
CRank: 5Score: 69180

@Birdhouse680: "Ya Abby size in the game was very unrealistic. All I’ll say without getting attacked by the left"

Here dummy.

Attacked by the left? Jesus you are a special case.

1344d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks interesting.

1344d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

guess you should have played the f ing game.

1344d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

The day has been around for a long time. Guess you're late to the party.

1344d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope they have a ps4 version of mp. The game was made and sold on the ps4, so it's only right ps4 users have the opportunity to play it. Remember, not everyone will be able to get the ps5 because there aren't enough to sell to everyone.

1344d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

People are dying because of a Pandemic. Why do you care what they call their event?
I have been sick since yesterday and am concerned. Please stop being a tool and for once in your life be understanding.

It doesn't effect you one way or the other. But to people that went through or are going through this shit right now, it means a lot.

I hope no one in your family gets sick.
Take care.

1344d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment


Stop telling me what i should or shouldn't do. I buy all my games digitally and i will always buy my games digitally. I no longer buy movies, music, or games on disc because i want my catalog to be with me wherever i go without having to carry them with me. I could care less if they ever make a cd again because it doesn't serve me.
You can do whatever you want it's your money.
I remember this same argument when the music ind...

1344d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not too bright are you?

1344d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Show me PS AAA Craig showing please.You must be so excited.

1344d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@CaptainObvious878: "Could you and all the raving zealots that are happy to bend over and spread wide for an all digital future, take just 3 seconds out of your day and use a modicum of your 2 brain cells and think for a moment what will be a consequence of that future."

I LIKE BUYING DIGITAL BECAUSE IT IS MORE CONVENIENT. I DON'T CARE ABOUT OLD GAMES ONCE I'VE PLAYED THEM. if you like buying discs, then go a f ing head and buy it. But stop telling people ...

1344d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG! Can we stop with the old games being this "important" feature. Hardly anyone cares about it. If they did Xbox would be #1. Jesus, talk about making something out of nothing.
The reason it's been complicated is because they are more focused on Innovating, not looking back at f ing old games.

1344d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

I could care less about owning, even though buying a digital game is still owning it. I mean they could ban me and stop me, but i am not an asshole online and i don't cheat so i am not worried about it. I play games, finish them, and then never look back unless there is dlc or an expansion. Other than that i could care less. to each their own i guess.

1345d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@AnnaDea: "The Witcher 3 wants to say hello."

The most overrated game ever made. What about it? You mean they finally made it look like a current gen game? That should be free. We are talking about Spider-Man.

1345d ago 34 agree137 disagreeView comment

I buy great digital games for the same price all the time, including Resident Evil 7. People act as if there isn't deals on games digitally. look at PSN 50%, 60% 75% off on games all the time. Summer sale, Christmas sale, Halloween sales. I bet these companies will do a trade in digital deal when purchasing new games from their catalog at some point.

1345d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@tombfan: exactly, people act as if this is the 2000's when you buy a game and just pop it in. Now most times you need the day one patch and many more after release of the games. I put a disc in and have to wait for gigs of data to download. People are living in the past. I mean there was a time when people thought that vinyl would still be the main way to listen to music. Then tape was used, CD and now digital is the main way people listen to music. The same argument was used by music lo...

1345d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

@NotoriousWhiz: @I_am_Batman I never said they shouldn't be sold. This article is basically saying that the digital consoles are bad. I am saying that most people today are buying digital and that is the future. At one time vinyl was the way people listened to music. then the 8 track tape, cassette tape, CD, and now digital. People that swear by vinyl still buy them in specialty stores. They love the sound, i think they sound better, but that didn't stop the evolution of the music ind...

1345d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Ratty: Sony doesn't need to buy another company. They have been doubling up their teams on their existing companies like , ND, Guerrilla Games ect...
All they need to do is have enough devs for each company to have them working on 2 ip's each which will result in AAA exclusives 2-4 per year. Which is almost where they're at already.
The only company they should buy if they were going to is FromSoftware.

1345d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just hire more people for each company so each company can output more games more often. This is getting ridiculous. Sony owns the best companies in the world and they don't need to own more every time MS buy one.

1345d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@arkard: they have specialty stores. Kinda like what they will have in 10 yrs for game discs.
Everything is going digital, whether you like it or not.

1346d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment


1346d ago 5 agree34 disagreeView comment