
CRank: 5Score: 59270


"Yarbie always trolls in ps articles, no need to play at that innocent for your fellow xbox fanboy."

BazingaReturns, you have no right to call another N4G user a fanboy/troll. You're account is only a few hours old and you have already posted several deliberately provocative statements like:

"is everyone pro "xbox" so butthurt...go cry in a corner"
"2017 will be the year o...

2834d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment


"Lol man why wouldn't it have upgrades???????????"

The incentive which motivates console makers to release slim models is based primarily on economics. The redesign allows the manufacturer to cut costs and increase profitability. While it is typically safe to assume that a new model will include some upgrades, the only thing that has been confirmed about the PS4 Slim (other than aesthetic changes) is that some aspects have bee...

2836d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Math is hard,,,

2841d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


"I didn't and will not read (the article)"...but that's not going to stop me commenting on it.
--Fanboy Logic

I actually appreciate your honesty. This admission provides me with enough information to realize that I should ignore all of your impending comments since you readily admit that they are based on nothing more than personal bias and an uninformed perspective.

2846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Someone told me"

Seems legit. /s

2848d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment


Sorry kid, but you're the hateful fanboy here.

2854d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


"I left the link above to all of the QB reviews submitted to N4G"

I checked out the link that you provided. I selected 10 random QB reviews. 3 of them were submitted by you. So it's obvious that you did not submit "every QB review" (probably just the negative ones). Why would you state such an obvious fallacy when it can be so easily refuted?

I suppose the real question is why would you submit so many ...

2860d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Overload

"No I submitted every QB review"

"I submitted pretty much every QB review."

--Wait for it--

"I submitted a few QB reviews"


2860d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


"undetectable without actual testing"

So, it's just like the difference between 900P and 1080P, right?

2862d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


"cloud powahh"

That is a really pathetic attempt at trolling. Please, try to come up with some new material. You're just embarrassing yourself.

2872d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment


"I knew it. Return of DRM from MS"


Oh wait, you're serious.

Let me laugh harder. HAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA!

2872d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment


Then once every hour, every minute, every second...then they OWN you.

Now, where can I get one of your tin-foil hats?

2872d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment


"It is a big deal"

Really, a big deal?

If you are so concerned about losing your XBOX gamer score then all you have to do is sign in to the free XBOX app on any device (console, PC , or mobile) once every FIVE years. That really doesn't seem like such a big deal.

2872d ago 18 agree6 disagreeView comment

The previous generations of gaming devices were all eventually replaced with redesigned models. The 360 had the S and the E, the PS3 had the Slim and the Super Slim, the PS2 had the Slimline and the 3DS had countless revisions. The majority of the these renovated devices were met with enthusiasm by the gaming public.

So why is it that the Xbox One S is seeing such disdain? Are people genuinely upset that they added a few new features such as 4K playback and HDR? It seems th...

2878d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Apocalypse Shadow

If MS is so "evil" then why is the company ranked among the most philanthropic in the world. The Gates Foundation as well as Microsoft's own charitable foundation donates BILLIONS annually to worthy causes.

I know, it's probably just a way to distract the ignorant fanboys while they propagate their all encompassing Master Plan for world domination? Mwaahahahahaaaaaaa!


2881d ago 29 agree18 disagreeView comment

This is a good option. Cortana, in its current state, is practically unusable on the Xbox One.

2881d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Every single potential consumer on the planet is absolutely entitled to their needs & desires from a product."

I agree to an extent but what if those "needs and desires" are unrealistic? I would like to purchase a luxury automobile that has all of the applicable amenities, cutting edge tech and gets 100 MPG...and I want only want to pay $10,000. Am I within my rights as a consumer to make such demands from car makers? Of co...

2885d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


I simply don't understand your perspective. ROTR was released on the XBOX One for $60. If the game is released on the PS4 at the current rate ($30.00 or less) then isn't a 50% price reduction enough of an incentive to purchase it?

Why do you feel that they owe you extra features such as "all of the DLC" and "Tomb Raider 1-3". PS4 owners will be getting a great game that will likely have a higher resolution and better ...

2885d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

"they need to make the PS4 version special. I don't even think all the DLC would be enough. Maybe...just maybe they could include Tomb Raider 1-3,"

Your comment makes it appear that you have an undeserved sense of entitlement. Why do you feel as if the publisher of ROTR is obligated to compensate PS4 owners? Is your assessment based solely on the fact that the game was initially released on another platform?

Uncharted 4 and Rise of the Tomb...

2885d ago 21 agree29 disagreeView comment

@Mighty Boom

Do you happen to have a poster featuring a cat clinging to a pole inscribed with the phase "Hang In There" on your bedroom wall?

I bet that you do.

2890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment