CRank: 5Score: 4630

Was this article written before MS started giving away free 512MB memory card's and selling HDD's for $20?

I just had a buddy buy a 360 and he bought the arcade SKU and got an HDD for 28 buck's used. He is now enjoying everything the 360 has to offer.

The authors point's seem to be feeble and I've really lost some respect for IGN today after reading this smear piece. While I agree the Arcade isn't for everyone it is targeted at an audience like the Wii (which a...

5704d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Yes what is wrong with these people? Can't they track this guy down from the stream? I should forward the link onto Bethesda and see what they say.

It's bad enough these loser's have to steal the game but then the people who are actually buying it have to dodge all these spoilers and jerks ruining the story.

5711d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

How can it be delayed when MS has never announced a release date beyond saying FALL or the HOLIDAY SEASON?


5716d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe because there is no new information given in this article and the screenshots have already been out? I'm not sure they've been released in this high quality but I've seen them all before.

5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you going on about? There is no mention of Resistance 2 in this article at all and no comment above you has mentioned R2.

Just because a 360 gamer is excited and wants to declare that they think it will be the best game of the year is not an automatic knock on the PS3. Believe it or not people have different opinions and they are free to speak them.

I've seen plenty of gushing over Resistance 2 and if you want to declare it as the best game of the year...

5720d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good job MS, you need all the good news you can get from Japan.

To those reporting this story and saying flamebait. If the hottest story on N4G right now, which is pure flamebait, can be approved then this article on sales should be as well.

To those reporting the story as OLD the article date is: September 26, 08

I don't want to accuse anyo...

5724d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahaha I thought I saw a PSN ID in there. That is not good!

Anyway, GOOD LAWD that game looks freaking awesome! What little bit we got to see.

5724d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait a minute. Is this Ferrari Challenge? If so, then it's already been released on Wii, PS2 and PS3 and got poor reviews.

I remember them making the same claims that it looked better than the GT series and it was completely false.

If it is you might want to edit your comment before you end up owning yourself.

Metacritic- Playstation 3: Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli (2008) 71

If this is a different game then ignore everything I ...

5724d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Don't feel bad for me. I've got more games now and upcoming than I can afford to play. Not to mention superior online service and the Live Arcade.

5725d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

So this jackass gets reduced to one bubble and then he just goes and makes another account?

What a complete loser. Well if the mods/admins can't do anything about it I am going to make you my first ignore.

5725d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

My first response was "meh" and I thought about how Bungie are not risk takers when it comes to their development. Halo is their comfy warm blanket and I don't think they will ever get out from under it, even after their break from MS to be more "independent".

I don't hate the Halo universe(love the books, loved the first game) but for the flagship title of the 360 Halo 3 just isn't the showcase piece you expect it to be.

I'm sure the Halo na...

5725d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nah, it won't make it out of approval the watchdogs won't let it.

I can already see it's being reported as a duplicate against the CVG review this is based on even though it's a seperate article.

Doesn't matter anyway both games are excellent and unless you are sitting side by side with both versions you aren't going to notice.

EDIT: Told you! SDF activated!

5725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So all the hype and the countdown and it was nothing more than a Halo expansion pack? Is this the same "big" announcement that MS omitted from E3 and everyone threw a fit about?

I'm sure the Halo hardcore will love it but I am rather disappointed. I was so unimpressed with Halo 3 both graphics and story wise so I was hoping Bungie would actually take a risk this time with something bigger to announce.

Oh well, I am glad it's a campaign add-on though i...

5725d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a pleasant surprise to come to the site today and see you have been jacked of all your bubbles. Justice is served and you have officially flopped!

I really hope you are telling the truth about the "leaves" part.

5725d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where is Professional Troll at? Now this is how you troll! Learn from the troll master Blademask PT, learn from him.

5726d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

If these people are trying to convince me to purchase a PS3 or that the PS3 is better it is doing the exact opposite.

It is funny and sorry and pityful all at the same time. lolz

5726d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nice job!

I know N4G has a sister site called VGReleases that can also be a good resource.

I will be bookmarking your site as well.

5726d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Should a professional troll look so desperate? You would think subtle trolls would be more effective, right now you just seem desperate and more annoying than professional.

You bear a weird resemblance to many other "fake" accounts on this site. I am on to you.

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Link wars!!! Anyway, Xbox campaigns in the past have been very successful.

Their Jump In campaign one Best of Show at the ADDY Awards which is basically the Academy Awards for TV commercials. This is like getting a Best Picture award which is no small feat when you think about how many more commercials there are than movies.

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"By Sony Ads are smarter and people generally have good things to say about them. "

Wow, are you serious? Sony has been heavily critized for their commercials. How about the one with the girl sitting on the crapper? Wow, marketing brilliance. Sony PR even got themselves in trouble with one of their brilliant, lets slaughter a goat publicity stunt. Anyone remember that?
