
CRank: 5Score: 25210

The Wii is going to come out on top, most definetly. Everyone wants to try it, and I mean EVERYONE.

And I think that won't be that bad, some of the best games of all time came out on nintendo systems.

Plus, I think it's about time Sony was knocked down a peg. And nintendo is the perfect one to do it.

Don't get me wrong, I love my PS2, and my PSP, and holy god do i want a PS3, but Sony is a big, giant mega-corp, and they're getting a big giant meg...

6343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That costume sucks, it makes no sense.

Why is it designed to show off maximum cleavage?

Seriously, seriously not cool.

If she is a spy, wouldn't she be doing her best to cover up any exposed skin, to avoid being cut or shot or scraped or anything like that?

The sides of her torso, right where her kidneys are, is completely exposed.

It's just like all those stupid b-rate action movies that are always being directed ...

6343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PS3 has been out for all of two seconds, and they're saying it's one of the most overrated products of ALL time?

what about VHS? betamax was better, yet everyone was all whacko about vhs.

what about laser disk?
what about tang? tang is freakin disgusting, yet people drink it constantly. (tang IS technology, by the way)

jesus, what the hell is wrong with these people? i never even considered buying a 360 at all until just recentl...

6344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he says if enough fans demand it, they will make it available.

as of now, i am officially stating that i demand split screen.


6349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only game i have played on the PS3 was the motorstorm demo, and I enjoyed it a LOT. it's a very fun game, and i've read reports that the final version is actually a whole lot better.

and i don't even like racing games.

If the ps3 can continue putting out games of that calibre, i will definetly buy one.

and by the way, i am saying this with a 360 sitting in the next room.

6349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



6359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bully is an amazing game, I loved it!


6359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

need blu-ray for ps3 games


6359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're all dorks.

6359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no way MMO's will take over, and the reason for that is;

I HATE MMO's and so do many people. How the hell do they expect you to get into an engrossing storyline, like Splinet Cell, Metal Gear, Prince of Persia, or a million other single player games, if there are a million other jackasses running around destroying the illusion?

I think a good step would for gaming companies to come up with a single DVD format that runs on any console, just like PC's. N...

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the motorstorm demo yesterday, and i thought it was pretty freakin good.

In my opinion, it would be worth buying as it is in the demo station, and it's awesome that there are improvements to it as well.

from what i've seen of the ps3, i would give it an 'A'

sure it's expensive, and there is no way i'm buying one until it comes down in price, but it seems pretty damn cool.

and to end my comment, i will point out that the 360 ...

6377d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they put the imagination and fun level of Bully into GTA4 it'll be better than all the grand theft auto games.

GTA is one of my favorites series, but San Andreas was a serious step backwards from Vice City. Many improvements, but at the expense of all the things in GTA3 and Vice City that were good.

At least I have PSP, to play new missions in old gameplay style.

6380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the problem is the water in the puddles is too clean, making it look unrealistic. It doesn't look like plastic, but it does look like meat.

raw liver or something.

of course, while playing the game, all we'll see is mud flying everywhere, we won't have ten minutes to inspect and comment. so it will probably seem more realistic in game.

6382d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment



6385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apparently sony has developed transporter technology, or I am seriously underestimating the speed at which the international shipping lanes, and manufacturing companies run at.

but still, this would be cool..

6385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, they said a lot about things that weren't true, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them liars.

I think they just promised things without knowing all the facts.

that might make them stupid, but not neccesarily liars. i hope this is true, i want my freakin ps3

6385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they'd better not show master chief's face in the game, or in any game for that matter.

his anonymity is one of the things that make him so universal.

it'd be just like when kenny took his hood off, and he just looked like some kid. everyone was just like "yippity-freakin-do"

6389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course the 360 sold more than the PS3 in the last week. Gears of War just came out, and that's what everyone was waiting for before they bought theirs, and the PS3 was in short supply.

How did everyone not see this coming?

This doesn't mean Microsoft has "Won the War", and it certainly doesn't mean PS3 sucks.

You're all fanboys in my opinion, and by fanboys I mean nerds. I just play the games, what difference does it make what syst...

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so all of america comes to this guy's bedside while he recovers, and it turns out he's just another one of those greedy losers, out to make a quick buck at the expense of all the rest of us true gaming fans.

anyone who buys a system simply to sell it on ebay is pathetic.

6398d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment