CRank: 5Score: 7860
3549d ago Show

It F'N hilarious that so many of you fanboys defend destiny to no other end ... I wonder if these are the same loser ass kids cry because it's made by Bungie and it's just a new fad these so called core players defend with all their integrity?... Face FACTS kids this game is MEDIOCRE through and through...
The loot system= broken, story= terrible/under developed, PVP=flawed/not balanced/laugh kills/meh, gameplay variety=none/same missions except one that lets you use a swo...

3550d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because he traded it and didn't like it he's trolling!? You kids these days 😒

3550d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Dude just stop... Quit playing make believe and acting like a fanboy defending his purchase... Go watch Angry Joe's review if youre in need of a reality check... He nailed exactly what's wrong. Don't be upset that Bungie screwed up big time... Maybe people like you need to quit playing games especially since you guys can't seem to face facts and actually critique the game for what it is... A subpar, half finished game

Not saying the game is not fun but it is f...

3551d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Internet BS ? You mean that people were let down due to what any media outlet ( including Bungie) hyped the game to be... For the initial release of the game, the content was lacking in many areas. Not to say the game is absolutely terrible which would be an exaggeration, but the game was completely over exaggerated and is so bare it's almost disturbing how much their standards have slipped in terms of how un thought out the game was released...

Wasn't it also in dev...

3560d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment

My definite day 1 games are:
Witcher 3
Can't wait, looks like it's going to be a great generation this go around.

3567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job Phil, more quality exclusives and more ways to brings great games for free to the customers and then guess what? If you do all that then you'll catch up to Sony... I can't wait until that time so we can begin the real competition for my hard earned money... Although they are not quite there, I'm glad Phil is taking strides to bring Xbox's name back to glory... Keep up the good job, can't wait until Gears !!!

3567d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed, can't help but get a good feeling watching it, making Tuesday all the more anticipated. ;)

3569d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clearly over your head bud, diablo 3 & TLOU are games that are good enough to play singleplayer ( IMO ) to pass the time why you wait... Btw the reasons I listed are why people are getting the ps plus and downtime issues as told by a Sony rep

3569d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony rep stated this issue affect many and it's due to mine craft and them prepping the servers for Destiny... Not eta on when it'll be resolved...yes this issue affects those that are getting the " need to renew plus " error like myself... This is why Diablo 3 and TLOU are available ... Well atleast I own both ;)

3569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My list:
1. Destiny
2. Lords of the Fallen
3. Dragon Age Inquisition
4. The Witcher 3
5. Bloodborne

I'm gonna be busy as a mug... Btw this isn't even mentioning:

Alien Isolation

PS...My maybes are:
WWE 2K15
Shadow of Mordor
The Order 1866

3573d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Omg I can't type lol

3574d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gotta say the game I was most hyped about seems to be less than stellar... It really sucks because I telling my friends that the one thing that could kill this game would be lack of singleplayer/co-op content and guess what.... It looks like I jinxed this game and now I really am worried about said problem... Please Bungie don't cram DLC down our throats just to experience what you guys have said to be the it would be on launch...

3574d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think people are just anxious to see if this game will be all graphics & no gameplay or turn out to be a great combination of the two ( meaning GOTY candidate )... Either way you slice it The Order has caught many peoples attention. I can completely understand as I have my worries too because I'm impressed visually/artistically but not convinced with the gameplay yet... No i won't pre order it antytime soon but I also won't dismiss it and hate it yet because I haven't pl...

3574d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it just me or did this game come from out of nowhere? And by that I mean yeah I knew it was announced etc, but I mean this game has some pretty good mechanics/features that keep me interested. I'm not usually into LOTR but man I gotta say it looks pretty damn good. A most welcome surprise for sure ;)

3574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think COD will sell more but who knows as I'm pulling for Destiny... Casuals are in greater number than core players unfortunately...

3574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have had the trouble going digital as well, 3 different games have had problems to where I've rebuilt the data base, erased then reinstalled multiple times, & nothing worked ( btw this is what Sony will tell you to do for trouble shooting tips, after this they will tell you that you're SOL and to post in the forums... In my experience, calling them is usually a waste of time: their tech support/managers are usually pure unprofessional garbage and I truly mean this strictly due t...

3576d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is coming out digitally on the PS store right? I hope it does update tomorrow if they keep up with the usual Tuesday maintenance. I have to try this game out especially after watching the video on what they've added/updated. Haven't played either but heard both were pretty good semi survival horror FPS's

3579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So let's ddos attack them for not having ddos protection?? Makes as much sense as me kicking someone I don't know's ass because they don't know how to fight

3580d ago 29 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm just glad that Sony are updating us as frequently as possible... BTW find these dipshits and put em in prison for a while... Show them actions have consequences

3580d ago 26 agree2 disagreeView comment