CRank: 5Score: 4480

Actually the ds didnt do just fine. They were third in japan with no hope of first for 2 years.

The ds had a year game drought just like every system

4738d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The Nintendo DS was released in:

* Japan on December 2, 2004

The psp was released

* JP December 12, 2004

@computer. Theres nothing different

4741d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is what your post reminds me off


4741d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The 3ds according to every analyst is on the 100+ million pace and outselling the ds ( 5 mil in 6 months vs 3.61 mil in 1 month)

Hell the ds and psp launched in the same window, the psp outsold the ds for 2 years AT ITS HIGHEST PRICE, and it still couldnt beat nintendo.

4742d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

@nyc dude

At least he doesnt troll something he hasnt played

"This things looks like shit"

LOL based on what? Every person whose used it has been uber impressed. Even patcher a nintendo troll like yourself

"had no 3 rd party support and they showed nothing but a tech demo."

darksider, ninja gaiden at launch. And a new mario sidescroller in development. And the system is 1.5 years out. Whe...

4745d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

you a graphics whore? it doesnt matter if its hd or sprites if the game is good. Its good

The system is almost 2 years away.

And sony came out with the same games too from there stable. Theres no difference.

4745d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

nice try dude

nintendo showed exclusives for wii, ds, 3ds , a brand new console which developers are saying is way more powerful than ps3.

and a controller that cant be reproduced with ps vita and ps3 and why would you want to? Buying 2 things to do the function of 1? I am sure you cant simultaneously play something on the big screen and have more content on the second screen at the same time. Thats something that is exclusive to this device


4745d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment

the 3ds is on the 100 mil pace. All the analysts have said so

All this doom and gloom has no basis in reality

And infinity blade is one of the worst rpgs Ive ever played. Its not better than the worst rpg on the ds.

Nintendo is doubted every time they put out hardware. And then they make people look like fools every time

4748d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

its the same difference the ds and psp had. The wii and ps3.

Nintendo stays a gen behind so its cheaper to develop for. Its a strategy thats paid off pretty well I would say.

4748d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ estranged

Hes just a troll. Common sense and logic doesnt work

4750d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


You sound like an fool honestly. You should quit while you still have 1 agree.

"Games like GTA Chinatown Wars taken directly from the PSP and delivered an exact experience"

HAHAHAHA you must of never played it then. The ios version is considered the worst version because of its controls and choppyness

"Dead Space, Modern Combat 2, Real Racing 2 are all excellent titles that rival the PSP in terms of graphi...

4750d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least its not getting outsold by hundreds of thousands of units like the ds was to the psp and gba

The 3ds being behind the cheaper system this early is pretty normal.

The 3ds had the biggest gains this week which shocked me.

Its good news for the 3ds this week

4751d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

well the 3ds did have an announced first ff project

maybe thats it.

And if so sqaures 3ds support is insane

4751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the psp is dying? thats news to know with me buying new games every month and new games geting announced every month and all

4751d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment


4751d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doom and Gloom on generalizations and false info/polls isnt really helping anyone nor are the useful.

In fact I am going through an old egm issue. feb 2005 issue 188. The question was asked of the ds.

What do you think of it so far? ( At this point it had an entire holiday plus january of time)

A: "hmm, can you say virtual boy 2? The ds seems gimmicky to me. Its just akward to use and The launch games are so weak. I have a feeling that h...

4751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Id rather have hardcore games than mature ones.

Nintendo satisfies that more so than sony or microsoft

4751d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why are you listing random exclusives?

It has nothing to do with the point.

My personal opinion is crysis 2 is sub par, much worse than even crysis 1 or farcry. Alan wake is good but its not revolutionary. Neither are any of the other games

So when a company says "this is the best" "we are pushing this to the limit"

Its all talk

4752d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo shareholders wouldnt say they are terrible because compared to the gb,gbc,gba,ds sales at launch during a non holiday the 3ds is doing phenomenal

And your seriously going to compare sales of a brand new system to those who have been on the market for 5+ years? Thats dumb.

Like most anaylsts agree the 3ds is on the 100+ million pace.

Nothing about it is terrible.

If that were the case the ds,psp,ps3,wii,360 are all...

4752d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment