CRank: 5Score: 85750

Author will buy his Xbox with the money he got from Microsoft for trying to spin that disaster for them.

1404d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The main complaint I had with God of War and Horizon was that they lasted 10-15hrs longer than they should of. 20-25hrs is the max I want to see outside of a game like Skyrim which isn't about finishing, but about exploring.

1434d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
1436d ago Show

Sega don't bother, these people take a checklist to movies and if it doesn't hit all their pandering checks they hate it, but if it hits those checks it will get glowing reviews even if it is terrible (just look at that terrible ghostbusters movie as an example).

1441d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment
1443d ago Show

90% of the games I have bought in the last 5 years have been made by either Sony or Nintendo themselves, refuse to support EA, ACTIVISION, Bethesda, or Ubisoft. Terrible companies that make terrible games.

1446d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Sonys 12 or so exclusive games shown really shows that you should "just play PC"

1446d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"You harbor prejudice against artificial life-forms?"
"Only against life-forms that think they're better than everyone else."
"I am better than everyone else."
"Oh, and so modest."
"It was not intended as a boast, merely a statement of fact"

1449d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe if they didn't delay some cities wouldn't of seen the amount of destruction by these idiots out in the streets.
About time for something POSITIVE in 2020. Feels like this is all a cosmic experiment to see what happens if people only get terrible things.
Hopefully this will be the first of many good things to come (cure cancer already) to get people remembering what happiness is.

1451d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't play online, people are annoying. So I am looking at these games as single player experiences, COD holds up Battlefront doesn't.

1453d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What ever happened to their console? Madbox? Someone needs to top Stadia for dumbest console.

1453d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of the 2 games free I thought it would be Star Wars that I enjoyed. It is terrible, but COD is great. I got to say that the WW2 campaign is the best story I've ever seen in a shooter game. Simple but strong. Good characters and even a twist to the story. Felt like playing a Hollywood movie.
Meanwhile SW Battlefront was god awful. The AI was non existent, far off enemies would do that Russian dance behind cover glitching all over the place. I played the first few missions (stoppe...

1454d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

That is nothing, look at the horror stories in Hollywood where they trick writers, directors, and actors to sign on for a piece of the profit... Hollywood doesn't ever make a profit, by design. The guy who was in Darth vaders suit never got royalties, and so many instances of people never seeing a dime for their movies, recently even Kevin Smith stated he didn't get paid for clerks and instead Weinstein funneled the profits into getting a yacht for a completely unrelated movie.

1455d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

might as well just cancel it. somewhere in the world something awful happens every single day. 150,000 people die daily. If you need to delay every day waiting for that perfect sunny day, you are going to miss every opportunity that comes your way.

1456d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Probably didn't care for the management but wanted the talent. You look at so many disaster stories in the history of gaming, it usually boils down to mismanagement. So what were they supposed to do? wait till they closed up shop and grab them up then? The only difference I see between this and telltale is timing.

1456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for 10-20$ I'd buy one as a christmas gift. Nephews would get a kick out of them and their hands are tiny so all works out well

1457d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Democrats are the leaders of all the worst places in this country, as well as the leaders of where this all started, but for some reason they get a pass and Trump off in DC is to blame.
At some point people need to start realizing if your city has been led by Democrats for the past decade and you haven't seen improvement, maybe it's time to switch sides.
Democrats have completely lost their minds in the past 5 years. It has been fun seeing all the memes (who can fo...

1457d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Calm down dude.
First, statistically more white people are killed by cops than black.
Second, this instance doesn't seem to be racially motivated, they were coworkers and both seem to be terrible people, so likely not their first altercation.
Third, remember the messages of Martin Luther King
forth, racism needs to be defeated with peace, not hate, all hate does is divide everyone further. Show racists the err of their ways by elevating yourself, not d...

1458d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Terrorists fill the streets, not protestors. Those there "peacefully" are complicit in the actions of those not. The first day is acceptable but day after day it turns into riots. By choosing to still attend you are willfully endorsing every action by the worst in your group. What's the term you love to use to the police "systemic"... yeah it is systemic anarchy.

1458d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

It. Is. A. Joke

1458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment