
CRank: 5Score: 44760

really it is a matter of the prices 4 sum games they do need 2 learn 2 drop prices faster just last month i finally played Batman AA beat it the same day would i hav been upset payin $60 & not being able 2 trade it in o yea but i waited till i got it at $20...

honestly i go fatefully 2 the pawn shops, online(personally i dont do gamestop id rather giv Dev's $5 & hav a better copy) borrow from friends, unless they drop the price & games lik Street Fighter re en...

5026d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was thinkin this the other day it does seem lik they try 2 keep the bare bones of a story & throw in extra just 2 piece 2gether what they kept & either throw in every char. or lose all char. & use cameo's...u can def tell they do it 4 the money.

& i dont usually count CGI movies that come as sequels cuz it seems they giv it 2 someone who knows what they're doin, a good bit of action 2 keep the active feel of a game & a good story 2 carry the narr...

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

7.jason then move everyone down 1

5029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hav u played that demo wit a friend yet i was surprised & so was my friend who i had 2 bribe 2 even play by the end of the demo all he could say was figures it gets good at the end

5030d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i hated that they did that i had a bunch of friends on crimson skys & was on the phone tryin 2 figure out why i couldnt get my acct back or how 2 get my clan name since the leader was my old acct...but yea that mute button & the avoid player button get used on a regular that or the add friend when i find ppl i lik 2 play wit so i can join games wit them or invite them 2 party so i kno how they play & if they're gonna start talkin crazy

5030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey 4get those disagree that was funny...course im a perv so u might not wanna take that as a

& as long as they hav Talim in it still or i can create her im good, & Yoda's gone cuz i use 2 hate flippin right over some1 & off the stage

5030d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

real talk....360's next 3 years r lookin horrible im hopin 4 two @ the most...but shhhh dont tell my next box he's been jealous since i fixed my ps3, he's still my baby doe...well till 2012 then unless the world end he's goin in the bin

5031d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

NFL2K & NBA2K use 2 hav the right idea they got a fanbase quick wit there price & it really wasnt a bad game at all...instead ppl lik 2 go around buyin franchises 2 limit the comp & wantin 2 charge extra fees 2 play there games when its the same crap over & over isnt right

5034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope so im tryin 2 be 1 with the wind

5035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so basically ur ok wit the dev's losing money as long as its not coming from a system u lik even tho as ne1 can see xbox has been losing exclusives so it would still affect the dev's
u do realize when they make money off a multi-plat game it doesnt go into a seperate fund 4 each system 2 be used 4 that system later down the line
4 sum of ya that lik 2 say about this or that system being hacked, 1st or 2nd or last, it just dont make sense 2 brag about it...example Mass ...

5035d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if they r then im mad i got help from here fixed my ps3 wanted 2 play LBP & now i gotta wait o well

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea actually 1 of the specs says it opens up ur console 2 homebrew apps & unless there doin false advertising which come on now would a hacker
but since i hav a broked ps3 that doesnt read ps3 games its perfect 4 me i wont be tempted 2 steal games cuz i cant but at least i can do more than download demos...unless someone wants 2 trade a pretty slim 4 a

5036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok im confused, couldnt someone figure out how 2 bring back the Other OS or sumthin close 2 them?

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

uhh no offense i dont think they were givin u disagrees cuz u had ne fact wrong just someone was givin another option that might be cheaper if they hav a keyboard & serious bought music, plus if u got all the other stuff its not really that long of a wait...but hey u can be the keyboard guy while they wait go

5036d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea sides the price of those things its them dang glasses i wear regular glasses, so really i gotta put in my contacts just 2 put on those glasses...naw im good unless the Dabadguy ishes me out a free tv & glasses 2 then im on the

5037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

uhh this dumbness has been goin on 4 more than a few years now u kno that right?
i think it has more 2 do wit the Judical branch also & u cant blame 1 party 4 the countries problems how bout the judges & the dumb ppl suing, then after u stop that then go 4 the conspiracy theory.

5038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that overpriced ish is just digusting

5038d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i actually really liked Republic Commando & ive been hoping the would do so much more wit the game in a sequel but ur right alot of games just havent been followed up wit. i think they end them that way so they can make movies 4 them all & shadows of the empire also

5038d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

some ppl r so stupid, why would it be good 4 either console 2 get hacked? ur using this hate 4 another brand blind u...a hacked console was most likely still a sold console...the ppl who suffer more than MS & Sony & Tendo r the Devs by havin there games Stolen which is what happens yes the systems sold # for the games go down but the Devs lose a complete sale, which gets them thinkin about dumb ways 2 stop it instead of makin there games...specially if its already a multi-plat game &...

5038d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

move & kinect...kinect & move...blah blah it just me or does everyone argue over these 2 products more than anything else on here that most havent even played...which is weird cuz it comes from the same ppl who dont even acknowledge wii when arguing over systems.

5039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment