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Could unique feature be great hardware designed to enable developers to make the best games?

3862d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't get it. Could some explain it to me?

3863d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's definitely ZOE I'm calling it now. Also VR headset, NG DLC, and R* announcement, & Ubisoft

Bet this will be 5/5

3863d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's in contention but I still like NBA 2K14 because it's based in a reality that we know very well it's even harder to make it look as great as it does.

I mean we all know what someone throwing a basketball looks like but we aren't too familiar with what a sword fight really looks like (in terms of animation).

So when we see a basketball animation it has to be perfect for us to think it looks great because we've seen it so many times.

3863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My opinion still remains true. I watched the comparison video and said they both look bad because COD is so last gen, lazy effort.

Did anyone else notice that the XB1 had a very strong green tint in the comparison and the PS4 had a blue tint?

3863d ago 31 agree6 disagreeView comment

What's with everyone recently. They're so eager to catch out Sony fanboys that they ignore the fact PS4 has 3 F2P sxclusives, a tonne of indie exclusives, and loads of multiplats to go through. The PS4 has more games than XB1.

I understand that XB1 has more large titles in DR3 and Ryse, Forza, and that's cool, but that doesnt mean the PS4 doesnt have any games. People act like you get a console and only but exclusives. Fuck that, i'll be playing BF4 NBA FIFA ...

3863d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree with Lukas Japdolski!!!

3865d ago 32 agree7 disagreeView comment

I know it sounds close minded but there really is no debate here. BF4 is the right choice. I play every BF every COD, and COD is for a certain community, it's not about the game it's about doing something with a group in party.

BF has so much more to it. So many more possibilities, vehicles, weapons, maps, destructibility, players in a game. It sounds close minded but maybe its because I've been playing the exact same COD for 6 or so years and little has changed....

3868d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment


I'm gett ing a PS4, but you're still so cringeyu and creepy. Wasting all that time to try and convince people who will have already made up their minds. cringe.

3868d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It doesnt take Albert Newton with a telescope to figure out what he did.

Nice avatar, where'd you get it bigman.

3870d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

@meth @arch Lol you guys got burned. You were being dicks and then you got burned. You know Ryse looks good and you don't want to admit it.

There's no need to bash XB1 every chance you get. This article is about The division. At no point is XB1 brought up. Burned.

3870d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Jesus Christ. If you think that looks good, your head will probably explode at a next gen Crysis.

3872d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What else has he done? I haven't heard of him before.

3874d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

More like too bad these promos aren't in England. Also by the way for some reason UK prices are like $70 equivalent. So consider yourself lucky you have this promo at 2 retailers!

3874d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That does look kinda weird. didnt notice it though.

3875d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ghosts looks bad on both any platform to me. COD looks so current gen.

This may sound flamey but the only difference I see between current/next gen is in resolution, which I guess makes the resolution important.

3875d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think the last part of you're comment is more important than the first part, but you know the first part will get more agrees.

I find it incredibley respectful and pleasant when MS or Sony acknowledges the others merits. I's so much better when competition actually validate each-other.

3876d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're often first comment stating the obvious.

3876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly don't know anyone IRL whos getting an XB1 (UK), every one of my friends is going PS4 even if they had 360's only last gen. despite that Ms will sell out so will Sony.

3877d ago 58 agree46 disagreeView comment

I still think that this is being blown out of proportion. Devs only found out the final specs this year. Engines arent really optimised for next gen consoles yet.

I think this highlights that the PS4 is more powerful, but I dont think this means that the XB1 wont be able to 1080p 60fps in future multiplats. Didnt alot of devs say they were shocked by the PS4 GDDR5 announcement in Feb? And dev kits were only finalised a couple of months ago.

As developers get...

3877d ago 42 agree103 disagreeView comment