
CRank: 5Score: 61680


1477d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Woah guys look out, the humor police are here. Coming from the guy who was insinuating you're homophobic/transphobic a truly toxic individual. Also assumes you don't like the game because of certain sexualities even though you clearly say bad writing is the issue. What is wrong with this guy? He interprets things so wrongly... it's like he wants to see a bigot in everyone, such a sad toxic person.

Not to mention he accuses you of bringing politics into this whe...

1477d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

No everyone doesn't have to agree with me, not even a little bit, you could end up loving the game and i couldn't care less. What does bother me is this defence force that comes out and tries to constantly downplay the leaks.. that they HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN. Choosing to instead believe Troy Baker who has literally an invested interest in trying to sell the game, who disingenuously says it's "Just a few screenshots"

Or writing off the MANY people unsat...

1477d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"OK so I'll take it as fact that they are paying every reviewer and every YouTube channel to portray it in a positive light."

Deflection again.. seriously what do you think of this youtube channel? Do you think it's genuine? You think it has absolutely no connection to Sony/ND? You think Omni media is just helping out Sony/ND out of the goodness of their heart? Honestly, do tell what you think.

Now just think... if they ARE willing to pa...

1477d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

You're pretty selective in what you are replying about, clearly you must not find it suspicious that a site known to work with videogame publisher/developers is creating a Youtube channel that EXCLUSIVELY covers The Last of Us Part 2, always in a positive light, AND is doing a $4,000 USD worth give away in the form of 10 collector's editions and 40 regular versions of the game.

I mean seriously think about it for a second, if they will pay at the very least $4,000 t...

1477d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

To all the phantom disagrees, think about this critically, why would a company that is known to work with videogame publishers/developers create a Youtube Channel that exclusively covers the last of us part 2 (Always positively) AND is doing a $4,000 USD give away (10 Collector's editions and 40 regular editions of the last of us part 2). I mean it is so obvious Sony/ND are paying them to positively cover their game.

Now just think, if they are willing to pay at LEAST $...

1477d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

The fact that guy said "Troy Baker was right" is enough to make you know he's lying, Troy baker said the leaks were "Just a few screenshots" yeah.. he sure was right...

What's sad is all these people defending ND and saying the leaks aren't substantial will be proven wrong when the game releases, ill go ahead and bookmark this page.

Anyway OT I am actually very surprised the embargo is lifted a week before hand, they must h...

1477d ago 8 agree30 disagreeView comment

He made a joke and here you are taking it seriously, modern day leftists in a nutshell...

1477d ago 27 agree18 disagreeView comment

ah yes the good old, nothing we can do so just accept it. you'll live a good life with that mindset.

I can only imagine what you would be like as a slave way back in the day, I guess in a way people with your mindset are the modern day slave

1477d ago 9 agree34 disagreeView comment

Oh you mean like the doctor's in Claifornia going over the statistics showing that the death rate is 0.03% or the fact that the death rates are inflated because any death WITH covid is counted as a covid death. Yet people are acting like the world is ending. Unless you are 70+ years old and with an underlying health condition, covid won't kill you, keep you fear tactics to yourself.

1477d ago 17 agree21 disagreeView comment

Censorship of content because of gay/trans characters "So what?"

Are you kidding? I've been critical of this game because of the terrible plot and writing, but this is a complete joke.

No one should just accept censorship of this magnitude. This is backwards thinking.

1477d ago 16 agree58 disagreeView comment

How to spot someone who hasn't watched or read the leaks ^

1477d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Me: eagerly awaiting PS5 news, and game announcements..

Sony: Here's more about a game which the entire plot has already leaked online

oh... thanks.....? Well just gonna expect the now standard hidden likes and dislikes, hm why do you think they do that?

1477d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I also got drift on a couple PS4 controllers, but that's all because of Dead by Daylight, I wiggle the F*CK out of my joysticks trying to break free from the killer lol, still usually end up on the hook tho.. :/

1478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I literally don't understand how you could not like the PS4 controller. It fits absolutely perfect in your hand and feels natural, the 360 > PS3, easily but that's just because the 360 controller was more comfortable fit in your hands, but PS4 > Xbox One easily for the exact same reason, Xbox went backwards in terms of comfort.

Also anyone claiming to want their joysticks offset is literally going against human nature. The human brain prefers symmetry, that...

1478d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Personally mine is a sequel to literally one of the best games of all time, and this sequel makes the first game mean absolutely nothing, this sequel is better off never being made, the story is just that bad. A huge shame because the developer actually has the best talent in the industry, but it only took a select few to ruin the game.

1478d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah, there are even better 3D games in dreams, let alone all the fan stuff made in unreal engine.

1478d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

SA2B, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed day levels, Sonic Colors, Sonic generations, Sonic Mania. There's plenty. Even sonic lost worlds wasn't terrible... just...ok.


I've never played the Rush games, so I don't know about those.

1478d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gonna go ahead and fix the name of this site real quick from to

1479d ago 74 agree148 disagreeView comment

If you completed the game you would know why there are robotic dinosaurs.... clearly you didn't actually finish it or you didn't pay attention.

1479d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment