
CRank: 5Score: 58440

they had BETTER ship this in 2008 or much ownage with be dished not only on ps3 sales and adoption rate, but on sonyfanboys as a whole whom call this the 2nd comming of jesus in a game, and the 90% of ps2 users haven't instantly purchased an ps3.

5942d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

cookie cutter carbon copies that dont match ingame what is shown in the CGI, and with way way to much cgi.

5942d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment
5942d ago

a very...sony sided opinion at that....the gap will be closed in your opinion and by opinion only its not fact by the numbers and recent news those 2008 big releases will be delayed again...

and simply put its true...this is why Okami sold so badly because the studio has very bad buisness sense...you make profit and sales where you make them which is one reason for the past 20 years japan has been in an economic repression, and most gamers are turning to portable gaming systems...

5942d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

if they release a 5th sku then its....we'll bad for them.

If they dont and discontinue the 80 gig...then its bad for them.

Both are bad scenarios one being that the hype they put around BC and then discontinueing all models capable of ps2 BC, and the scenario of releaseing an new sku when they put so much apathy towards a multiple sku scenario when they first started out....

5942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A lil late i would say casuals make up a good 70% of the market if not more, all thes on all the systems we're this way.

Ps1 and ps2 snes and genesis we're not massive sellers because of hardcores they we're massive sellers because of casuals.

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmmm if true too bad SE couldn't have played nice i would have liked geno.

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome i all ways love darks firmware.

5942d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol agreed which is why its so fun....what people dont know or wont believe is i dont care either way lol i own all the systems but when i get bored i come here to fight.

fighting online might be like being in the special olympics but its fun as hell!

5942d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment
5942d ago

learn how to read sonydit

That lil sales thing you posted? it says Since launch...april 2006!

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets see what was the common attitude among certain groups upon ps3s launch....Total domination of sales with atleast the total obliteration in sales scores of all competitors...hmmmm

What was the common attitude of all games released on this said system when compared to other systems in terms of scores, and sales?

What was the common thread with the online service?

here is the games via gamerankings.com

but we must all so remember sony says they've sold 10.4 or so million and the systems been out since april 2006...

april 2006....and 10.4million in sales...since la...

5942d ago 6 agree41 disagreeView commentSpam

i want this game badly.

5942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but damn man a lil too much time on ones hands?

5942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

look japanese? and you'll look like a final fantasy character? because thats all im geting is shes japanese and shes had her hair color changed....give me better character designs instead of the same old yes this is a japanese game yes we do only cater to japanese gamers which is evident by the fact our japanese consumers get all the goodies in games, and all our characters are based upon and in japanese culture and looks.

5942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

is empty...and broken on the floor with less then 10 m sales in a lil over a year and what 3 months under its belt, with no games that surpassed the hype they got.

4 or so million sellers that took 3-4 months to sell a million on an system with 9 or so million users, a online service with 3 million users or so and 9 million systems sold?

lol thats dreamcast/saturn sad.

5942d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


and thats weird...i think sony would be up in arms with we've sold 10m!

yet they haven't had a press release...
and that page says since april 2006....lol lol

5942d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It got off 2 generations of having 100m+ console sales and within its first year it couldn't even break the 10m barrier and nearly all of its most wanted games have been delayed and all the games before that we're scored low and sold low, it has a total of what 4 1 million sellers all of which took how long to sell that many? 3-5 months?

5942d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

That the 360 controler has to be turned on to charge....i just put my 360 controller in via its recharge kit then turned it off:) and it remained off...
and he all so complains about the noisey fan and how it stays on if he turns off his system while it recharges....


Oh and i just turned off my 360 and the controller is still cha...

5942d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment