
CRank: 5Score: 6500

Nobody wants to comment on this guy who is so humiliated to have his son beat him at something? Most dads I know let their 5-year-old sons beat them instead of being humiliated by a loss. I think he's missing the point of games in general.

He must be one of those "professional" gamers. Can't take games too seriously...

5780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii has recently been selling more total games than the other systems. Also, they always have more than their fair share in the top 10 games sales charts...

5817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's ridiculous for anyone to buy a wii and not buy the games I would buy for it. Everyone should think just like me. Stupid dogs games can't possibly be fun for anyone. Therefore by my undisputable calculations:

Wii = Fad.


5817d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alright, where's an excercise game like it? The monitoring system is innovative unless you see someone else approaching fitness in the same way. My bet is that you haven't used it. Or that you would discount any innovation involved because it doesn't involve what you consider to be innovation. I think a lot of this goes to personal preference. I prefer the innovation that is taking place on the Wii. That you can't see it as innovative is telling about your preferences. And I'm not alon...

5852d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Absolutely right. Wii Fit won't change your diet (nothing can but you) but it does make you aware how it affects your fitness level. As an example one day I gained a little over a pound and it listed some possible reasons why. I chose "snacking" as the reason and it recommended some healthy alternatives. It has succeeded in bringing weaknesses in my routines to my attention.

And you're also right that it depends on how much you use it. My weight loss (and weight ...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

By saying that it won't get you in shape, do you mean that it can't, or that it won't force you? I've been playing it for a week now and I can tell you I've been sore every day and lost a few pounds as well.

It is a gimmick though, like treadmills and weight machines and sports. All gimmicks that won't get you in shape.

5853d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your six year old probably fits into the same category you do.

The world is increasingly HD. Do you know the percentage? Is it in the teens yet?

I didn't buy a DVD player the day they came out and I'm glad. It is a small percentage of the population that demands to be sitting on the cutting edge. And it is a costly place to sit. That doesn't make it a bad place to sit. Neither is it wrong to wait for technology prices to become more mainstream. I'll wait a...

5859d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I were developing a gaming system, I'd focus on the hardcore market and ignore the kids (11 and under) and the casuals (23 and over). Oh, and the girls. Yeah, I'm aiming for the "teenage boy" crowd. That's where the money is.

5859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfortunate when people consider stealing "cool" and justify their actions by stating that because many people don't do it, it's okay. If the only effect was on yourself, stealing still wouldn't be worth it.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a moral code that excludes theft.

5875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And proud enough of your copyright illiteracy to post it.

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's easy to forget that these companies are more concerned with their bottom line than beating out the competition. 1 Million pre-orders is impressive, but there are games like Carnival Games for the Wii that have sold more than a million copies and had next to no development costs.

So as a software developer do you engage a huge staff to put out a game with stellar visuals and gameplay to sell 1-2 million copies or get a much smaller group together to develop something not a...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They suck at raising their kids and let them play garbage games like some of the ones mentioned.

Everything you do effects you. To what degree varies between individuals and vices, but everything has an effect.

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure why you have no bubbles with a comment like that. Bubble up.

5991d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

WiiFit has a few different aspects to it. If it were just dodging soccor ballsI'd agree with the gimmick viewpoint. However, they have aerobic workouts built into it as well as yoga stances. Those things will help you burn fat and become more flexible. Is a workout DVD gimmicky and can you lose weight with one?

Not everyone wants to buy a gym membership. Some go jogging, some do aerobic workouts in their homes, and some are going to enjoy having an interactive way to wor...

5992d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

How far into this generation are you going to be calling your consoles "next gen"?

6016d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Innovation is not defined by what couldn't be done before (that's invention), but by what noone has thought to do before.

Historically innovation on consoles was primarily based on processor speed and memory. These things primarily change the way a game is viewed. Some programming innovation has taken place as well with different software engines. Developers have innovated by creating different genres of games.

To say Nintendo isn't inn...

6041d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So the Wii targets people between 8-17 as well as targeting adults (people on this site are becoming more selective about who they think adults are, maybe ages 18-25 or so). To call it a kiddie console is just ignorant because it appeals to adults more than the other two consoles (I mean the broader definition of adults, maybe 25-70, or are all those people in the retirement home as well?). And what is with all the gender hate? If girls like a console it must have cooties and you should av...

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Who says WiiFit isn't a real game? Is Wii Sports or BrainAge? Just because you don't like a genre of gaming doesn't mean it isn't real.

If those games sell better than your favorites, that will tell the industry something...

And WiiPlay is always in the top ten because the Wii is still selling out and people want more than one controller. They figure the extra game is probably worth the extra $10.

6071d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you've been playing games since 1977 that does put you in an older demographic than the majority on this site. And if you're married and have a family I'd think that you'd want something that would appeal to the rest of the family as well - not just to the teenagers...

6082d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is a place for presenting the stuff you're made of (head over to the gentlemen's club or buy yourself a playboy if that's what you need to do). There are laws to protect society from people who think that what they do shouldn't affect others - the "if they don't like it they can just look away" mentality. If you don't want drugs you don't have to buy them, even if you're offered. No way anyone's kids will buy any either. If you don't want to see the streaker, avoid the mal...

6082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment