
CRank: 8Score: 56960

I imagine it'll be a price drop between $279 and $249 with phasing out to begin once Scorpio enters production next year and this Xbox One S will be the 'budget' option for gamers

2911d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah same thing happened when I got the FO4 season pass on PS4, which isn't bashing Sony because they have 0 obligation legally to give you anything for it but still a class act by Microsoft in how they responded to this

2913d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a classy move by Microsoft, although when you're a company that big I suppose $10 for a few thousand people isn't all that much at the end of the day

2913d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to this, loved the first!

2916d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza Horizon 2 was a fantastic title, hearing good things about this next one

2916d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've heard it's coming and that's good because last few spidey games have been shite but apprently its not Sucker Punch doing it according to a rumour

2917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. PC rigs better than the current consoles are aplenty and it should at least be running on specs appopriate for the recommended settings. This gives the illusion of the PS4 version being the best version of the game, when in fact it's the PC version.

2919d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

I couldn't give a shit, they did a cheap move by locking the remaster behind the space warfare base game and there's far better shooters e.g. Battlefield 1 and Gears 4 coming this fall anyway

2919d ago 42 agree18 disagreeView comment

Wow that is just embarrassing for GameSpot

2919d ago 29 agree4 disagreeView comment

Aside from performance issues DR3 was the best launch game I played and that goes for both X1 and PS4. Hope it goes multiplat so everyone gets to play it but I'm excited for it regardless

2922d ago 24 agree25 disagreeView comment

Given their issues they may just go for the Xbox/Windows 10 combo

2924d ago 26 agree37 disagreeView comment

How insecure does one have to be to posit the question "Why does Bethesda hate Sony?" This is just a partnership that many devs have with either Microsoft or Sony, not something for the average gamer to whine about imo

2925d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


If you seriously think Nintendo's console hybrid is using 10nm technology then you're crazy. Nintendo NX has countless rumours and insiders saying its comparable to the current X1 and PS4 we have on the market right now. Plus, NX has already been shipped to devs when 10nm is entering mass production later this year. The only game console that is rumoured to release in 2017 asides from the NX that would use a 10nm chip is therefore the Xbox Scorpio.

2926d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

I imagine this would be a cool feature for indie titles but who owns a windows phone anyway? If they release a Surface Phone on the other hand I'd be interested

2926d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree except for what you said about Paragon. Impressions seem to be that it isn't a very good MOBA game and Smite is fantastic on the console space. I'd say Smite has nothing to worry about from Overwatch or Paragon.

2926d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course you're all incredulous but why on earth would I share these documents and get my contact in trouble? The run down is that it's capable of higher res than 1080p with certain games and many devs, even smaller studios (the sort that my friend works at) are literally making Neo games right now ready for release later this year. Specs are finalized according to all documents I have seen (which again I'm not stupid enough to openly share)

2926d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

Sony have almost 0 chance to revise the specs in any significant way. I've seen developer documents and devs already have these in-house and developing games for Neo as we speak.

2926d ago 15 agree22 disagreeView comment

The hashtag might be #creativechatter but what I'm reading is confidence. I think Microsoft are poised to have one of the best conferences we've seen in years

2927d ago 52 agree43 disagreeView comment

It's definitely good that Microsoft won't be left out of the VR game (if the rumours are true) but 6Tflops plus backwards and forwards compatibility basically make it a day one buy for me

2929d ago 46 agree26 disagreeView comment

Delays aren't a good thing. They're better than shipping a 'broken' game or even a game that's buggy but they're not a good thing. I'm sure that there's many others just like me who have been itching to get their hands on this game and a delay is far from 'good' but I can stomach it if it means the game will work better.

2929d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment