
CRank: 5Score: 2100

I'm a C# developer. I love windows 7 and I would never want to develop software using anything other than visual studio, but I am unimpressed with the 360 and although i own both consoles prefer the ps3. Just like some people who own 360s probably have bravia tvs or sony sound systems. IMHO, I think the president like any other politician will be to the public whatever he thinks the public wants most at any particular given time... this article is good advertising for portal 2 though... i gue...

5168d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think 2 years back sony did a demo of head detection and tracking using just the ps eye. So the move isn't even necessarily needed for this concept to work... on topic, that video was pretty sweet...

5168d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Patches are necessary.... Some of these games have potentially millions of lines of code being passed through every which way. As a developer, I honestly don't see patches going away. Games are especially a hard thing to test as there are no good ways outside of betas. That is why we are seeing so many betas come out. Good games are coming but at the expense of having to deal with patches... All software nowadays needs patches and It will be difficult to find any software or game without some...

5171d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multi platforms are the worst way to compare consoles anyway... The main goal of any developer on a multiplatform is to have the game be as identical as possible on both platforms while still looking attractive.
This really has nothing to do with one console being better than another one, or being more difficult to code for. Coding difficulty for the ps3 does not expand beyond lack of understanding the hardware you are using. The biggest hurdle there is the difference in the hardware. ...

5172d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think his point is simple. It doesn't matter how good a system is if it can't be relied upon to work consistently. It could produce Crysis level screens, but if there is a 33% chance it is going to fail within the next 6 months, you should be strongly discouraged from getting it... ANY other product in any other market would fail miserably if they experienced the equivalent of the RROD during their product lifetime. But its amazing what you can do when you have a limitless supply of wealth ...

5172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me show you just how effortless and easy it is to throw mud...

So, how come the playthrough time on halo isn't questioned? If you play right through i think it took me all of a 3 to 4 evenings to get through the whole game, oh crap I forgot, in Halo's case it had bleeding edge graphics that were way ahead of the pack! i mean seriously folks it raised the bar... oh crap wait, it didn't do that either... Oh yeah thats right the multiplayer. So 8 million bought halo 3 specifical...

5173d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

with dual move's i think the idea would be that, the motion part would take the place of the joystick. so using both wands you would have all your buttons to do tasks while movement and the direction are controlled by motion on the left and right move controllers. for instance the left motioning would control movement, and the right motion would control turning left right and up down. kind of like how the two analog sticks are used now... just a thought. I think it would work great personally...

5177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, why do we care what he thinks about playstation products. As far as I am concerned, fable 1 was way overhyped and disappointed me greatly, then along came fable II claiming to be everything 1 wasn't and I was even more let down with it... the games should have been named flop and flop 2. I am very leary about fable 3. This guy talks big but never delivers. That being the case he should be the very last person to throw mud at what other people are producing...

5178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry man, I dont know where you are getting your ideas, but whatever you are taking, it must be pretty strong stuff. All streams are instant, that is the point of a stream... gosh... buffering does happen on streams and 1080p has nothing to do with it. whether buffering happens or not completely depends on the bitrate of the stream and how much available bandwidth is there. Not allowing for buffering on any video stream can have adverse affects. either 1) the video will crash and you restart...

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, you didn't even read what i wrote did you, or maybe you didn't understand. You basically reiterated what i said only under the connotation that Streaming is actually a better medium.

Jason, the Keyword here isn't "Stream", the keywords are in fact "instant" and "1080p". Sony does instant 1080p better. I'm sorry. I don't mean to take the wind out of your sails. A stream no matter what the context is always going to give you less quality, less opt...

5179d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is kind of tricky on MS's part... very funny. Well technically NO sony doesn't offer hd streaming, because they have offered something alot better for a quite a while. You actually download the file to your local drive. From the instant you start downloading any (HD) video file from psn, you can start watching it... so why would you want to stream when you have all the benefits of streaming and afterwards have a local copy? I live in the boonies and i can still instantly watch any show o...

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could be off base here but,

For those not seeing a difference...

Think about how bad 480p looks compared to 720 on a hd tv. that is pretty close to the difference in resolution here. If you compare 480p to 720p on a 19 inch screen as opposed to a 42 inch screen, you are clearly going to struggle to see a difference. they will for all practical purposes look the same.... On my 42 inch screen There is a REMARKABLE difference though. Think about that as you are looki...

5184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The fact that he clearly mentioned that they were only playing the E3'09 build of Natal and he was STILL impressed with it shows something. He mentioned that the latest build is supposedly phenomenal."

Oh you mean the newer one where they stripped out the processor from the peripheral and now will now consume resources from the 360 itself to do all the work? I think the biggest changes will most likely be them gimping it however they can to make it fit that 50 dollar p...

5193d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A few important points here.. First I've never heard of the website, so I wonder if they sell more than 20 consoles in a month. if thats the case then i could see how their numbers would be that way, but all other numbers and stats show the xbox falling in sales by a LARGE amount in europe. If the UK represents 1/3 of sales and according to other sites the ps3 is outselling 360 in the euro market by nearly 2-1, the site is really just saying that they don't really sell much period. But the fe...

5285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, this is getting grossly out of proportion. IBM isn't doing away with CELL, they had a new Design for a 32 core cell, they scrapped that new design to try to go a different way adapting technology from the cell. But saying the CELL failed is stupid. How many cores can you attach to a processor before performance increase is negligible because there just arent enough things being run at one time to make use of them all? I'm sure IBM is trying to find ways to continually improve technology a...

5289d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is actually good news. paraphrasing, It says that things are moving more toward the GPU, and so future development will try to adapt current cell technology to work with an integrated gpu solution. It means more focus on graphics rather than just sheer processing power. Future processors along this same vein may not be call CELL perhaps, but they will be based off the technology, and shoot, it sounds like they will be even better adapted for a console with more emphasis on the gpu. I thi...

5289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since when was 250k sales a positive indication for the most hyped xbox racing game of the year? for perspective, gt prologue sold over 650k its first week, and that was a glorified demo... that is with having about 15 million less consoles than the xbox has now. how can anyone in their right mind consider that a good number. respectable maybe for an average nothing special game, but definitely below anticipated and hoped for results. Second, comparing Forza sales in japan to UC2 is funny too...

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PlayOn and various other media server software allow for the ps3 to stream Amazon On Demand video, NetFlix and various others such services... It really makes a moot point for netflix on the xbox360....

5390d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you can even use it on the wii...

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is a YEAR OLD!!! the post date says july 4, 2008..... c'mon now... who approved this crap? after a whole year that statistic is about as meaningful as a pile of cow dung.... It is crap like that that gives ps3 fans a bad name....

5425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment