Child of the Fence


CRank: 5Score: 13570

Honestly, I'd stray away from CS:GO for Xbox 360 at the moment:

I partied up with one of my friends, and sat there while Matchmaking searched for 10 minutes. Attempting to try again, I canceled Matchmaking back to the Party Menu, and couldn't hear the other person talking while in the party menu after starting the search. My friend hosted, and the same thing happened; voice comms break to the point where we had to leave the Matchmaking Party and start another just so ...

4305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"According to Ubisoft, the next DLC, titled “Raven Strike” will offer an experience more comparable to the classic Ghost Recon gameplay."

I actually lol-ed a little at that one. Classic Ghost Recon gameplay disappeared when they started making every GR game a third-person shooter. Unless they're talking about "GRAW classic", in which case I'd say that GR:FS in its entirety doesn't compare to either GRAW or GRAW2...

Ubisoft has ...

4306d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm on my fourth Xbox 360 and my second PS3.

1st: Release day model. GPU failure in under a year, no warranty purchased. MS wanted $130 to "repair," so I just bought a new one.
2nd: Error E74/RRoD after a year and a half. Sent to MS for repair, free of charge.
3rd: MS refurb, lasted until Feb. 2011. DVD drive failure, still booted and functioned, but took multiple ejects to recognize discs. Gave it away.
4th: Bought 360 Slim ...

4332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Finally! Though, it's probably just one map. >_<

4340d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

*Sigh* So many fond memories of BC2. :'-)

I see a lot of people comparing BC2 and BF3 and saying which one is better. Honestly, I miss the simplicity of BC2's matchmaking, as well as the map designs (Arica Harbor, anyone?). BC2 just WORKED, despite having a few bad maps (yeah, the jungle ones). You formed a squad, hit "Quickmatch," and you all joined the same squad and team and starting kicking ass. BF3 doesn't do that feature too well sometimes (althoug...

4340d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A-Fuckin-Men. Couldn't have said it better myself.

4342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been on Xbox Live since it launched in 2002, and things have definitely declined in terms of the community.

I remember when EVERYONE used to wear their mic, and there was STILL more comradery than trash talk back then.

Now, trolling is pretty rampant, but that's the entire internet nowadays. There's so much of it, it can't be controlled effectively, if it all. People have grown dumber and more ignorant. Can't say much else about that....

4342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a huge fan of Battlefield 3, but I've got to admit that EA/DICE really fudged on this one.

I miss the days of BF:BC2, or even vanilla BF3, where all you did was form a squad, pick a mode, and hit the "Quickmatch" button. You would be put into the game you wanted with the default rules and all of your buddies in your squad (in regards to BF:BC2...BF3 definitely missed THAT one). Those days are long gone.

Now, you have to scour the pages o...

4353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked the SP in the last MoH, but the MP was a little messy. Not to say it wasn't fun, just not quite as polished as it should have been. A good game overall, though.

I'm looking forward to Warfighter. The latest Frostbite engine looks great, as usual!

4363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even Double Agent had stealth roots from the original and was better than SC:C, IMHO. Silly child, don't try to lie to us. If you had even seen SC:DA you'd know what kind of stealth game Splinter Cell used to be. Kid, it's quite apparent all you've touched is Conviction. You play one title out of all of them, and then say the whole series sucks? Spoken like a true CoD fanboy.

Splinter Cell fails at being a stealth game? LMFAO, do you even know what Chaos Theor...

4369d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There wasn't a single sentence in this post that I didn't find myself laughing hysterically at. Seriously, thanks for a great laugh. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard! Bravo!

P.S.: I REALLY hope you're trolling. Hahahaha
P.P.S.: You probably aren't. LMFAOOOOO

4370d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even more of a reason to burn the Battlefield 3 HUD into my 51" Plasma 3DTV. >_<

4374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multiplatform games really shouldn't be nominated there as console-specific. It doesn't make any sense...

"Best Multiplatform Game" would be a smarter choice. C'mon, IGN, use some common sense.

Anyways, Watch Dogs looked fucking AMAZING. Can't wait to play that one!

4382d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No shit, man! What ever happened to playing a game you like on the console you want and not giving a damn what anyone else thinks?

Sales statistic this, Metacritic score that, exclusive title yada yada blah blah.

It doesn't matter to anyone else what corporation's logo your controller has on it, and it especially doesn't matter to us gamers how much money that corporation's CEO has banked. As long as you can play your video games and be happy ...

4383d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does any gamer care to argue about this?

Let's argue over which company took the most money from us, and is, therefore, the best. Makes sense. >_<

Console sales don't matter to us right now. After all, every console is doing well enough for us to play any one of them, right?

Quit with the fanboy pissing contest and go pick up your controller already. There are games to be played.

4383d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've already logged 240 hours in BF3 multiplayer +B2K, and now THIS is coming out?

Yup, sold. Looks like I'll be playing BF3 well into 2013.

4385d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Did anyone else find the video attached to this article rather unfunny? -__-

4385d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Amen to Freedom Fighters. That game was awesome.

4387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's hope they don't nerf the entire multiplayer with that crappy "no online pass level 5 cap" bullshit.

I beat the SP in under a day, moved on to MP, and played enough to realize that it wasn't worth the time or money to invest in an online pass. Sent back to GameFly after 24 hours. FAIL.

Thanks for giving them the inspiration, EA. Not to mention the game was a huge letdown, anyway. If your game sucks, you probably shouldn't includ...

4387d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GRFS is definitely not a bad game. I've enjoyed most of what it has to offer since I started playing on release day.

However, it DOES need a number of issues patched. Without some quick and heavy support from Ubisoft, I fear GRFS might suffer a pretty short lifespan...

4392d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment