
CRank: 12Score: 59810

It's discussed in the article why that approach didn't work. The ideas of morality and death seemed to be really off putting.

4142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know it's probably not a popular opinion, but I couldn't play the original Resident Evil games because I felt like the scariest thing was the camera angles, not the monsters. While I'm still not a fan, RE6 is at least playable to a newcomer like me even if I don't really think of it as scary.

4239d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Nintendo has already presented the different controllers as options. Obviously, no amount of motion control in the game pad is going to have the same kind of feeling and ease of use as the wii remote,for pointing, sword swinging etc. By allowing Wii remotes, developers dont have to give up their wii remote based ideas, but now can also do it with HD graphics.

The classic and pro controllers were also introduced so that developers and gamers dont have ...

4271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Smash Bros. Brawl had achievements, Monster Hunter Tri had achievements, Final Fantasy the Crystal Bearers had achievements, and Kid Icarus Uprising for 3DS had achievements.

Brawl and Ki Icarus were old school and those achievements gave you stuff in game, so its not like no Nintendo games ever had them. I'm also sure there are than just those.

4277d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Personally, I think it kinda dumb to assign a numerical score to a game when it's all based on opinion anyways. Rarely does a reviewer actually demonstrate any kind of inner knowledge that would warrant a school-like grading system (partially because I don't think they have any but also because potential game buyers wouldn't be interested in that stuff).

I don't see what is wrong with a "buy it, rent it, trash it" kind of system.

4286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not terribly far into the game, but I don't really see any of the complaints this article has and some of it sounds like a rehash of the Destructoid review (not saying anything about this article, just pointing out they are similar).

I wish the author would cite examples, instead of just hoping we'd take his word on it, because the controls are pretty fine for me so far, the presentation for everything except the menus is actually really nice (I particularly ...

4294d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

They have that already.

4303d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No it was bad enough to be great. I love that movie.

4303d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hated this game. After seeing two playthroughs with radically difference choices, I was very surprised to see that basically nothing changed. The story was fun but some plotholes prevent it from being great and instead make it silly and kinda stupid. The twist would've been okay if wasn't handled in such a stupid manner and I just don't think the game is an innovative as people think it is. Sure it took interactive fiction to the mainstream, but point and click adventures have exi...

4315d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Men and women game at about a 50% split. Women just aren't the kinds of people buying sports games and shooter games.

The real problem is that the game industry is still made up of mostly men.

You can read this and get a lot of information:

4329d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

The only problem with KH2, and the whole series really, is that a lot of the walking around is just for cutscenes and it gets really grating after a while. The narrative and combat is superb though.

4331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Portal is a good game, but I fail to see how the story telling was experimental. It was very similiar in terms of tone and pacing, albeit with more humor, to Half-Life 2.

4334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So I love how this article ignores the fact that because this gen is so graphic intense, that it is more a technical issue than a social one. Most offline multiplayer are single screen because it has become to difficult to render both screens, let alone 3 or 4, at the same time. At least without taking a huge graphical hit. Look at Conduit 2 or Uncharted 3 to see how worse the graphics are in split screen compared to single player.

4337d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I counter this article with this one


4354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Mr. Mike

I know where you're coming from, but considering that, relavitvely, we only just heard about what Retro is doing and the fact that Miyamoto has stated that if Star Fox 64 3D didnt sell well then there would be no new Star Fox, means that even if it did sell well enough to continue the series, they wouldn't have anything to show by now.

I personally was okay with Nintendo Land, because its like Wii Sports and Wii sports resort, a package of...

4380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm kind of right there with you. More importantly, why I would I buy the same game twice?

4398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of the things I didnt like about the game was the number of meaningless choices. I remember one such choice where you have to evade some pursuers, you can choose left or right...except choosing left still makes you go right.

I have a lot of problems with Heavy Rain, but it was still fun. I just disagree with a lot of the design choices Cage made and the story isnt the masterpiece that some people would lead you to believe (particuarly the reveal).

4407d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with Brawl because I play seriously with the items on. It's much more skill based than people realize because in addition to know each character's strengths and weaknesses, you also need to be able to react to the items. Sure, some like the Dragoon are kinda hard to deal with (I personally have it off), but a majority of the items don't break the game, if anything, they fix it. I know I'll gets tons of disagrees, but in the competitive circles I play...

4459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jaffa didn't say they can't, he said they're the worst. What goes on in a cutscene is not game design, it's animation. Those who make video games need to understand that in order to craft responses similar to film, you have to take control out of the lands of the player. Games like Skyrim are all about player authorship and thus its story is about the experience and part of the gameplay. That is what Jaffe agrees with.

4466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The video was cool, but seriously, the reason this video had a lot of emotion in it was because it was a short film. It's a movie, that's what movies do. I think Kara would be a great game if it seemed to naturally lend itself to some kind of gameplay, but from what I saw, it doesn't. They should make it like animated film or something, definitely give animation some more mature credentials.

4467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment