Watching and Waiting...


CRank: 5Score: 63070

Keep in mind that when they do this other companies are going to follow suit because that's how they operate, "How can we do that, but do it our way?"
No one wants this and it doesn't benefit the consumer one bit, if we let them get away with that with no backlash they pretty much know they can get away with anything.

11h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*sigh* You know what's really pathetic?
Let's be completely real here; and this isn't deliberately targeted at just Stellar Blade, but the state of gaming censorship in general.
This is bullshit. In the 90's the ESRB was created because of Mortal Kombat and that was to restrict kids to having access to certain "things" which even to this day I understand and I get, but this new censorship the industry has become so obsessed with is aimed at adults. ...

14d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I gave up super early on this one the game aesthetically isn't very pleasing to the eyes, everything looks too clean and environments look like they are too deliberately designed to be shooting arena's or galleries instead of locations with personality. Gameplay wise there game is responsive and the gunplay is nice the movement seems fluid, but hit detection is a big issue, i'm actually surprised a lot of people haven't spoken on this, but it is incredibly bad in some situatio...

16d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember spending the night over my friends house and having all night sessions playing X-Men Legends with them, we would play all through the AM until the afternoon and parents came to pick me up. Really good games. "Hey can you have company?" was just code for let me spend the night.

23d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are you comparing Gamepass with PS Plus?
The problem with AAA Games has become in most cases the Quality, which is a issue brought about by the Publishers wanting sky high profit numbers while delivering lackluster products. The entry fee for games nowadays is damn near 100 bucks and we're just not getting the respect and the polish we deserve for our money.

26d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.

30d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just going to be honest here and say what people seem to not want to, XDefiant success is going to be short-lived and it's because it's a game that's going to be under Ubisoft's umbrella. The development team can be absolute rockstars, but with Ubisoft steering the ship it's not going to go anywhere.

40d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to be honest, I bought Wo Long because Nioh 2 was so good and thought it would be as good as said game. I ended up fairly disappointed in the end, Nioh 2 was much better. Perhaps if they make a sequel they will knock it out of the park though as this was somewhat the story with Nioh 1's progression into 2.

57d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played the Demo not expecting much, but was pulled into it rather quickly and found myself enjoying it far more than I thought I would also the voice acting is amazing. Definitely going to pick this up.

77d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hearing something like this surpasses Call of Duty gives me a bit of hope for the future of gaming. Now every other company is going to try and imitate Helldivers success instead of always making just another BR or Half Baked Soulslike.

82d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the time when they used to say "Playstation has no games" I guess reality had to come crashing down on them at some point.

82d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. Microsoft has been trying to make their problems everyone else's this entire generation and then some. Nintendo and Sony need to stay far away from Microsoft's bad decision making and just continue on expanding on the things that have made them both successful.

85d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would Phil say this? It's almost as if because they made the decision to start putting their games out as Multiplat's everyone else is supposed to follow suit.
I don't blame Sony if they double down on the Sony+PC market, because Microsoft was the ones who decided to buy Activision and Bethesda and the only people it's help in the long run is MS, so why would the others start looking out for your platform when you haven't been looking out for the best interest...

86d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good she can look like her, but the new Lara needs some actual personality to go along with the look otherwise she's just playing dress up. People always criticize how she looked in the Survivor reboot, but to be honest she was boring as a protagonist. It was fine for the first Survivor game as we're getting to know her and she's discovering herself, but afterwards she's supposedly engaging in all these things, but doesn't grow or develop at all.
I mean S...

86d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would be smart for them to do this with all their live service multiplayer games moving forward, it broadens the playerscape and creates buzz on more than just a single front. I play on PS5 and PC and made the decision to pick this up on Steam simply because I have the luxury of being able to use my laptop and play while I'm at my job.
Single player story driven games are Sony's bread and butter when it comes to exclusives and why some prefer the Playstation Console it mov...

94d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought claiming a story consisted of bad writing was an action a person was supposed to take after they'd experiencing the story in question, not before.

96d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how people want to paint the narrative so bad that this game is dumpster fire that they try to treat the obvious as if it's rocket science. The reality is people who purchased it and played it enjoy it more than they thought they would and some people who didn't refunded it, it's possible most who refunded it didn't let the game open up before they made their choice, that's their right it's their money.
Someone playing this game saying it's not that...

97d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't believe this is getting high reviews. It's a 3 or a 4. It's so not a Silent Hill game imo. I tried it for 3 hours and attempted to stick to it and give it the benefit of the doubt, but I got to the part after the chase after the school locker puzzle (the big reveal) and was caught *sigh* by the trauma monster and decided to stop.
I have so much I could say about this idea that this was somehow the Format for the Silent Hill experience to me that seems to be the pr...

98d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a good game not a perfect one not a great one it's a 6 out of 10 with the possibility of becoming better with post launch content and the absence of modern journo score. I saw an article state that this game learned nothing from Avengers. That's wrong, they didn't play the game long enough to make that assessment, it's better than Avengers in several areas.

I did Alpha testing for the game and 2 hours isn't enough time to really even complete th...

101d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

They are cherry picking perhaps, but at the same time I can't blame them either. There have been a few decent games that have been drove into the dirt because reviewers started to treat writing the worse review for said game like a competition.
It's understandable that they would much prefer people actually get their hands on a copy of the game first and give it a fair shot before it unfairly gets flailed around in the clinches of the GaaS and Agenda stricken narrative that s...

104d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment