
CRank: 5Score: 2820

Theoretically, yeah, the Xbone CPU is stronger. However, the Xbone APU is a bottlenecked design and its real-world performance is far lower than its theoretical maximum.

The substance engine, for example, runs faster on the PS4 CPU than it does on the Xbone CPU.

3741d ago 26 agree19 disagreeView comment

Dead Rising 3 - 720p with "Dynamic Resolution"
Killer Instinct - 720p
RYSE - 900p
Forza 5 - 1080p

Compare that with:

Blacklight Retribution: 1080p
Warframe: 1080p
Killzone: 1080p
Knack: 1080p
Drive Club: 1080p
Resogun: 1080p
Planetside 2: 1080p

3910d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Titanfall is sub-1080p.
"The jaggies are a curious point in particular; even judged by the high quality feed we have availability direct from the Microsoft E3 conference there's more sub-pixel shimmering and rough edges than any other game on show, which suggests this may not be a full-blown 1080p title in its current state."

- Digital Foundry

Ryse is 30 FPS, not 60 FPS. Check framerate test by DF.

Drive Club is pushing...

3920d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering that Titanfall and Killer Instinct runs at 720p and KZ: SF runs at 1080p while maintaining great graphics, the power difference does look real.

3920d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox ONE games are last-gen games running at 1080p. They're not exactly the most technically taxing games shown so far.

Killer Instinct - 720p
Forza 5 - Baked lighting, Baked physics, static environments
RYSE - lol...

3922d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

1) Killer Instinct is 720p, not 1080p.

2) Forza is a last-gen racer running at 1080p. It has static environments, pre-baked lighting, no day/night cycles and no variable weather conditions.
It looks like a cartoon compared to Drive Club. Technically, Drive Club is more impressive than Forza 5.

3) Halo 5 at 1080p 60 FPS will look like CoD.

3922d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

All games on the PS4 are 1080p with the exception of BF4.

For the Xbox ONE, DR3, KI, and BF4 aren't 1080p. I also expect a downgrade for Forza.

3927d ago 13 agree21 disagreeView comment


3932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. MisterXMedia is a known nutjob and a fake.

We have been going on that the GPU is 1.31 TF with the recent upclock. Microsoft confirmed this number at HotChips.

Based on what Microsoft has released so far, I'd put my money on the VGLeaks' documents rather than some anonymous dude who has a LiveJournal page.

3932d ago 17 agree22 disagreeView comment

LOL... Look at all the disagrees from the Xbox camp.
There's a reason all 3rd parties, even ones with exclusive deals with Microsoft (Battlefield 4), are showing the PS4 version and not the Xbox ONE version.
It's because the PS4 version is superior.

3932d ago 14 agree46 disagreeView comment

The Xbox ONE has been surprising developers, but not for the right reasons.

Not only are the specs abysmal, the architecture is more complex and inefficient compared to SONY's elegant solution. The size of the Xbox ONE's APU is due to the near 2 billion transistor eSRAM.
Furthermore, the current SDK environment is a disaster, with the latest update dropping performance by ~20%.

3932d ago 17 agree67 disagreeView comment

Look at the d-pad on the top-left. That video is the PS4 version.

Also, the version they showed at gamescom at the press conference wasn't on the Xbox ONE. Look at the "Select spawn point" option. It's represented by a button with a bold, right arrow on it, meaning they were using a 360 controller. It's being played on a PC.

Isn't it strange how no multiplat developer is showing the Xbox ONE version of their games? BF4, which was ann...

3939d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, normally, I'd say that Ubisoft is comparing this gen with next gen without trying to piss off any side, but a part of what he said makes me think he's comparing the PS4 version with the other console versions.

"We've heard from the beginning itself that Ubisoft would be implementing EXTRA CONTENT into the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed 4"

Read it again. We know that the ONE version won't have this "extra conte...

3978d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment