CRank: 5Score: 3090

Is the 360 holding the PS3 back? I don't think so. Did the PS2 hold back the original xbox? Again I don't think so. The difference between ps3 and 360 is not as significant as the one between ps2 and xbox. It was a tactical(perhaps erroneous)decision on Msoft's part not to include BD/HDDVD and a HDD as standard drive on the 360. Disc-swapping a multi-disc game is just an inconvenience. The HDD hasn't sped up loading times on PS3 when playing from the disc and the option to save games on...

5329d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

2008 is gonna be a good year for games. MGS4 will finally be released...and NG2 in one year!!! Personally my most anticipated title is NG2. The graphics and animation both seem to be improved and the gameplay....I don't think there are words available to describe how amazing the gameplay looks. Ninja Gaiden has been one of my favorite franchises since it's release back in 89(I think it was 89). This is the only other game (Street Fighter was the first) that had me buying each iteration o...

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come much of a fanboy can the writer of this article be? Capcom owes sony some loyalty? Please...Capcom doesn't owe sony, microsoft of Nintendo a thing. What the fanboy that wrote this and countless others like him fail to realize is that game industry is a business. Capcom just like any other company in the industry is in it to make money...period. The only loyalties they should have should be to their fans(not just PS-based fans but all their fans) and to bank account. I say ...

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I hope the game plays as good as it looks. I've been trying to sell my brother on this game for a while now...becuz it looks great. He's worried that it will be boring...I a fairly valid point since the Tomb Raider games got boring after a while(mostly due to the games being the same thing after TR:2). I'm personally very interested in this title and can't wait to try it out.

6056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics are good, the platforming looks fun and even the fighting looks good. Dual-Analog jutsu performing sounds like fun and a cool play mechanic. I also like how the music from the show is in the game, very very nice touch. My only issue with the game is the american voice acting. I simply can not stomach the Naruto English voice cast. It is so much better with Japanese cast. I cringe everytime the blandly say Shadow-Clone jutsu. Kage Bushin no Jutsu sounds cooler and more Ninj...

6056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad Capcom USA out-source Street Fighter 4's development to Capcom-Japan...that was a great move...especially since there have been hardly any fighting games that were really good that came from anywhere else but japan. This is a very good sign that SF4 won't end up like Mortal Kombat. Now I hope that Capcom has been aware of the state of the fighting genre and will release a SF game that is comparable if not better than the VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur and DOA games currently on the marke...

6057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seriously doubt this game will be 2D. If it came out 10yrs ago...maybe..but not now. We are in a gaming age...dominated by 3D graphics. The all the top-selling fighting games in past 5-6 years have all been 3D fighters. 2D fighters unfortunatley are almost extinct. There are a few remaining...Guilty Gear and Rumble Fish....but even KOF is 3D now. I've accepted the fact that this game will be 3D. 3D doesn't mean a bad thing. Before I go any further I would like to say that I seriousl...

6059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately I do recognize your pic its of Garuda from the aweful street fighter ex games. I can't explain how terrible it would be if Arika is in charge of this Street Figther 4: New Beginning project. I doubt they are. I'm almost positive this game will be in 3D. There really aren't that many 2D fighters anymore. Guilty Gear is almost like the last of the mohicans.

If Capcom does go 2D with Street Fighter 4 I hope they have taken notes from Sammy's Rumble Fish. That...

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I must say this announcement is HUGE!!! But I must admit I am concerened about a few things. In japan street fighter doesn't have the same loyal fanbase that it still has here in the USA. It's popular...but old news where as here in the US...street fighter still has a very large cult following. Aside from the occassional Street Fighter anime every couple of years Capcom Japan has (for the most part) written off Street Fighter. So is Street Fighter 4 being done by Capcom USA and Udon or ha...

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good video. The only thing I have a problem with is Yuna and Rikku going toe-toe with Ninjas? With magic yeah...they'd be all over the place but fighting them like it was shown in this video..hand-to-hand...they'd have gotten killed fairly quickly. Tifa vs Hitomi...that would be amazing!!..can't wait for the next part to see how it ends.

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No doubt Jack Thompson and co. will try to blame the shooting that just happened here in Cleveland on videogames when this kid clearly had a history or mental issues. When his issues are over and he is disbarred we won't hear from him again. Hopefully he will fade into obscurity.

6067d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with RadientFlux on this one....who the heck is Frontier Developments? They're track record is virtually non-exsistent. Elite? Really?? He's the man because he made Elite? Really?? Elite was released over 23years ago. He hasn't made anything really worth noting in 23years. Roller-Coaster Tychoon, Frontier, Wallace and Gromit? Puh-lease! No before I listen to anything this guy has to say...I want to see/play his "NEXT-GEN" game first.

6068d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah..this should be an interesting rivalry...but I think the winner of this "rivalry" has already been decided. There are areas that each game outshines the other and both franchises are fantastic(I'm a big fan of both) but there can only be one king of the hill and that is....Ninja Gaiden.


The clear winner in the story Category is DMC. Family Dysfunction, Betrayal, Revenge, Self-Discovery among others are all themes explored in the DMC franch...

6072d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

on a totally unrelated note....

Dude..that is probably the most awesome screenname I have ever seen!!! That's classic!! BOOSH!!

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Articles like this are OPINION pieces...based solely on the opinion of the author. If someone says halo 3 is the best game there Opinion Halo 3 IS the best game ever. If someone says Lair is trash...then in their OPINION Lair IS trash. If someone says Heavenly Sword is their OPINION Heavenly Sword is Awesome. If someone says Saint's Row their OPINION it sucks. The key word in these examples is OPINION. While it may not be the best game ever in your eyes...

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft only had to sell 100,000 copies of madden on xbox to tie the combined numbers of booth PS3 and PS2. There still plenty of xbox owners who don't have a 360...that number isn't un-realistic. If you want to combine sales. I feel that you should put last gen with last gen and current gen with current gen. Its really the only way to go. Bring in the "older brother" really is just wrong...let them fight there own battles I say.

6083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This lady is way off I wonder who actually did the research for her report?

"Not too soon for microsoft because their xbox 360 really has been a bomb compared to playstation 3 and in particular to Nintendo's Wii......Solve this xbox problem similiar to sort of how razor companies solve their similiar issues..selling razors in order to get people to buy the blade."

Clearly she is talking from a sales standpoint...and obviously we all know she is utterl...

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is ridiculous this guy must be in need of free publicity or something. Jack Thompson should run his own household and stop trying to control the households of America. With all the things wrong with this country..and the world for that matter...politician and lawyers are wasting our tax dollars telling us what we can or can not view/play like we are their children. I wonder if there is any legal basis for the game-makers and us as consumers to file a class-action suit against people l...

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I can say is simply amazing. This game is graphically better than Sigma and that's a fact. Its graphical enhancements are more technical in nature. The way the bodies are dismembered and litter the ground while more enemies join the fight, the blood on the ground before it soaks in, the blood on his weapons that needs to be flung off...oh yes this game is better than sigma. But it should be...its the sequel to NG, NG: Black and NG: Sigma. There is still time for them to up the graphi...

6092d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

When I woke up this morning...I had a feeling today would be a good day. I sign online and see GLORIOUS Screenshots of Ryu Hayabusa doing what he does best...with new toys!!! Being a fan of Ninja Gaiden since it's first game was released in arcades back in 1988, I can honestly say...THIS is the reason why I got an Xbox 360. Ninja Gaiden was why I purchased the original Xbox. And the only reason I didn't get a PS3 for Sigma is because my brother has I go to his place and play Sigma...

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment