CRank: 5Score: 6170

that and FolkLore/FolksSoul.

is Everybodys Golf 5 out there yet?

6178d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 might come to the 360. maybe.
but that does not for one second mean its over for Sony.
It won`t be good, but its not the end.

personally, i think alot is riding on how "good" halo3 actually looks.
cause KZ is all speculation at this point, but the BETA for halo3 "graphically" wasn`t anything groundbreaking.
Imagine this IF KZ does somewhat match the trailer and adds a SOLID SOLID online functionality and Halo3 shows up lookin...

6178d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The first sign of the PS3 selling better and it has to be dooms day for the xbox 360..... ok... buddy... "

when ever the 360 numbers get posted all the 360ers come out and say that PS3s DOOMED.

don`t give it if ya can`t take it.

6178d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Betrayal! to their current installbase! And to think that Sony fanboys trusted Sony when they said buy our console now and we show you the games later. Well... good for those of us that didnt rush and buy it... now we can pay 100 less for it"

wow. i don`t feel that way.
I know why i paid for, what i payed for.
and i`m happy that more people will exp. ps3, you make that sound like a bad thing they dropped the price to attract more people.


6178d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

"not fair as the flying vehicles aint ready yet in halo 3.
plus halo3 has a single and co-op game included"

This is true. but.........
their comparing the BETAs. So, your point is?



If you believe that, i feel sorry for you.

6178d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

nice job WARHAWK.
I was planning on getting this anyway.

@whoever edit:

oK, i wasn`t planning on getting this game?

6178d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

w/ All the games for sure coming before Xmas and e3 comin up. where they could announce a big game or two that are almost completed(theirs always surprises)that will be out inbetween Xmas and FF13/GT5, and their fine.
w/ this holiday season coming up you know there is something their not talking about that WILL come out like KZ2,JAKps3,Team Ico ps3 etc.(maybe not those but something.) if they can drop $100 now and $100 at Xmas their more than OK.

MS will react but will t...

6178d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

e3 cant come any sooner for Sony.
Little Big Planet will definitly have a bunch more stuff to show off.
cant wait.

6178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

all you guys who think i does are obviously young and jumped into the videogame world w/ a ps2 or xbox.
dont talk w/ out knowing the history.
ports early devolped games on systems show nothing.
except what is what used to make it AT THAT TIME.
Sony is in a very good position w/ a price cut.

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Titles Like:
Heavenly Sword.
Little Big Planet.
Heavy Rain.
and Much Much more.

you know QUALITY new titles.
not like 90% of 1st year 1st party 360 games.

you know.
or am i lying?

Sony has had a better 1st year( by the time its done) than 360 for QUALITY games.

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

after 3 years it WILL be 10:1
like it was w/ ps2.
maybe a little lower considering 360 has a few games that could appeal to Japanese gamers. But only time will tell.

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

saying all of this is because the ps3 is "HARD" to develop for, In a way your RIGHT.
But let me ask you a question.
Was the Ps2 "HARDER" to develop for then the Dreamcast?

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There always trying to keep it fresh and i love that about them.
Its was a good game last gen, cause it was original.
I`m sorry, but this is the 3rd and its not as fresh as it was anymore.
But hey, alot of xbox fans haven`t played Katamari. Now you have the chance.
But from this gen i`m more excited about new titles, more than prettier versions of last gen games.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and Sony was also too dependant on DVD. weren`t they?
and DVDs did nothing for last gens gaming, right?
and thats why Stranglehold has the game and movie on the same disk.

Stupid Move Sony, from now on listen to Nervsys.
he knows more than you.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they fix the PROBLEMS.
If I dont get solid confirmation that ALL the problems are fixed i will not get another, even if was $150.
Not being able to play your games you are currently into is the worst feeling. There are a few MS exclusive games I would love to own like Left For Dead and Mass Effect, again, until its fixed i will not be playing these games.

my point is...
Drop the price? SURE.MAYBE
Fix the system? YES.NOW.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i rented it for my son, HE doesnt even really like it.
this is the game.


Run here blown this up, Run there blow that up.
Drive here, Transform, Fight (buttn mash) autobots/decepticons.
Drive there, Transform, Fight (button mash) autobots/decepticons.
Boss Fight.
Fly here blown this up, Fly there blow that up.
Drive here, Transform, Fight (buttn mash) autobots/decepticons.
Drive there, Transform, Figh...

6180d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix"

wow. i couldn`t have said it any better Jack.
New 1st party stuff is always the most impressive.

bubbles for Jack Tretton. lol.

6180d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

besides RE4 getting recognition, that list sucked.
God Of War 95? wow.

and to all those.

Golden Eye 007 was the 1st REAL console shooter, not HALO 1.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what went right?
their hasn`t been a solid sonic game in YEARS.

@primal rex
I agree. I want some 1080p/60fps 2D game.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyhow, this is the best news i`ve heard in a while.
Indigo prophecy had all the right pieces to be a AAA title.
and i know they come thru on this one. from start to finish.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment