
CRank: 5Score: 1400

Sadly, as is the growing trend these days, there are retailer-exclusive pre-order bonuses, but if you're interested in what you'll get in the super-fancy edition, we talked about it here:

The short version?

GameStop: All weapons and abilities unlocked for your first 24 hours AND the Retro Map Pack.
Best Buy: Rank up faster for y...

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks so much for the kind words! There wasn't much we could do about getting the game about a week after the original embargo, but hopefully we made up for it by covering things a little differently from the other previews that went up. We tried to do the same thing with our original preview and it seemed to go over well here too, so thanks to whomever decided to link to us!

Hopefully we can keep offering interesting stuff in 2011!

4912d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience with some of the guys there; being a big site and having fans tends to bring out the egos in plenty of people (I certainly developed something of a big head ages ago, though never to the point where I was trying to line jump or deflect interviews). That said, not only have I contributed off and on to IGN -- and damn near anywhere else at this point -- for over a decade now, I never got this e-mail you speak of, so it wasn't ALL editorial out...

5111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Preach, brutha! I swear I'm the only guy on staff that see the potential for sucking you into a game that has both depth on screen and depth APPROACHING the screen. 1:1 reaching into the environment (not that Killzone 3 is offering that specifically; Guerrilla was playing coy and dancing around the idea of Move being officially supported at the preview event, but they're definitely using it) is something that games haven't been able to do before -- well, nothing that looks as good...

5124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely the 15th -- that is, if you mean the press conference. Microsoft's stuff is always the Monday before the show starts, so the 14th for them (plus a Natal-only event the night before on the 13th), and Nintendo is before Sony on the 15th.

Loooooots of stuff to see this year; it's gonna be awesome no matter what system you own. And if you happen to have 'em all, make sure you've got a pillow or something soft to fall into when you realize the sheer mag...

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the kind words, guys. We felt like everyone had talked about the jetpack and the mounted turret and the basic level layout a dozen times already and really tried to focus on the bits that for whatever reason are being glossed over a little (how well the 3D works, what it brings to the table, what it pulls FROM the experience and stuff like controls and the engine itself).

I can't tell you how flattering it is to see that someone noticed that. You've totall...

5124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is absolutely awesome, but it's so similar to the first with only the slightest of adjustments that I didn't want to go too high. The problems that the first game had like some pop in of characters and loading pauses were enough that the game wasn't quite a full point improvement over the first one, but was still damn good.

Honestly, though, don't look at the score, look at the text. Hopefully my love for the storyline (in a beat-'em-up!!) came through, and that's the r...

5744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny, a nine is exactly what I gave the game. Great minds and all that...

Also, I think they're officially called "Greetings, from the World of Tomorrow!!" Glasses (must be spoken aloud with an overly-dramatic voice, of course). I think that's why nobody uses the official name.

5778d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's probably because I heart Heavenly Sword for all its faults. I also wrote this IGN feature, and obviously my love for the game came through a little in the description. If I'd written the review (or was even writing for 'em when it came out), I probably would have gone a little higher.

So yeah, now that the dust has settled, I think people can appreciate how decent the early titles really were. The fog of all those E3 2006 catchphrases seems to have cleared. It's like the opp...

5778d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Though it'll take a while for a full rollout, the Portable Copy feature is technically already implemented -- and on DVD no less. According to SCEA, the feature debuted with Resident Evil: Extinction. It'll be interesting to see if any other studios license the tech from Sony Pictures...

5913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment