
CRank: 5Score: 1800

No way does Otacon surpass Snake.

Its like the author forgot his headline halfway through and instead starting writing "supporting characters i like".

3666d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats nice dear, now run along and try not to say anything else stupid.

3667d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

hardly a fair comparison since valkyrie is focused on arcade fighter combat as opposed to Elite or SC being more like space simulators.

It like comparing COD to ARMA, entirely different animals.

3682d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, this topic again.

Seriously dragon shut up already, your getting stale man and this dumb argument that people should buy a PS3 to play TLOU is...well dumb.

3683d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah i see - so the government loves me specifically at tax season because of my video game spending wait, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Back on topic, AceBlazer makes an excellent point below. TLOU on PS3 is still a full priced retail game WITHOUT the DLC. So the PS4 version which includes the DLC will actually be better value than the PS3, and that's before we even have to buy the PS3 console as as you so wisely instructed :)

3709d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cool, I just wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt before writing you off as completely bonkers.

Just out of interest what difference does my perceived value in things make to the government at tax season? They get the same % of money out of you and I regardless of how much you gnash your teeth over ported videogames, so i would imagine they love us equally.

...or maybe you just didn't think that little retort through properly :)

3709d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

let me get this straight Dragon Knight. You are saying that paying $60 for a current award winning game ported to a different console with a few extra features is a cash grab, and you are advising PS4 owners to not buy it and instead buy a $300 PS3 ?

You sir are a genius, remind me to never let you do my taxes :)

3709d ago 20 agree6 disagreeView comment

LOL, Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?

3860d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sessler is a classic example of someone dissapearing up their own ass. He seems to be conflicted by what he wants to be true and what reality is which is why he is having these contradictody meltdowns.

I think that at E3 he had heard from MS that 1080p 60fps was what they were aiming for with the xbone and so he backed his favourite horse and did his first speech about how that should be the standard. Now thats gone tits up he is trying to backpeddle much like the other MS em...

3862d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

5 day ban huh, that must suck :)

What i want to know with this whole episode is if MS banned this guys account then does that stop him playing his 360 online or is this specific to his Xbone ?

3862d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

GAME are certainly aware of it and have promised me this bundle for the midnight launch for the princely sum of £450.

3866d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There you go again showing how well you handle anyone who disagrees with you - overblown exaggerated drama. You are nothing if not utterly predictable :)

And im not trying to cause you to lose sleep or asking you to crave my admiration, i'm simply pointing out what a massive bell-end you are.

3866d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

"and due to the fact that he himself can't handle being called out for his hypocrisy. He thinks too highly of his own opinion and that's where his meltdowns originate."

Its funny because thats how i picture you - constantly on the verge of a meltdown, feverishly writing overblown blogs about non-issues and then filling the comments sections with quote/paragraph/quote/paragrap h of your fanatical blinkered rantings.

3866d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment

Man i thought i was a Sony fanboy (and I am) but you take this to a whole new level of defensive fanaticism, its really cringeworthy.

I get that there are xbox fanboys who talk some crap and so you want to set them straight but the way you turn everything into these quote/response tit tat battles is making you look like a nut.

3963d ago 21 agree5 disagreeView comment

This blog is spot on, the very notion that an xbox can be made 4 x more powerful through cloud computing is so ludicrous that i almost pissed in my pants when i heard it.

Then i heard xbox fans lap it and begin to repeat it and my jaw hit the floor at the naivety.

What they are suggesting cannot be done, wake up and smell reality.

4002d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did read it and my comment is completely valid.

I do not want a FF7 remake in any shape or form - capeesh ?

It was a nice story 15 years ago, but there have been better stories and games since. Its a nice bit of nostalgia and it deserves its recognition as a pioneering game but i do not care about it enough to get excited over the prospect of a remake and i would not buy it.

4074d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

The ideal FF7 remake is no remake at all.

It was good for its time but seriously people need to get over it.

4074d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

The final fantasy bubble has popped - nobody gives a shit anymore.

nobody other than the FF nerds who are about to disagree with this comment anyway, and there arent enough of you plebs to make it finanicaly viable.

4075d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The need for you guys to defend against all this sexism bullshit is just as ridiculous as the sexism claims themselves.

Its a completely absurd discussion and by trying to have a logical debate on it you are feeding the controversy. It reminds me of scientists trying to debate with creationists - you cannot win because its a stupid argument in the first place and all you are doing is keeping it in the spotlight.

Get a grip and let this nonsense drop off the r...

4103d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Translated - stupid parents cant be arsed knowing what their child is up to so they give him the password to their itunes account just to shut him up and then shit their pants when the bill arrives.

4103d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment