
CRank: 5Score: 1980

some of these games dont deserve to be close to this list.
sorry halo 3 was fun and all, but halo one did more for the fps than halo 3 ever has, plus it was a better game.

"This game should be number one because it is just so fun to play. HALO 3 RULES!!!"
this twelve year old is obviously is retarted.

what about the greats?
SMB3, Full Throttle, Sam and Max, Indigo Prophecy, Psychonauts, ICO, shadow of the colossus, MGS3, Beyond Good and Ev...

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am waiting for DS3 support.

however i dont wanna break the analog stick on my ds3 like i have with my two six axis's from cod4.

(its not cause im mad, but its cause when i constantly sprint and press the stick forward, the origional sixaxis's left sticks got stuck in the forward position, so annoying moving forward when the hand is off the controler!)

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

shipment is the best map in cod4. on headquarters especially!

i have gotten 201:31 kdr on that map!!
there isnt a game of shipment when i break 100 kills (well unless its like 3am and im falling asleepppp..)

i love love love it.

because for every crappy airstrike spawn, or grenade spawn, there me getting a five kill streak from knifing alone.

the only thing i hate on shipment is when people actually CAPTURE the headquarters,...

5880d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

on the ps3, on the 360 i dont, heres why.

on the ps3 when you select a game, it shows the map almost instantly, then you have to wait for players (which takes 30 seconds for me tops)
and since i see the map instantly i know whether im getting a crappy map. wich lets be back out. (thats why i get shipment cagematch everytime, and why i get only tthe good maps on headquarters).

however on the 360 version you wait for a long time (30 seconds) with nothing sh...

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cod4 is one of the best and most refreshing online game this millenium.

this guy is complaning cause he is a n00b.

i usually have a 5:1 kdr on most games, unless im no-scoping with a m40a1, then its like 2:1.

what a freaking n00b, i wanna take him in a cage match on shipment, and then hear his angry little blog about how i got ten straight kills on him. (he probably camps anyway)

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think it would have ruined the franchise.
well 4. because thats the only one i like.

so let me rephrase that, it would ruin 4's glory.

5881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it is stupid, and it shows how simple minded a person in, and what type of materalistic, and capitalistic society they live in, when the love and defense of a company, is what they spend time arguing.

now im not saying that compaing the good and bad of a console is wrong, because its not, my friends have debated about which console has the better specs. almost everyone has preferencses whether it be sony microsoft apple ford coke, whatever.

what i was condemmin...

5881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in game advestising, it is used in such a bad way, the developers are doing it all wrong.

take need for speed underground 2 (i think it was the last Ea game i bought)

EVERYTHING in that game was Burger King, cars, levels, billboards.

developers need to know that that is stupid, it doesnt cause people to buy the advertisers product, its just annoying.

What they should do, is have it realisticly, when a character opens the fridge, they...

5881d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

multiple snakegasms.

5881d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i am really anticipated for GTAIV.

but its coming out in 4 days, so im like, im getting it next week.
so its almost like i have it, so its not really anticipated.

but yeah i REALLY want it.

5881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope free radical has a hit on their hands. they deserve it.

i for one have this baby preordered, and have been tracking it since the first e3 trailer.

free radical is my favorite developer, and haze is my 2nd most anticipated game this year.
(1. mgs4 2.Haze 3.maybe fallout 3 or killzone.)

I cannot wait for this game!!

5882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

fox jack and cooper, one happy ignorant family.

5882d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

bubble for you.

(nice rhyme lol)

5882d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

first off i would sue him for harassment.
that letter was degrading, and slanderous to his mother, accusing her of raising him improperly, and comparing him to hitlers youth..
what a terrible god aweful thing to say. to someones mother none the less.


video game have never, and will never be resposible for violence.
studies show that they decrease stress and aggression levels.

i have seen charts on the governments we...

5882d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

that there isnt that much influx of good AAA titles coming to the wii.
with the exception of ssbb, and mario cart.

aside from that i really dont see many good games coming to the console. most of them are cheap knock offs of the good wii minigames, think wii sports, and all of the knock off of that.

imo the console need better AAA must have titles, to keep it a must have system.

5882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the interface is better, the psn store looks sexier.

but in terms of content, ms currently has it.

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did bring some gameplay innovations, it had solid gameplay, and great graphics for its time (well not to long ago, but its now showing age).

however i hope the second brings more to the table in terms of stories.

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

experienced things in my short life span, that most will never experience in their life.
to name a few...
i get outside
i have amazing times with my friends
i go exploring
i go camping in the woods EVERY MONTH
i paintball.
i live and work on a dairy farm all summer.
i have visited so many places around the world
i have SWAM in the pacific ocean, hell i lived in japan.
i have been caving, white water rafting, natural rock climbing ...

5884d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that was the most blantent piece of fan boyish crap i have ever read.

seriously, im not a fanboy, but this article is just plain stupid..

here are my favorite quotes from this article....

"PlayStation 3 is supposed to be future proof and lead the high definition charge. You can imagine our surprise when we opened the box and discovered that the system doesn't come with HD cables. Say what?"
Umm my ps3 came with HDMI cables, if tha...

5884d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment