
CRank: 5Score: 36850

Enough so that sony decided to copy it 😁

688d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don't think sony will support BC. How will they be able to get people to rebuy games again for full price.

877d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ zeroBlue2

What's stopping people from buy the game from gamepass at a discount? You can still own the game without paying the 70 dollars

1333d ago 4 agree30 disagreeView comment

@ theregothatmanQ

The game ran smooth for a open world game running at 60fps. You want to talk about bad AI look at the part where the enemy just sits there. You fanboys be capping for games just because they are sony exclusives exclusive. Everyone is saying the same thing. Godfall look like trash and not interesting.

1394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Ghostbob

No it didn't. Please stop. Godfall looked like trash. Only issue with Halo everyone complains about was the look. Not that it played bad. Because it didn't. Stop lying

1395d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

@ yomfweee.

It's a timed exclusive. Its not like I said the game sucks. But it funny how people get so offended cause I called it out. But it's ok to call it out when its other platforms. Ok why would I buy a ps5 version when I can get a better frames and graphics on pc. Does that sound better

1525d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's not exclusive. That's the point

1525d ago 9 agree22 disagreeView comment

So this game is timed exclusive to the ps5 and ps4. But will be coming to other platforms later.

1525d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

@ jin_sakai

Then why post a comment to him if you and playstation fans don't care what he has to say then?. He has a right to post about his opinion. If you don't and others don't care to hear it. Don't comment. Simple

1535d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

@ ElementX

It's more than just extra Fps. You also have 13 Tflops hardware Ray-trasing, VRR, VRS, mesh shading, ect. Not just 12 Tflops as everyone wants to act like Series X has over the ps5.

I'm not saying the ps5 is a bad console. I'm sure it will be a great console. With a great SSD. But journalists need to stop pretending like the 12 Tflops over 9.2 Tflops. Is all the series x has going for it over the ps5 and some how the SSD just trumps...

1535d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ King. It's not 15% difference between the xbox series X and ps5. Try 28 % just in Tflops. Let alone better Ray Tracing, beter bandwidth, better CPU, and VRS since sony spoke of none of those beside SSD. He tried to fool everyone with 10.2 Tflops. But that's boost mode which isn't sustain and will barely ever be used to hide that the system is actually 9.2 Tflops as the github leak suggests.

Sony and their fans are trying to spin it like it's no big deal....

1536d ago 11 agree20 disagreeView comment

He need to get dragon quest and the final fantasy 7 remake after the time exclusivity is over. But yeah phil is the man

1590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if it's TRUE. Then no need to buy a ps5.

1593d ago 24 agree11 disagreeView comment


You are wasting your time on sonyfanboy that need something to fuel their hate for anything MS. They have this obsessive need for MS to be the bad guy and will find anything to complain about.

If MS wants to support their older consoles. Then its MS holding gaming back. If they cut it off. Then its MS abandoning their fanbase. Stop trying to rationalize with sonyfanboys. It's like you're trying to educate a wall. You will get n...

1604d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ ricegum.

But it's not better than gamepass. Not even close. Hell if stadia get its shit together they would be far better than psnow

1604d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Death stranding was definitely a disappointment.

1610d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm hype for the series X. That's the console I'm getting on day one. All my friends and family are also getting it. Plus I bring all my game over is a nice bonus.

I may get a ps5 sometime down the line. But definitely a series X

1620d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Gamingunited

How many games are BC from ps3 that you can play on ps4? Not one game. You trying to downplay BC on xbox seems really silly. Weather it's a whitelist or whatever. You can still play those games if you own them that's been approve rather than being forced to rebuy them or purchase a subscription on psnow.

1621d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment


1623d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Psnow isnt the better service. Honest you should have to pay for plus for backwards compatibility games. You shouldn't have to lay a service just to play those games PERIOD.

Now. Sony isn't going to win this war. They may have games. But they are old games. They aren't making deals with third party publishers to put their games on PSnow as xcloud or stadia. They aren't willing to put newer games on the service only 2 - 3 year old games tha...

1625d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment