
CRank: 5Score: 200

Japanese companies do not think install base is vital to a games success. They believe that quality will sell the game, there culture is TQM and loyalty. FFXIII and MGS4 will stay exclusive, not a doubt in my mind. If they thought that the hardware sales may affect the games success they would just put more effort into the game to convince more buyers..

Unlike western companies who just like to toss games into a pool of as meny people as possible in the hope that more people wi...

6169d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont believe that MS paid 50 mil for downloadable content.. It just doesnt add up. Even MS would not be stupid enough to bank that much money on episodic content which wont be available till April next year when the GTAIV buzz is a distant memory and everyone is looking to the next big thing.

If they did it looks like MS gaming division will be preparing for another huge operating loss this year.. HA HA

6169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bottom line is MS are babies when it comes to loosing.

If MS knew that HD DVD would be the deffinative format they would have put a drive in as standard in the 360 Elite. Obviously they knew that Blu Ray would be the victor but it doesnt stop them from moaning about it.

Waa Waa, but we allways win at everything, Waa Waa. - not this time

6169d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

OMG I can believe how many loosers are on this site. THEY BOTH LOOK FRIKKEN IDENTICAL. ALL you droids and xbots really should get out more!

Just choose PS3 or XBOX and shut the hell up. Jeeez. Is it gonna be like this every time a multi platform game comes out. I cant wait for GTAIV to come out, only to watch all you little girls b1tch, cry and moan.

There is a whole wide world out there believe it or not! Enjoy your life and stop all this nonsense!

6171d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment