
CRank: 5Score: 1600

This my friends is what you call a cry for attention.

I'm sorry about your friend battling cancer but what the hell does it have to do with the importance of the game industry?

Was it ever a question that real life is more important than playing a game?

If you are so motivated by your friend's battle with cancer then why the hell are you writing a article about the gaming industry when you could be doing something to help those in the same situation.

5322d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You guys do realize that there was a limited release of UT3 right? The release date was sooner then they expected. Morons

5993d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

You guys do realize this is a port of a arcade game right? its more or less the exact same graphics added with a few more details. It's hilarious how people are trying to attack this game, theres been 4 time crises out on consoles however since this one is on a ps3 its being torn apart by xbots because of their insecurities of their own console.

Obviously every game released for any console has to be a system seller right? there can't just be games where people play just for a...

6021d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

When the hell did some stupid idiot that has no affiliation to MGS4 claiming it will go onto the 360 become news?

I could give a flying crap if it did but seriously this is newsworthy?

If I submitted a article where I think my penis has more power then all the consoles put together would you believe me and approve it?

Goddamn get your act together.

6044d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

When was 75% a B+? ......

6046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the 40gb sku comes out this month or in November sales are going to rise significantly. With the drop in price then add in the huge line up of games coming out in November with the possibility of MGS4 in december sales will definitely rise. How much it will rise will depend on Sony, are they going to advertise? one of the games they should definetly be advertising is Uncharted, Haze etc basically the new lineup.

Postponing the dualshock controller hurt, however people ca...

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God you people are annoying, how many comments here were from people who owned ps3s cheering that the graphics are the same? Show me at least 50 percent of the posts, or even 10 percent is anything like that or even up until now I haven't even seen one post remotely like what you just said. Are you making stuff up now? too many anti depressants?

Secondly I am not a ps3 fanboy, I do own a ps3 however I do wish I also owned a xbox but can't afford two consoles. However ps3 gra...

6069d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You can't compare graphics between consoles on multiplatform games, the developers always make it on one console and port it onto the other. Plus....sports games have never been known for their graphics.

If you really want to compare graphics, compare a game built from the ground up on each console then compare them.

6069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know its strange....I'm pretty sure this was in the ps3 section and I'm pretty sure all of you know this is a ps3 exclusive, but yet you guys read the article then started posting crap about it. I can really only find a few explanations to this phenomenon
A) You were so bored (couldn't find a friend, couldn't find any xbox articles to be interested in, not a single tv show on that you like right now) that you decided to just for the hell of it attack other forum members.

6069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's one thing for corporations to compete among each other for titles to appear on their consoles, however paying game companies to delay multiplatform games to appear on the ps3 for several months?

Actions like these clearly state Microsoft is intimidated by Sonys presence but also show that Microsoft itself believes that it cannot beat the ps3 in a fair one vs one competition.

Then again this is a rumor so it might be wrong, but if this is shows ho...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure the mom caught him stealing before to escalate to calling the police. The kid probably won't be charged with anything anyway, won't even be on his record.

6073d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's obvious your only posting this for hits on your site, which is actually pretty sad seeing how by making up stuff you only turn away listeners.

You want listeners? you want to be a popular site? do research and provide proof. Until you are able to unveil your source don't spread this kind of crap, it's misleading to the people who have no idea that the makers of MGS4 and FFXIII have said a million times that they are ps3 exclusive.

6073d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

He probably actually thinks the camera quality is actually the

Anyway the game looks awesome, explosions looked a bit weird to me though.

6073d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny but the syringe didn't empty out any!

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the article is well...dumb however he does have a point about the other sony services not being added to the ps3 service.

The corporation needs to communicate better, with the services they have they can bring together one incredible entertainment edge for the ps3. However since they are unable of communicating with each other the ps3 entertainment wise is mediocre.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Joke nicknames only work when its actually shorter then the current nickname. So if theyre trying to make this catch on.....just no.

Also the guy criticizing the nickname guy is correct, sony has a huge fanbase as well as deep pockets. Not only that but the ps3 will be getting a huge ass amount of games in November. Anybody who complains about no games for the ps3 after November needs their head checked.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people keep bringing this stuff up. You know I have a reliable source too, Gears of War and Halo 3 are going to be ported onto the ps3 within the hour. You want to post an article to the public? back it up, with concrete hard evidence not I have an unidentified source who is my mothers, pool boys, uncles, sons, grandfather.

I could care less if this does turn out to be true, back up your facts before you post.

6074d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First off very few people can give a honest opinion on this subject. Not only do these people need to own both the ps3 and the 360 but they need to be neutral hype wise to both games and be able to give a opinion from a neutral point of view.

To those who keep screaming halo must be better because theres more people playing it. What are you smoking? Did every single one of those halo players play warhawk before? numbers mean nothing when your comparing two games that were hyp...

6075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are thinking the incriminating definition of bribe.

If I wanted a tv producer to take a look at a tv show idea I had and sent him the tape along with 500 dollars, or even tickets to a football game. We all know that is a bribe, its not legally incriminating as nothing was said but it sure as hell is a bribe.

In this case the reviewers don't need to give Halo 3 a good review however they sure do have a good impression of Halo since they just received sellab...

6075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

whenever they release a off rail gameplay video people always go nuts claiming there is no on rail gameplay. Fact is on rail is still there, off rail is a completely different part of the game.

I'm sure the game will be much funner then it looks when your actually playing it. Roaming while shooting sounds pretty fun, I could care less if the graphics suck.

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment