CRank: 5Score: 10780

Im adding one more cdn to the mix this nov so a $50 would be awesome.

3658d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you can afford to spend money on a ps4 and games then you can spend money on a PC and games.

PC's are exponentially cheaper in the long run and far FAR more powerful than a ps4 will ever be obviously both now and into the future. My pc is 3 years old and is better than a ps4 and I will have no problem running star citizen.

There are many resources online to help with pricing and building a pc. There is a site (can't recall of the top of my head) th...

3658d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a shock. Typical anti-digital bs here. Everything I have digital is backed up and even if I lose it I download again. There would have to be something severely catastrophic for the whole system to go down and bye-bye.

What do I care if a game I have lasts 1000 years on a disc? How does this beniefit me? I play my games NOW and if I can get them ALL cheap and have hem available anywhere anytime then f yes to that.

You idiots buying brick and mortor are t...

3714d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

You don't own the games you buy in a brick and mortar either.

All we are (and have ever done technically) buying is the right to use/play the game.

I would rather pay less with Digital Distribution and keep a game forever on my hdd than pay more, play the game and pawn it back for some store credit.

4391d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Good Riddance to the clutter. Games delivered via a physical format are an old and outdated medium. Bring on the Digital revolution. oh wait, its already here :)

4424d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why would you respect them? This is really more inconvenient than anything else.

A game like this needs to get into as many stores (and as many hands) as possible.

If Gamestop/Ebgames is going to be exclusive the least they can do is fight to bring us the limited edition steelbook set EU got.

4490d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you want the cover then download it and make it your wallpaper. :)

4603d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see all my games just fine on my PC thanks to the power of my Monitor.

I used to care about perfect discs/carts/manuals etc but it just isn't worth it anymore. I play games to play games, not have a shelf full of cardboard and plastic.

I say cater to both crowds and take advantage of each market. DD should be cheaper (It's the isp's with the bandwidth BS is whats really stopping DD)and the brick and mortars can have all that useless junk wit...

4766d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You also don't own the games you buy at the store so whats your point? because you can pawn or sell them off that some how makes you the owner?

All you are buying is the right to USE the software. This OnLive service is no different.

However I do agree 100% their pricing scheme is BS.

4800d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

An internal storage is not needed. The NGO has two memory card slots. One for a game card and one for storage. Sony hasn't said the format the NGO supports. Memory cards are cheaper and you can get whatever size you need.

This article is referring to the Size of the cards GAMES come on.

4809d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thing is as you said the PSP was at a higher price then. This time both systems are going to be $249+ range so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

4850d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I gave one disagree solidsnake. I have nothing against used games but i have nothing for it either. I personally do support the Digital distribution method. Steam is just one prime example of how to do it right.

And given the sales going on right now not even used game prices can compare. Zero's and Ones on my hdd are just as physical as the zero's and ones on a disc.

4890d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't see what HHG is call BS on.

The PS3 has 256MB of Main memory and 256MB of memory dedicated to the RSX. Xbox360 ha 512MB of memory combined for both system and GPU.

In other words devs have to approach each system with a different train of thought when utilizing system resources.

4920d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. SDXC format - Both faster and more storage space then bs-ray. Plus as an added bonus we could save any dlc for games to the card the game came. Make for cheaper system out of the gate too and energy efficient.
2. Not a deal breaker but access to online gaming for free would be nice.
3. upgradable hdd
4. inegrated media options like netflix or google tv (note doesn't HAVE to be these just giving examples)
5. Games come in those Steelbook cases. i'm ...

4922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree with you baby-jedi. I do not think Sony and Microsoft collaborating would not hurt competition at all, it would in fact increase it. Why? because Sony and Microsoft do not make all the games, the development community does.

Lets say Sony and Microsoft do join forces and make one system. Developers would have to compete with each other more directly for consumer dollars than they do now across multiple systems. This means as a developer (and publisher even too) if i...

4926d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

6) Then you don't know how iTunes works or how to name a freaking Album. Learn young one, learn.

7) You know, I wish The big 3 consoles manufacturer's would hold more press conferences as Steve does. To me, it shows Apple gives a damn about there customers when they tell what is going on and when the internet lies about there products or blows things out of proportion (like the antenna nonsense)

8) The 90's and Microsoft say hi. Remember when windows wa...

4944d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This list is a joke and clearly from some rabid M$ fanboy retard. No company is perfect sure and when it comes to computers you buy what you need to do what you need.

As iamnsuperman pointed out, Apple is already in the gaming market, they just created there own corner of it. Nothing wrong with that.

1) I've been using OSX for about 2 years now and I have NEVER had it crash on me(granted it's just me but since we are clearly going by personal exp here...

4944d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is how Diablo will win, by making us fight amongst ourselves :P.

4952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MIcrosoft doesn't need Blu-ray. Their are other options for a physical medium of choice. SDXC for example.

4982d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

While I have plenty of space on my HDD for this, I really hope at least one of the big 3 goes with a flash medium (eg. SDXC) next gen. HDD installs are one of those easily avoidable problems.

I'd rather use 10gb for things i want to buy off the PSN store and not for game performance when said game performance can be done with a simple switch of tech. Optical media is so outdated.

SDXC has a 2tb ceiling. that is more then enough space and easily competes...

5008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment