
CRank: 5Score: 2860

I seriously can't wait for this game!

3372d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

So by the way, Killer Instinct is working great! looking forward to Kan-ra more than I am the eventual fix for Halo:MCC...

3475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seriously can't wait to pick this up. I miss playing Halo online, and I always wished Halo 4 would pick up, but nobody really played. This game looks amazing, and it'll be great to be able to play all of my favorite moments of the franchise. It may only be about master chief, and not have reach or ODST, but I'll take it!

3491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I say solid, I don't mean game of the year, or one of the top games of its genre solid. I quite literally mean its just solid, it'll work, it looks to play well, but I don't mean to take it to that next step in saying that it will score high. If I really wanted to look deeper into the title I'm sure there may or may not be things that we can find to be rather poor in creativity. But it does simply look to be "solid" nothing more.

3509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks like a solid top down shooter. An I don't think this is a game in which you're supposed to "feel good", and there are games out there that make you question yourself and the moral decisions that you make. There are games out there that the ending isn't about a happy one, for example Depression Quest.

The developers CLEARLY know what they've created, and its not really so bad when compared to games that put the lives of civilians in dan...

3512d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Persona and Rogue Legacy both are a necessary part of this complete and nutritional breakfast!

3533d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think Destiny really deserves a score right now. As it is an MMO its going to take time to grow. Plus there is plenty of story in the game if you actually take the time to look for it in the game. Theres a lot of reading between the lines and hypothesizing the story, but there are a lot of suspicious things going on in the game that they purposely don't let on to.

For instance The Speaker is the ONLY person that remembers the golden age clearly from the way h...

3539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remasters need to stop, there are necessary remasters. The Halo remaster being one to catch up the story from the previous generation, kind of like a recap, plus its been a decade since we've played Halo 2. But Last of Us is only a year old, and it already has a remaster!? WHY!? It wasn't necessary, and much too soon. Tomb Raider didn't really need it either. I suppose time should play a factor in whether or not a remaster is necessary. In the sense of Halo 2, its been a decade an...

3555d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I enjoy the early access experience, without it I would've avoided Destiny. It's a good peek into what you're getting into. I think that early access players should also get some form of a trial access of the final product, that way my previous assumptions of the said "bad experience" could be wiped clean with this fresh finished experience. Early access with titanfall left me wanting more, but the final product was identical to the beta (at launch) which left me a bit s...

3595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fully prepared to waste all of my money toward Nintendo. That an that No Man's Sky!

3632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was glad to be pleasantly surprised with this Alpha. It also gave me hope for Destiny. I had thought that it was going to be yet another over hyped endeavor, but there was much promise from what I got to play thus far. Vehicles in PvP weren't bad at all, shoot the guy riding it he dropped the vehicle. Shotguns at least the starting one was pretty weak, I didn't upgrade it or get a different one, but my semi-auto rifle was pretty powerful.

3633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watchdogs, 5, didn't do anything new, hacking was a gimmick one button function, all the hacks were essentially the same. Push button to cause accident or push button to explode things. Drive run shoot, gruff brooding dude for no reason, where does aiden stand morally anyways? Aiden is like that kid who got bullied a lot by his sister's jock boyfriend for being a nerd, an thusly decided that no one was good enough for his sister except him.

3648d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

First I'm shocked to be saying this... But it's extremely refreshing to see nazis as the enemy again. Secondly, I'm very pleased to see this game did so well. I was very skeptical at first, didn't think it would hold up, it was a generic shooter after all, but good to see it did things to make itself stand out!

3654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My brother said the same thing. I was hyped like crazy so I didn't listen... Should've listened.

3662d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I felt it was just lacking in content, and very much a repeat of what we're already used to. Certainly over hyped, not worth the $60 either.

3663d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment