
CRank: 5Score: 27500

Agreed. One of the only recent AC game that felt original. They could have put AC III or Unity instead.

And I loved Diablo III. Stop the blacklash just because of the auction system fiasco. Apart from that the game is fun as hell.

3206d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It looks equally weird and fascinating. The character design will not be appreciated by everyone but it's unique, for sure. Same goes for the art style which is utterly amazing.

The game is like a mix of Gravity Rush, Valkyrie Profile, with some RPG elements. That is definitely not a bad thing ! I can't wait to see more of it. I really enjoyed what I saw in this video.

3206d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Replayed it recently and it hasn't aged a bit. Still as amazing as it was back the.

A tremendous game, wich has influenced modern gaming in more ways that you could imagine.

You have to play it at least once in your life, for your personal gaming culture. So go ahead !

3206d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Secret of Mana ?? The Soundtrack of that game is monumental.

And I know they are more Action-RPG than pure JPRGs, but Kingdom Hearts and Nier's soundtracks are both amazing.

3209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yeah, well, what I meant was that they can either keep the same game with just enchanced graphics (like the Resident Evil remake on GameCube), or make a completely new game with new gameplay, etc..

3209d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This. Resident Evil 2 is one of the best survival game ever.

As much as I would love a HD remaster of the game, the way they did with Resident Evil (with old school Resi gameplay and camera angles), I think a complete HD remake with camera over the shoulder could be utterly amazing if they do it well.

I rememeber that demo of what Resident Evil 4 could have been :


And let's remember how the Wii tore the competition apart, hands in the pocket.

Wii U is a disaster, but let's not forget that Nintendo still owns some of the most beloved franchises in the gaming industry. If they rethink their policy, they could become a real competitor again.

Just imagine if they decide to make an Open World HD Pokemon Game on a home console ? Success guaranteed.

3210d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

"Personally, I think Bioshock Infinite told a story with similar ideas and themes and did it much better."

How relevant is a comparison between TLOU and Bioshock Infinite, aside from the similarities in the relationship between the two main characters ?

If you want to bash one of the most acclaimed games ever, at least use relevant arguments.

The Last of Us is more than just a game. It's an experience. An immersive, thrilling, h...

3217d ago 45 agree12 disagreeView comment

I totally agree. I remember the PS2/XBOX/GC era when the majority of games were SP-only. Good times. And the same goes for the generations before that as well, of course.

Now it's all about adding MP features here and there. Plus, FPS are everywhere.

I miss the times when pure SP-only story-driven adventure games and platformers were abundant. I want that back.

Prince of Persia, Primal, Beyond Good and Evil, The Wind Waker, Eternal Darkness,...

3217d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is not much to remember actually lol

3225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, as the follow-up of one of the most iconic FPS of all time, it basically failed on every level. Graphics, gameplay, writing (okay, the franchise is not the most sublte ever in that category I agree). It's full of clichés (funny in the beginning then they're getting really lame) and the shooting is not fun at all, which is technically bad for a FPS.

Plus, the hype was kinda crazy since the game had been anticipated for years.

It's not a ...

3225d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am surprised they even want to work on that franchise again lol. Maybe they should completely give it away to another studio, because it's going to be hard to regain people's trust after Duke Nukem Forever happened.

3225d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Comment removed too lol. Wrong news.

3225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Platinum Games have to ability to develop a top-notch gameplay for an Attack on Titan game, just like they could do a DBZ adventure game. Asura's Wrath was so fun. And so are Vanquish and Bayonetta.

And I would love to see animes like Claymore or Tokyo Ghoul being adapted. Dark and gritty adventure games.

Claymore, developped by CD Projekt. Tokyo Ghoul developped by Naughty Dog. Lol that sounds really improbable, but that would be so cool !

3225d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that, whatever the subject is, there is nothing to debate over one man's death. All we have to do is send our prayers to his family. And may he rest in peace.

3227d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think it comes down the the type of universe you prefer. I have always been more attracted to Fantasy than Science Fiction/Anticipation so I guess that even if Fallout 4 turns out to be a masterpiece, I'd still prefer TW 3, purely based on subjective factors.

But still, it's way too early to compare the two of them. Fallout 4 isn't even out yet and we have only seen like 30 minutes of the game.

3230d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


Yeah I know, I was just speculating ! DC was cool back then so I wouldn't mind getting a new one if it's done properly.

3232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Power Stone is simply one of the coolest fighter ever. It is so fun. The only problem is that there are not many characters. But apart from that, it was definitely a must-play back then.

As for Soul Reaver, let's say it features the best depiction of vampires in video games, and probably one of the best written fantasy narrative of all time. It's dark, gritty, with complex characters, a rich lore and terrific twists. Seriously you should try the Legacy of Kain series ...

3233d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

A Dreamcast 2 with Soul Reaver, Power Stone and Jet Set Radio Future sequels. Ahah, that would be amazing.

3233d ago 29 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sport : "all types of physical activity that people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment"

Physical acticity. Physical.

Please, as much as I enjoy video games, it's as much a sport as binge-watching a season of Game of Thrones.

Practicing sports keeps you healthy and in good shape. Everybody should do sports regularly to lenghten their life expectancy. Sport is vital. Video games are not.

People calling video game...

3233d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment