seeing just how better it is on the PS3. I've...

6314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have played the 360, but I have not played the PS3. I have also played the Wii and the graphics are no where as near as good as the 360 but yet I had a better time playing the Wii. That right there proves that graphics are not everything. But TheMART, I will have to disagree with you dude. In the photos you have shown here there is barely any differences in the pictures. Xbox360= Darker, PS3= Lighter. That is all. You prove no Valid point at all. And you claim that FNR3 looks better with 36...

6327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You click this and it gets your hopes up and then when you figure out its not true your hopes shatter.

6367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry, wasnt meant for any PS fans. Only them xbots =D

6367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you gotta be stupid not to like this beauty. And to whoever called the Xbox 10x better, Pffftttt the Xbox360 is a freakin brick. The PS3 is a masterpiece and is SO SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! White is just so awesome, my friends call it the Racist PS3 lol

6368d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"oh no Sony just acheived something, lets post negative comments right away so ppl dont believe it!" it's like you've been told what to say.

6374d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Someone always keeps informing us that Sony has failed at 3 different formats, hmmm I feel an old saying coming on , what was it now "If at first you dont succeed, try try again.". After all Abraham Lincoln lost about 2 times before he finally became president. Just because of their past does not by any means reflect upon the future. If you look on Walmart you'll see that Blu-Ray has alot more movies than HD-DVD. It's supported by more ppl as well. I've been a Blu-Ray supporter sinc...

6374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just remembered something too, this might interest you Xbots. Some Xbot told me once, Microsoft are ladies men, and Sony are nerds who have no life. http://lazerbrody.typepad.c... <--- ladies man huh?

6375d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What have you been takin kid? PS3 just released a month ago. If I recall correctly when the 360 released it was crap until about 5 months later then it started selling more. not to mention PS has a larger fanbase and atleast half of them will get a PS3 and that's atleast 60 Million there. And you say PS3 under delievers, ROFL dont get me started on Xbox.

6375d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The playstation 3 is by no means a dissapointment. Why dont you try playing it instead of saying that you've played it. I know how that goes cause I use to bash the 360 ALOT and then I played it and I thought it was decent. PS3 does live up to the hype, and by no means is it a failure. It's crap like this that makes PS3 fans hate the 360 alot more. And ppl like you are the cause of it. And the format war has just begun buddy, it will be years b4 there is a true winner. Blu-Ray can support Vid...

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is still thriving buddy, its profits are really good right now and have increased. The PSP may be getting beat but it hasnt lost sales. Toshiba is not winning the Format war lol, it will be years b4 we know the true winner. Not to mention one of the things that made the DVD format win was that it was capable of playing Video games as is Blu-Ray , need I say more about that? Samsung may be selling more Tv's but Sony's Tv's are still Selling. And about Sony pictures, you are obviously naiv...

6375d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's one reason why I have to get a PS3 first. Now dont get me wrong, I'll get all three of the systems. But Microsoft seems to be selling everything seperate instead of in one big Cache. They should have used bluetooth like Sony.

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now I like all three of the new gen systems. I am by no means a fanboy but personally I dont see whats wrong with the PS3. It's got different approaches then what Xbox has. Instead of an ATI card it chose Nvidia which currently has the best graphics cards I might add. They all chose IBM but Sony picked the Cell processor , sure it may be harder to program than the 3 core but its got more potential and can handle alot more. Now theres the issue with the RAM, in reality the PS3 does have 512 MB...

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously now. If you like Gears of War then fine , It looks like a really great game and I intend to get it when I get my 360. But that dont give ya'll the right to diss any PS3 games. Now I like all 3 of the systems and intend to get all 3 regardless of what ppl say. Blah blah blah "this game sucks" blah blah blah, more like pish posh. So you Sony fanboys who diss Gears of Wars probally have not even played the game. Experiment for yourself b4 you judge something, same goes for th...

6378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but are you by any chance an Xbox fanboy? Because you really shouldnt be laughing, because the 360 had about the same amount of launch titles. And look at how much they grew. Fanboyism is totally retarded, Play the games not the brands.

6386d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA games is a really good brand. I love most of their games, regardless on which system they have their games for. I supported 007: Agent under fire, Night fire, and the MOH series. Not to mention EA Sports

6386d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

This game looks promising. Who cares what system its for anyways. Xbox had better graphics than PS2 and just look at which one won. Play the games not the brands.

6386d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There really is no "winner" yet. It is actually very hard to tell which will win. But wht is not opinionated is that whoever is for Xbox will generally support HD-DVD and whoever is for PS3 will generally support Blu-Ray. Which makes these comments completely biased. Now, I do know that Blu-Ray has not lost lol, after all they have Disney, Intel, Dell and more big brands with them. It would be VERY hard for them to lose. And HD-DVD has some big brands backing them up. In about a yea...

6387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment