I'm a transvestite. 'Nuff said


CRank: 5Score: 4940

2 days ago, everyone was sucking Treyarch's c0ck. That's not the case now is it?

I just don't get why his feature can't be made a reality for the PS3. WHY? Do we pay less? Me and my brother would like to play online at the same time or some of my friends would want to too and I think that it'd be an awesome feature but it just wasn't meant to be.

I have 3 accounts and it looks like I won't be able to use it simultaneously anytime s...

4968d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

No but Treyarch does! You don't get the money, remember??

4969d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Then why isn't everyone quickscoping in MW2? That list also includes you. How did you not quickscope in MW2? COS YOU WERE NOT ABLE TO DO IT. ADMIT IT. IT TAKES RAW SKILL. Tell me what's the "skill" in using the M16 or the AK? It's fully automatic, no skill about it. SNIPERS TAKES SKILL. Maybe I should challenge you now and see if you're as good as you sound.

4969d ago 0 agree19 disagreeView comment

Well, I changed my mind. I'm not canceling my pre-order. The community would be nothing without me. So, lets play Black Ops when it releases. I swear in the name of my God, I'll camp so HARD, everyone will get annoyed. Trust me, I'm a really good player when I don't camp and when I camp, I'm an EXTREMELY good player. Claymores are my friends and I get pwn all of you as usual with my Chopper Gunner. What setup should I use?..hmmmmm...I'd take the M16 and use an RPG as a...

4969d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

Sir Robert A. Kotick is my hero. :) I adore his "style".

4970d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"hottest ladies"

You have bad taste. LOL. The only one "hot" in India is Karishna Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai and other famous celebrities. The slum girls are poor, dark, and ugly.

4970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My mom is going to India next week. Not kidding.

4970d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Then why do 95% of the casual COD community complains about what's "unrealistic" and what's not?


Semi automatic snipers shouldn't get 1 hit kills? Are YOU JOKING?????????? Itdoesn't matter if it's semi automatic or fully manual, a 50.cal is a 50.cal and when you get hit by a 50.cal in the skull, the bullet explodes. Do you have any idea of how big a 50.cal is compared to a Vector's b...

4970d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

So, you're telling me that if you use a machine gun and I use a 50 caliber sniper, you'll win? Get a life. You're never gonna win and what's with 50 caliber rifles getting hitmarkers?? Even without invented perks like Stopping Power, 50 caliber rifles can take out limbs. If I shot you in the head, your whole head should blow up. That's realistic isn't it? but Treyarch wants what we want and that is money and that means the majority will have to win (so that they can mi...

4970d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

I'm a big MW gamer and I have to say. After this news came out, I'm canceling my pre-order at Amazon. The whole point of me playing is to snipe some people off. Now, there's no Sleight of Hand = gimped snipers and and when the gimped snipers scope, which turns out to be "VERY FAST" for a n00b who doesn't like getting killed by a sniper, Treyarch decides to gimp it even more. I don't buy this piece of gimped crap.

So, when snipers camp, you compla...

4970d ago 3 agree27 disagreeView comment

It ruins the game cos it's not possible in real life? I don't get you. Then maybe you should not play the game or A game..Since you want everything to be realistic

4971d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Like I said, just because YOU know you're going to get killed a lot by snipers, doesn't mean you have to complain about it on N4G.

4971d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That may well be the whole problem

4972d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Do you watch porn a lot, lil' kid?

4972d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I played Playboy: Mansion when I was 8. My dad seems "okay" with it.

4972d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Thank you, come again"?? Did the guy/girl have Indian accent? That would be cool...

4972d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guys from Asia can't buy MW2 DLCs. I have 3 accounts (US, Asia, Europe) and I can safely say that there is not much variety in terms of DLC if you create an Asian account.

4972d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice one, you piece of shit. HAhahahahahahahahah, so fuc**ing funny.

4972d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh please, Evil. Don't troll here. Cow? Are you there?

4972d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never knew this world is filled with socially unstable people like you, Pandemic.

4972d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment