CRank: 5Score: 17630

Why would you think that? If a console is what you want then fine, but I don't understand how people such as yourself and Bobafret make comments on how you're sick of upgrading on the pc... so you spend more money to upgrade a console instead. I can't max out games with a 970 so I will spend more money to max out games on a console instead of just getting a 1070 for $380.

"I can't afford a high end pc, but I sure can afford to spend more money on a co...

2896d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment


Or someone with a gaming pc can just buy a rx 480(which is likely the card scorpio is based from) and get similar performance for $300 to $400 less.

2897d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

As long as there's no stopping power and aim assist, I'm all for it.

2957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Console gamers really need to stop with the 1080p/60fps buzzwords like it means something. You can run most anything on current gen at those numbers if the the settings are low enough. Doesn't mean it's an impressive thing. This gen has been hilarious hearing all the Sony fanboys bragging that there console plays a game on low settings better than xbox one or how Nintendo fanboys throw out 1080p buzzword like their system isn't weaker than the already weak ps4 and xbone.

2957d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Much of the appeal of souls games is that they aren't scrub friendly like most games. Take away that aspect and they aren't nearly as popular. If you like the game you'll work to get good at it. Every franchise doesn't need to be ruined to accommodate people with short attention spans.

2964d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't that exactly what's going on on this article? It's funny how Sony fanboys on this site jump at the chance to rag on the xbox one because of performance differences but switch and say "It's all about gameplay" when pc is mentioned. Hypocrites...

2976d ago 16 agree17 disagreeView comment

I'll use the time I'm waiting for molders to unlock the framerate to play through the previous games or play something else. Will not be playing any pc game under 60 fps.

2993d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll likely be a twilight princess situation. Wii u and nx simultaneous launches.

2995d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And yet devs make tons of money on pc without drm. Go figure.

3007d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

People won't want to hear this but I couldn't care less about Nintendo getting non exclusive third party support. I've had every major Nintendo system since the n64 and I know how this works. I buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo games. Everything else is gravy. I'm building a pc with my tax return for third party games and exclusives like UT4. I'm getting a ps4 in the fall for Sony exclusives.

People expecting something different than what has happened t...

3008d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


He didn't dismiss your argument, he destroyed it. You obviously are a person who needs something to be angry about, why waste it on a video game you don't even play?

3010d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

No. Samus never would go down like a sack of potatoes from a kick to the face. She's too busy killing 20 foot dragons...

3010d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

* Colt 45. Works every time. *

3012d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how these magical $2,500 builds come out of nowhere when people try to justify not getting a pc. You can build a pc with a 980ti for less than $1,400 right now that will max out everything you throw at it. You can get a build with an r9 390 for less than $900 that would max out most every game at 1080p.

The barrier of entry is a higher than a comparable console but stop with the bs.

3013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing on console is the equivalent of playing on lower settings. I don't understand that last statement of yours. Just lower your settings like consoles do...

3013d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It was sick. You really feared for your life when you came across a space pirate. It felt good killing them when I got the powersuit.

3013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guilty Gear Xrd and Skullgirls.

3028d ago 20 agree10 disagreeView comment

It's because Microsoft still thinks that releasing almost every decent exclusive they have in a 3 month period is the way to go. Where Sony has a theirs spread out so sales are more consistent and and the games don't cannibalize each other. See latest tomb raider game for example.

3030d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why do you have difficulty pushing left? Do you just not know how to hold it properly?

3030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your name is Buck right? And you came to....

3035d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment