
CRank: 5Score: 4770

Motive for everything :)

4869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Urmomlol - you are clearly not a member of TSA then, they have a great staff of writers with honest reviews you can trust. They have a great community spirit that is hard to find on other sites and it is nice to see such a community has been created, regularly having online matches together, discussion etc.

It is hard to find sites nowadays that you can honestly trust, TSA is one of them.

4885d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

TSA is a great site, don't hate

4886d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

'microsoft and innovative dont belong in the same sentance'

This is true, you guys who disagree clearly do not work in the computer industry. Microsoft is known for its lack of innovation. They will buy a product (dont even get me started on their OS) and rebrand it as their own, then launch a marketing campaign to fool the general public.

Microsoft and innovative should NEVER be in the same sentance

4904d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

im pretty sure you can pick up a vcr for about £5 :)

Take the baby monitor with you? I kid I kid

4941d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

These people are crazy, its a game, its meant to be humorous, some context people!!!!

4944d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am glad to see they are putting the device to a good use.

A lot of my mates are big xbox fans and they will defend Kinect till the end, as many people will, but the fact it, these people claim to be 'hardcore' gamers. which is fair enough, but at the end of the day, however good a dance game may be, it is still exactly that...........a dance game.

It's surprising how so many of these 'hardcore' gamers have suddenly become such great fans...

4944d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

good old crash bandicoot back in the days

4948d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

im sorry but your reaction here just shows you have little knowledge of the wider computer industry. The fact is, Microsoft IS in decline, they lack innovation and that is their problem. It is true what others are saying, Microsoft have not used a browser on a console, because you have a pc for that, and that is 'their pc essentially.

Like I have said before, Microsoft can only rebrand existing technologies as there own for so long, it is looking as though people are star...

4967d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Innovation is the key point, and so many of the worlds big companies are starting to fall behind in this, it will be the innovators that are the big companies of tomorrow, no one will support Microsoft if they cannot bring anything innovative to the table

4967d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said, Microsoft always turn up late and then go mad on advertising to make their product look like some form of innovation.

I attended a cloud computing conference the other day, someone from microsoft, no joke, pretty much said they invented the idea and were the first and only option.

I work for a very large computer firm, and Microsoft are the joke of the industry.

4967d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

We still do not know. The standard response from sony about anything is 'we do not comment on speculation or rumour'. That does not confirm it is fake at all, they are not going to say, yes its real.

Seriously guys, this article has no information in it whatsoever, that is a standard response.

4968d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

are known in every industry they work in for being like this. I attended a cloud computing conference today and they were shouting around and marketing cloud as if they invented the thing, and the problem is, customers believe it.

We had eyetoy quite a while ago, but microsoft will go to town with the marketing for Kinect and people will buy it.

You can imagine the strapline in all these big campaigns 'xbox live free', 'sign up for free', and...

4974d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is the most likely choice, it has recently been released and is currently the/one of the top chips available, running IBM's highest range of servers, the Power 795's. At the moment it would be too expensive but considering development time for the system it could be possible in a few years.

4977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All current games consoles use IBM power chips, this is likely to remain. If sony is looking to spend some big bucks on getting to the top, they will look towards the newly released Power7 chip, the mother of all chips. This thing is insanely fast, it was tested with an IBM DB2 database and the throughput was 2 million transactions per second in a retail scenario, if they could use this chip in a gaming sense it would eat the cell.

4977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are ridiculous when it comes to marketing, they will market anything and everything as a revolution even though most of the time they have stolen the idea from somewhere else.

Ohh Windows 7 can do sooo much, that you should have been able to do before and could on mac and linux

The zune, absolute genius!

The kin, its a revolution

Microsoft office, every year

Xbox kinect, the definition of marketing at ...

4986d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The new IBM power7 chips have been realised lately and they have 8 physical cores and 4 threads running per core, so essentially 32 virtual cores. If sony manage to utilise that, we are on to a winner!!!

5076d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

blu ray was invested in heavily so the format will not be discarded already, it offers the ultimate high definition experiance, and some of the new discs offer 250gb.

In terms of any advancements in the chipset, currently IBM are producing the Power7 chips, which offer 8 physical cores, and 4 threads per core, so a system that offers 32 threads all at once!! The only question is, could sony use such a powerful chip and sell it reasonably

5086d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

there where numerous spelling errors and writing was like that of a 3rd grade child. For one, innovation and new full body control, saying sony stole the wii idea and microsoft is new, eyetoy anyone? And saying sony stole the name motion camera, vaio laptops are made by sony you douschebag! stealing your own products???? LOL!

Don't even start about the whole 4 player support issue that this guy clearly hasn't researched

5164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But they are all still COMPLETELY different

5201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment