CRank: 5Score: 46880

Maybe you should be more clear in what you say, just saying Xbox is very vague! And I genuinely thought you meant the 360!

However, you're still a tool! The Wii U is clearly ahead of PS3, even if it's not as much as some would of thought, you're just too far up Sony's arse to admit it.

4121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wait, you actually believe in your heart of hearts that the PS3 was a generation ahead of the 360?

Please, that's too funny even for a Sony fanboy!

It is quite obvious the PS4 (Visually) is going to blow the Wii U out of the water, why are people even questioning this? I don't think anyone was expecting such a powerhouse when Sony announced the PS4. 8Gb of GDDR5 Ram alone is quite unbelievable.

My only concern now is the price, howe...

4121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wasting your time trying to explain anything to these ignorant fanboys mate!

4124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Crysis 3 beta was pretty horrible, at least on the 360 which is what I played it on, but how many people buy Crysis for Multiplayer?

I will be getting Crysis I should imagine, however don't intend to play the MP.

4125d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well I sure as hell won't buy a gearbox game again without checking the reviews before hand...

I was never expecting this game to be amazing, to be quite honest I knew it wouldn't even be good, it was quite apparent from game play video's. I purely just got this game to play coop with my friends, but I was never expecting anything this atrocious!!

4125d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft's idea? lol, oh my! Go and crawl back into your hole and pull your tongue out of Sony's *** for 2 minutes please!!

Just like every other typical fantard on this website!

4126d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment


Different target audience. While Destiny may have some MMO & RPG elements, it's still a shooter, WoW is not, it's a quest/leveling based game.

Both will be successful for many years to come, no need for one to replace the other.

4126d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a pretty retarded thing for MS to say... Pretty sure every gamer in the UK knows about the PS4 reveal on Wednesday!

4127d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks fun! Probably the only 'Lego' game I would consider! Shame I don't have a Wii U, and can't really afford to get one right now :(

I would get the 3DS version, but it's likely to be gimped as hell.

4127d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If MS or Nintendo did this, by the users of this site it would be a scam of making people re buy their old games! Because it's Sony, all is good :)

I'm glad you fools are the minority!

4128d ago 16 agree45 disagreeView comment

I agree in that a new Mass Effect game sounds awesome, and yes EA are very greedy, but we can't deny they publish some very quality games and despite being massive d-wads, I think they know what is best for business!

With all the complaints of Mass 3 do you think EA can afford to get it wrong again? I'm with you, I hope they take their time and make another epic that is as quality as the first game. The Mass Effect universe is there already, they just need to create ...

4133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'They have valid reasons to not like the game'

REALLY? Have any of the people crying about this game even played it? People just love to hate for no reason whatsoever! I think it makes them feel better because they've never achieved anything in real life themselves!

4160d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

I agree 100%... I HAVE this game, unlike most of the women crying about it here! I can honestly tell you it is quite entertaining!

GamerTag for proof > II B0MB3R II (you'll have to copy and paste tag)

I wish people would just stfu about this game until at least they've played it!

4160d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I like this decision, though the DMR is my main weapon right now in any game mode, there's no denying the BR takes much more skill to use.

When Halo 4 first came out I was pro BR. I tried to stick with it but as I progressed finding myself facing better players who used the DMR, I had no chance at range, so found myself switching!

I think these settings will do the game justice, shame they haven't finalised the map selection yet. I'm guessing the...

4167d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't see what all the fuss is about if I'm to be honest, if you don't like the games new direction, then don't buy it.

I thought the demo wasn't too bad and not hardly as ridiculous as what most of you are making it out to be!

4188d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Lol, really?! You care that much?!!!

4209d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the info :) I'll be deffo picking it up in the morning! I think I was already decided even if it was a 1 play through game anyway, just glad to hear it's even more value for money!

4216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would you say it's more than a 1 play through game?

4217d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm one of them!!!


Legit copy btw!

4231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The best keeps on getting better"

A great racing game in its own right, hell yeah... Better than Forza 3 or 4? I'm not too sure, those were 2 of my favourite racing games this generation, and although I really enjoyed the demo and will be picking the game up on Friday, I can't see it being to the quality of 3 or 4. I hope I am wrong though :)

4243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment