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how was Tomb Raider Definitive Ed. "dissed"? I never saw anyone on here diss it. I thought people generally liked the re mastered version.

3711d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment


It's called re mastered. What were you expecting besides upgraded resolution and AA? Oh that's right, it's Sony so it doesn't meet your standards like usual... I am more than willing to support naughty dog by buying a re mastered product again. It's a crime that more people didn't get to experience what was to me the best game of last gen., and now many of them will, and fans of TLoU can experience it again, in even better visuals and possibl...

3711d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn that's gonna look nice to play in 1080p and improved AA. I hope they get it at 60 fps too, but I will be good with whatever. Can't wait to play it again!

3711d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because when stating something about something subjective people generally say "in my opinion"
Twitch is not subjective, it is in fact more capable of a program on the X1 at the moment. A game being "worth owning" is not a fact, it is an opinion...

3712d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"infamous is the only game ps4 is worth owning."

There is an opinion stated as a fact again... Which is why I posted what I did in the first place. You use Killer instinct and PVZ as an example but they are not your typical AAA title which is w2hat you seem to be implying, so Resogun and Towerfall ascension can be used, both getting great reviews.

I am sure MANY people consider Killzone SF "worth owning" same with the ones you mentioned Wa...

3712d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

They are doing it right with TLoU. Release an awesome game with updated res and fps. Good to hear! Love this game.

3712d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who said "every game on the PS4" is 60 fps? I never heard anyone claim that...

3712d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

But what about the people that like PS4's games and PS Plus more?

3712d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, I am so excited for this. Bring me some TLoU remastered!

3712d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment


Also I wouldn't bet on either company doing well in China. Most of the people that play games there make a very small amount of money and are used to a free games model on PC. They are not used to and can't afford shelling out large amounts of money on systems and games.

3712d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, Sony still doing great; Nintendo also. Good job to them.

3713d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft likely would have sold least a million and half consoles or more in the other 40 countries."

How on earth are you getting that figure? Microsoft was almost non existent outside of the major markets last gen, a couple hundred thousand at MOST up to this point would be more accurate. It was actually Sony that did well outside of them last gen.

3713d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't Gran Turismo on the PS3 and Warhawk use ray tracing?

3713d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment


Sony doesn't make the competition, but they use the competition. And I'm sure DirectX isn't the only one that will be upgraded in a year or two.

"What did resolution do for kill zone?!" Xbox fanatics need to stop downplaying resolution. If it didn't matter then how did you let a major corporation talk you into "upgrading" to next gen? No it doesn't make gameplay more fun, but it does add to the overal...

3714d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very funny how things change around here so fast... DX12 isn't even out yet and "play the games, not the resolution" is already being forgotten. Let's hope DX12 really does offer 2X performance boost.

3715d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


I think what many people think, including myself, is that there is so much huge talk and no great in game examples of anything. So many wild claims are being made to draw interest to one thing or another like cloud compute (Azure servers) or DX12 (PC's/graphics cards) that people don't really know what to believe or not.

I think it would be fantastic if they could outperform PS4 in multiplat performance or even be consistently on par with PS4...

3715d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people pay for Netflix instead of going out and buying all the old movies they want to see for 1 dollar? There is a convenience and time factor among other things. It's not an answer to backwards compatibility. It seems like a very good service, and smart on Sony's part to provide something like this.

Gaikai is used for streaming, openstack is for dedicated servers or other (like compute if needed)
I am excited with compute that Microsoft is doing, I th...

3716d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

He should have mentioned what the "research" he did showed him fact wise for both consoles. Because a lot of things, like games, are subjective in choosing a console I think. Power and price are not. A physicist would understand the concept of value.

Funny episode though, really like the show.

3717d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Using Forza 5 to make a point about the overall power of a system is not a good look. Resogun is an Indie game and obviously accomplishes more technically.

3717d ago 65 agree32 disagreeView comment

Right, because all "side scrolling arcade" titles are created equally...

Do we know the tech used in the game? Do we know the amount of action and quality of effects (including particle effects) in any given frame?

I guess we could just lump many games into the same pit and not worry about those things, just call them side scrolling arcade titles and not think for a second it may do just as much as many "AAA" titles, if not more ...

3717d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment