CRank: 5Score: 1880

Even in JAPAN the PS3 may be ahead of the 360 by 500,000 or so units, but guess WHAT?

Even in JAPAN, the 360's attachment ratio is nearly two times higher!!!

Even with less games, the 360's attachment ratio is 3.96 or nearly FOUR games for every system!!!!

The Playstation 3's attachments ratio is a disgustingly sad, 1.9 an ave...

6021d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Even in JAPAN the PS3 may be ahead of the 360 by 500,000 or so units, but guess WHAT?

Even in JAPAN, the 360's attachment ratio is nearly two times higher!!!

Even with less games, the 360's attachment ratio is 3.96 or nearly FOUR games for every system!!!!

The Playstation 3's attachments ratio is a disgustingly sad, 1.9 an ave...

6021d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I love Mass Effect just the way it is, and it will be twice as good when they fix the bugs in the sequel!!!!!

I want to play an RPG when I want!!!!

If I want to play the open world RPG, I'll play Mass Effect!!!!

If I want something traditional, I'll play Lost Odyssey or those other games like Spectral Force 3!!!!!!

If I want the best RPG of all, I'll play Fable 2!!!!

That's how simple this is, you have choice what type of RPG...

6021d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the creators own mouth there will be more than one action game spinoff not on PS3 or mobile phones, it will be on Xbox360!!!
"In fact, its not just exclusive to the PS3 or mobile phones."
And the regular FF13 is still looking like crap, why anyone wanted an action RPG game in space is beyo...

6021d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

To me FF6 and KOTOR are way better than those crappy games!!!!!!!

I thought FF7 sucked!!!!!

I will probably not buy any Square games at all anymore, unless its on Xbox360 like Last Remnant or Versus!!!!!!

They don't know how to do anything new!!!!

LOL at the fanboys who think real-time combat in space is actually new, they already did that in MASS EFFECT & owned everybody.

6021d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its really truly pathetic when you think about it!!!

Despite the Xbox being out a whole two years after PS2, it still received nearly as many if not MORE great games than the PS2!!!!!

The ratio was literally less than 20% more "good" exclusive games for the PS2, mostly sports games!!!!!

And what is still the most highly rated, highly played PS2 game of all...

6022d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because there is a PC version, therefore it can't be exclusive.

No way, its still console exclusive.

Fact: Many more people play consoles lately then they use a mouse or otherwise in front of their PC.

Also fact: Elder Scrolls Morrowind was far better on the consoles, you could play it from any part of the room and the GOTY edition was the best and on an HDTV!!!!!!!!!!!

PC gaming is now the same level as mobile phone gaming and more...

6022d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game will be great on 360 and that's going to be my benchmark too most definitely!!!

Lost Odyssey and Devil May Cry 4 and Ninja Gaiden 2 all coming within months of eachother, and Splinter Cell Conviction!!!!!!!

Great times!!!!!!

6022d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you forget all the sappy stupid scenes in Final Fantasy X which was a much better game than FF 12?

And Rikku constantly hitting on the main character?

How about the sappy drama of the protagonists, and the badly designed cheesy dialogue for the main actor?

You are honestly sucking on some serious crack, to think Final Fantasy of any of the recent iterations even makes a blip on Lost Odyssey's radar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only place where t...

6022d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have it be some super rare novelty item that you can order online, make that be the Dreamcast 2 with all the original games for budget price!!!!

Sell it online through novelty shops and other places, I really hated everything on Dreamcast when it first launched!!

Then they could offer all their games for next to nothing and please the die-hards who actually want one without any losses!!!! Same thing for arcade, make the Dreamcast 2 a niche arcade system!!

6022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You trolls simply need a reason to bash Lost Odyssey, because you're afraid of it!!!!!!

Simple as that!!!!

Odyssey has been getting great press and reception in Japan, people are loving it and its getting better word of mouth then the likes of Blue Dragon.

Nobody has any idea how many sales it will make at the end of the week, but 42,000 copies about day 1 is excellent!!!!

And more & more positive previews of the game from the harshest...

6023d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its because the article writer is Anoop who is a biased PS3 fanboy!!!!

He is basing all of his experience off the Xbox system he has, which is having hardware problems for games like Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect!!!

Its flat wrong, as there is no other way to explain why so many others had no problems in the game!!!!

The 360 hardware is completely unreliable for certain types of games, most Xbox systems perform perfectly for any types of games!!!! ...

6023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's why we all know Metal Gear Solid will one day be multiplatform. The numbers speak volumes!!!

6023d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think bottom line, those are great results for a newcomer and they aren't even including the Lost Odyssey bundles which are also on store shelves now.

Lost Odyssey bundle is the XBOX360 bundled with Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, and another game.

Once they add in all of those from the seven-eleven stores, Akhibara shops and so on, it should be sold out!

Plus we have to remember Japan is not console world anymore, they have gone almost entirely handheld...

6023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And also we can't forget Assassins Creed for the 360 sold 20,000 copies day one and 42,000 copies within four days!!!

I think bottom line, those are great results for a newcomer and they aren't even including the Lost Odyssey bundles which are also on store shelves now.

Lost Odyssey bundle is the XBOX360 bundled with Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, and another game.

Once they add in all of those from the seven-eleven stores, Akhibara shops and so on, it should...

6023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The one I just followed along with, moved perfectly smooth and had no framerate dips!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder who has been paying IGN off, worst article of the year!!!

Wow what a surprise, no technical mess and framerate glitches everywhere:

I give it a 2/10 on the fanboy scale, this game is sounding great from people who have it overs...

6024d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

I will say to them time to end this, and demand they buy up Ubisoft montreal!!!!!!!!

They needed to do it to begin with!!!!!!

I'm sick of looking at poor playstation ports of Ubisoft games mate, they were always meant to be only on XBOX.

I think that would clench it, then they can have Rockstar and Microsoft will make its own acquisitions.....

But thats only if the rumors are true!!!!!!!!!! I doubt the sony is brainless enough to mak...

6024d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should hit back really hard, and buy up Ubisoft Montreal once and for all!!!

Then they can make all their games that were always meant to be, for Xbox, PC & mobile phones only!!!!!!

Oh and bid up and buy Volition, the makers of Saints Row.

While we're at it, they should draw the sword and pay for 25% of the stock-shares in Square-Enix so Sakaguchi and friends can work together again now on......the Xbox!!!!!

I think buyi...

6024d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed 360 fans!!!!!! This game is incredible, and the time has come for us to band together!
This game Lost Odyssey done by the masterful Sakaguchi is going to sell like crazy, its time for Square-Enix to receive their freedom.
"The Xbox360 is a machine for gamers. They buy lots of games." - Yoichi Wada

Lets be honest here, the dynamic has changed completely.

6025d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment