feel determined


CRank: 18Score: 131135

This game deserved much better. I enjoy it a lot. The story was good, the acting was good, the gameplay was good
It didn't meet the public for odd reason. It had really advanced animation and facial expression. The game is still looking good and compare to some games of 2009, it's doing well. The main default of the engine is the shadows.

Being a launch game and be a new IP didn't help the game. It sold less than Uncharted Drake which did sell really slow after the PS3 was ...

5182d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't see the point for Microsoft to sale an arcade version anymore.
Why not to sale one sku with hard drive for a decent price?

5189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes but the problem with Microsoft, they don't spend money on this kind of title. They rather try to get exclusive or time exclusive game or DLC. They try to get PS3 exclusive on their console.

Can you imagine Microsoft right now giving a AAA budget for an Indy game? Heavy Rain is the most expensive indy game of history. Quantic Dream is an independent french company. Can you imagine Microsoft to spend big money to make a game like Ico or Shadow of Colossus?

Right no...

5192d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Go Kevin! Go!

5193d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's look like a damage control, because he spoke to quickly.

He's always talking of the Northern America where the xbox 360 leading the PS3 and where it's outsell by the Wii.

But a console, to succeed, needs to have a worldwide success.

Right now the Wii is leading and the second position is not secure for the xbox 360. The PS3 is outselling the xbox 360 worldwide and that's a fact.

5195d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

According to Aaron "360 has nearly twice PS3's worldwide installed base"


Wii= xbox 360+PS3 (76 Million according Nintendo. February 25, 2010)
xbox 360 is more and less Wii/2 (39 million according to Microsoft. end of january 2010)
xbox 360 can't have nearly twice PS3's worldwide installed base.
PS3=33.5 million according to Sony February 4, 2010

xbox 360 is leading at least from 6 to 10 million units. It's far from ...

5196d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes indeed. xbox 360 is outselling PS3, but just in Northern America.

Worldwide not anymore! That's a fact!

5196d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's so true ivant.

Mag is a tremendous approach of the battlefield tactic and teamplay. I love this game. I love the massive aspect of the battlefield, the different class. Everybody is useful for their actions. The game have a strong online experience. 256 players, no lags.

BC2 has a fantastic dynamic action game.

The next step is to combine both. It will bring a real dimension to the warfare.

We are really lucky on this console generat...

5209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like this game!

5209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft when they launch the xbox 360 said, it was there for 5 years, and they were thinking 5 years was a good life time for a console.

I always though it was a mistake especially if the dev need at least to release more than 2 or 3 games to earn enough money after a big investment. The Only thing I didn't think about, some games could sell more than 10 million copies in 3 months. That's totaly new for the industry.

5210d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Release the 26 and number one in the chart ending the 27, that's a great news for Heavy Rain.

The FPS, the Wii Game or the football games were trusting the number in UK. That's a real victory on my opinion for this game.

5210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

killzone 2 by Guerilla Games sorry

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's impressive to see the studio working on the PS3 can make game with impressive graphic. They are doing good game amazingly on the first game.

Heavenly Sword : 1st game on PS3 for Ninja Theory. Graphics are very good.
Uncharted Drake Fortune : 1st game on PS3 for Naughty Dog. Graphics are very good.
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction : 2nd game for Insomniac on PS3. Graphics are good.
MGS4 : 1st game on PS3 for Konami. Graphics are very good. <...

5213d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is fraking awsome.

That's a Huge step in the videogame industry.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it does everything for the pleasure of the gamers.

No installation.
No Loading screen.
No or Few CG cut scene.

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does it slimmer and it does the OS slimmer too.


5215d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm know one guy who is going to gain a lot of bubbles.

So true.

5217d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's a decent and honest review.

I think the conclusion said everything about this game:

"Zipper managed to deliver a good project with MAG and many critics will have to close their mouth. The game has an interesting hierarchic model with a deep skill system and lots of adjustable options. It gives you the feeling of taking part in a big war where your participation does have consequences to the bigger whole. Graphically the game is a bit less impressive but wh...

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well deserved awards for this company. They provided us 2 really good games.

If people have played uncharted 2 and haven't played uncharted 1, they should get the first opus. They will see, this game is still much more superior than a lot a recent games.

5219d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I saw of the Reach, it's much better than Halo 3.

But what I saw was quiet empty (3 or 4 characters max on screen) and the action was not epic and it was not running in 720p (1152x720). I saw much better animation, but I haven't seen transition in the animation to see how realistic it can be.

The only certitude I had, I much better than halo 3, but I'm sceptical it's going to be as good as killzone 2.

I'm waiting to see more.

5221d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment