Proud to not be on the COD hate bandwagon.


CRank: 12Score: 276780

You can't know where he was actually aiming, even on really low ping servers the speed with which you move and aim in CoD means that even minimal lag can cause this appearance. I for one have been killed hundreds of times by people who clearly aren't facing me by my reckoning, but a quick check of the score board usually shows that they have negative k/d and a dodgy ping. Are they hacking? I doubt it, unless hacks make you suck...

I'm not saying hacks don't ex...

4364d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just get some skill and death-streaks wont affect you.

4364d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah agreed, I've put a long time into MW3 and since launch on PS3 I can't say I've ever seen someone hacking. Have been accused of aimbot, auto knife and some other things but guess what, its called skill, oh and some sloppy coding as well.

If you think that the kill-cam shows exactly what happened then you are an idiot, it doesn't counter lag properly at all which can make it look you only get 1 hit but in reality it was just that the kill-cam wasn't sy...

4364d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think his point was, right or wrong, that when a bad PS3 game is released you don't see people slamming the entire machine. He is saying (again rightly or wrongly) that this article is basing its hate for Kinect on this one game and ignoring the rest of the Kinect games.

4364d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

So whats the deal? All women in video games must wear baggy trousers and tops so that we can't see the outline of their ass or tits? Also they should all have no sexuality at all and there should be no sexual content in games involving women. What a joke, piss off you muppets.

4364d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

My issue with the controller is how big and heavy it is rather than how other looks, I'd guess its the same for this bloke.

4364d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

No it was actually the Christian lobbies that delayed other for so long...

4364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The gaming market is imploding at the moment because there is a lack of new content and its more or less at saturation point. If new consoles don't come out soon and give people a reason to spend some cash on home consoles rather than on other tech, then the market will crash big time. You only have to look at the figures coming out of America this year, this gen has run its course and overstayed its welcome for my money.

4365d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I obviously meant consoles, stop trolling. I'm actually a PC gamers over console where possible...

4365d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hell doesn't exist though, so I think he'll be alright after all.

Also if you have a point to make, try making your comment make sense rather than going on a crazy rant, alright?

4365d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would you buy a Vita to play old games?

4365d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's what I was gonna say, the cost of memory cards is a killer.

4365d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

The thing is, there are a lot of games coming out on current hardware that are actually hindered by having bad graphics or by weak hardware. For example games like Operation Flashpoint and Battlefield which have really large spaces, the hardware isnt strong enough to support nice graphics over such large areas, and this does affect game play because people and objects just become a pixelated low contrast mess off in the distance.

And games like Infamous and Fallout for exam...

4365d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

I buy about 40 games a year, Brotherhood fit easily in the top 40 games of 2010 and I loved the previous game, so why wouldn't I buy it.

I buy games which I want to play, be that Call of Duty or Operation Flashpoint. Don't come here on your high horse telling me I force companies to milk franchises, I buy more new IP's than probably 99% of gamers.

Plus, if I only bought games that truly innovate then I'm not sure I would buy more than 2 or 3 ...

4366d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah it seems to have attracted alot of hate, but i loved it.

4366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously they never were, and I say that as someone who typically jumps at frightening moments in movies. People need to harden the f**k up :)

4366d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That is called an opinion, I happen to think CoD games are great.

4366d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

I don't know how you could know that, when you don't even KNOW the definition of know by the looks of it :)

You might think those things, but you definitely don't know them.

4366d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

You actually raise a good point there, how about WOMEN start showing gamers some respect. Having said that, the abuse of female gamers on message boards and over VOIP is pathetic and needs to stop. But this is entirely not linked to how females are portrayed in the gaming industry AFAIC.

4366d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't agree that Crysis 2 is really so different to Crysis 1. It is definitely more confined, but through my 7 or so playthroughs of Crysis 1 over the years I don't actually follow a drastically different path, because there isn't one to follow. You still are confined to doing what the game wants you to, you just get more wide open spaces to do it in. What changes from playthrough to playthrough are the tactics I use, and Crysis 2 still offers the ability to use different tactic...

4366d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment