
CRank: 5Score: 98400

I love the fact, people stay trying to pin this on SJW and not Capcoms internal choices. Capcom said internally they chose the modifications to Mika/Cammy and they're not influenced by internal complaints in the matter. Just accept it. Also, no mods on a cross platform game is to be expected. It can possibly give pc players an advantage... Be realistic, it's pretty much common sense to be balanced among console and PC

3086d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Currently, if you were going to say anything. Quality wise, FFXIII is probably the most well and clean made FF. Whether the game is as fun? Now that's subjective.

3086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just use my z3, connect my ps4 control and play emulators, screw that lol.

3118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FFIX best FF period

3209d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I've never seen my PS4 controller hit low in months because I don't sit far from my PS4. Wireless isn't serious enough an excuse as long as the cords can disconnect so they don't get in the way when too much is happening. Also Charging while playing is a thing since PS3. I never had aa ps3 or ps4 battery problem because I use em like they're wired controls. Hell on 360 I always prefered the wired controller actually which was what I wished I had for PS3 back th...

3209d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

First tomb raider was like 6 mill all together I swear, how's this person think 40 mill is possible? Between Xbox and PS the attach rate will not be beyond 20% and those 2 consoles together haven't sold 40 million, 360 isn't much of a afactor lol. PC isn't selling 20 mill either so no way. GTA sold like 56 mill across PS3, PS4, 360, XBO, and PC. No way Tomb will sell half. Glad you understand lol

3209d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

really? That was one of the games I've avoided because it sucked...

3212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Armature Studios, they've done the handsome collection and doing bloodstain... They are NOT owned by microsoft. A big difference between First Party Franchise and first party game. Example, Ratchet and Clank is a Sony First Party Franchise, but it's never ever been a first party game because Insomniac has never been a Sony company but a company that had only worked with sony for a while. If that is the case, you could say sony has a hell of alot more first party titles than that.

3217d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

On PS4 Emulation is complicated for the fact PS2, PS3 and PS4 use completely different things. Emotion on PS2, Cell on ps3 etc. Running those codes on PS4 is alot harder than Xbox running a modified version of the same direct X code since the original Xbox.

3232d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

EBGames site has world of ff for vita as $79.99 they are so inaccurate I'd take with a grain of salt lol

3239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll buy onVita for sure when localized in NA. Pray it has a physical. Tired of Digital Downloading Atelier. I've bought all 4 Plus titles so far.
Also I really hope the time system is really gone for good. I don't mind the time of day stuff like I see on this. Should be a fun addition, but I feel without the time restraint, this series can get a much larger audience.

3254d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm quite sure the exclusive rights to release before a PC version. I'm almost 100% it's not getting a Xbox release. Would make no real sense. A FF sells like double + on PS. People will buy PS just for it. Next it's recognized as a PS game making people prefer that version. PS4 games outsell Xbox already. In Japan it's not even worth the thought. In EU, it's basically worthless and NA it's not worth it since it'll sell like 1 fifth of the PS if lucky. PC does ...

3264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

both psp games...

3265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mighty No. 9 wasn't suppose to have a physical release either. Watch, this will get one, likely Yooka lay-lee as well :) lol. Kick starter games don't usually think that far ahead until they see they got everything done

3265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy IX
Best FF period. FFVIII isn't under-appreciated imo, it's a broken game, the junction system is the worse battle system. Active battles is garbage in FFVIII as well. (I always played changing battles from wait to active. When playing FFVII it's actually active but when summons attack. FFIX the bars move alot slower but when you get far enough to use stronger attacks. With active on, you're literally planning for about 4 action slots in the future. It ca...

3271d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd agree, but this games name actually makes sense and is actually shortened a bit.
The characters who are main to this series of games are from the hyperdimension (multiple dimensions exist in this series), Neptune the main character, rebirth, basically make 3, v generation is pretty much victory generation, time zone for this one is the late 80's kinda like savior days of gaming when games won over the crowds again.

3274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guess I'll be getting on Vita. Game looks good

3278d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So what you're saying is people haven't explored the game fully. I've Platinum'd all 4 main LBP games on PS3/PS4/Vita and I put alot of dedicated time into those and LBP3 never had no issues but 2 times out of the 5 playthroughs I've done. But it was just a fault in the stages concept. in the first hub world for chapter one if someone ran off screen into a death pit. the dangerous part wouldn't have loaded and you'd fall into a pit and still be alive. You just self...

3282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, I notice the difference here is PS Vita though being under 720p it was clearly made it render 720p and when I'm on remote play I notice my PS3 has to drop from 1080p so the vita can run. But 3DS is half standard res which means its going to drop to under a 4th of its res and 3ds cant run the details so its kills the purpose

4258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But that's the point. I want Cross Play in most things I want, PSABR, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, SFxT etc. and like on Wii U Cross Control is promising for only certain games like Sly where you gam take your vita and look at your TV and all the treasure close by glows. Or in LBP, where Back and front touch can be added, or just simple things like guacamelee where it shows you a map and so on. BTW you answered your question lol. PPL don't beg unless it releases a game fo...

4258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment