
CRank: 5Score: 8420

I know you guys may have not heard of it but go to youtube.com. It was released in the arcades, SNES, and N64. This game was the bomb. The graphics were revolutionary and set the stage for the things we see today. When you watch the video just remember that these graphics are 13-14 years old. But the way you could string together 20, 30, 40+ combos was awesome. Some people pulled off 80 hit combos. Damn this game was good!!!!

here's a link. But check out the other videos on yout...

5589d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you wouldn't think that the game sold nearly 10 million copies on one system. Bungie nailed that gameplay with a decent story line. Bungie got a lot of fan feedback in creating the game. The gave the people what they wanted. In terms of gameplay I have never heard anyone say anything negative but rather it is always Halo is over rated or that the graphics suck. 10 million copies people-they gave the fans what they wanted.

5593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn is home still around. No ever says anything about it anymore. So much for the Xbox Live Killer. I thought that Home was going to change the world!!! LOL I tried it a few times and it really sucks.

5595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can't be reasonable with these idiot fanboys (especially the SDF) on here. They are ignorant and stupid. Damn why do I even visit this site????

5595d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now GOW3 is the savior. How many saviors do you guys need. While you all keep hyping up graphics and physics a little title by the name of Left For Dead with piss poor graphics, terrible physics, no AA, no 50 million dollar budget, damn near online only,no 3-4 development time, no hype at all will probably outsell anything that the Ps3 will drop this year. Honestly I don't think that you guys get it. GOW is a hack and slash and the graphics are not all that great. It is like we are seeing two...

5596d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How come the SDF hasn't been bragging on the greatness of Home. Man I haven't anything about home in several weeks. You guys were ready to have heart attacks talking about how home was going to change the world. Just like I figured "home ain't sh*t" it sucks so now no one wants to talk about it after what 3 months. Now the flavor of the month is Killzone 2. This is going to be the thing that changes everything. When it comes out and doesn't sell well you will then throw your hopes o...

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but it is a complete lag fest when you play online. I hope that they work on that.

5602d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How come whenever someone doesn't agree with you something must be wrong with them. I mean everyone is entitled to their own opnion. I personally don't see what is so great about Killzone 2 and have played the demo multiple times. It is a good game but u guys are getting overboard. You need to check yourselves and respect other peoples opinions. I am starting to feel the you guys are trying to convince yourself that Killzone 2 is the best thing since sliced bread because you are disappointed...

5603d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Who would be suprised. You all know that there will be another Metroid game just like there will be another MArio game, another Mario Kart, another Smash Brothers, another Yoshi game, another Mario tennis, another DOnkey Kong, another Diddy Kong, another Star Fox game, another....................... ............................... ..............................

5604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a Ps3 owner and this demo under delivers in every aspect. You guys are so eager for a Halo killer that you are putting this game on a pedestal where it doesn't belong. The controls are clunky and honestly this game does not blow anything out of the water. Gears 2 looks better than Killzone 2. I know you want to beat on your chests and come up with phrases such as I have been killzoned but either you guys are too much of fanboys to see that this game isn't that great or you are stupid. Re...

5604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here come the racists!!!! Here come the racists!!!!!!!!!!!

5608d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

it sure as hell has sold alot of copies with each one selling more than that last. The multiplayer aspect of Halo 3 is legendary. To this day you will not find alot of used copies around for Halo 2 or 3. That says alot people.

5610d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ANother flamebait article another appearance by the Sony Defense Force. Uncharted this KZ2 that. For the 100th time developers are in this business to make money lots of money. Imean with the economy in the shape that it is don't be suprised to see more games going the 360 route. The Ps3 is just too much of an gamble. You guys know that MGS would have sold at least 1 million the first week on the 360. It just make better sense financially to go 360. The Ps3 is the superior system in technical...

5619d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think people see what they want to see. I am telling you a large percentage of Ps3 owners bought it as a Blu-Ray player not a gaming console. I mean no one can explain why R2, Lbp, Socom, and Motorstorm 2 didn't sale that well when each of those games are pretty good games. They had a large enough install base for those games to sell big but they didn't. It just doesn't make any sense and Sony needs to figure it out. I truly see Killzone 2 heading the same way unfortunately.

5648d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

This entire site is becoming nothing more than a place to stir up fanboys of both systems. I mean the Ps3 doesn't need to be saved nor does the 360. They are both doing just find. McDonald's is the top fast food franchise by far but that doesn't mean that Wendy's and Subway can't be successful in their own right. There can be more that one successful company.

5656d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean either it is coming out or it isn't. All of these clues and hints are pissing me off. The crap has been going on for years. They are either bringing the game or they aren't!

5660d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean to get all the games that I want I would damn near have to spend 500.00 dollars.

5661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean over three years in development and an unlimited budget it should be great. I will buy the game no doubt, but I just don't see the great big leap in graphics that you guys claim to see. Honestly it doesn't look much better than COD4. I will get flamed I am sure but I just don't see the big deal about the graphics and physics that stand out. I hope that they nail the gameplay and mulitiplayer because that is what FPS are pretty much judged by.

5668d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

2007 er 2008 er 2009 will be the year of the Ps3!!! We got Killzone 2 coming out and it is going to be better than Halo 3. It is going to sell 4 million on day one. We got God Of War 3. Just you wait you'll see you'll see!!! --- Anonymous SDF Fanboy


5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 is the safer bet right now. It has the combination of games and a very good price point. I think that MS knows their userbase and are making inroads to connect with casual gamers as well. I have both systems and the Ps3 is a technical masterpiece but they made a decision to include things that would make the costs high for the system. Say what you want to about MS but they designed the 360 with price cuts in mind. As far as games go no one can say that the Ps3 exclusives suck. LBP, R2...

5672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment