Look! My beard swings back and forward! A waste of frames if you ask me!
CRank: 5Score: 7420

I see this type of comment all the time and never understood it.
Am I the only person that has always seen Mass Effect as a 'third person shooter' series?
You could argue that the story elements and stuff count as RPG, but when I hear the term 'RPG series', I think of games with tedious grinding, which Mass Effect isn't.

3603d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mine are:
Xbox 360: Mass Effect 2
PS3: Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy

3607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, getting rid of the gamepad would be unwise.
One, the gamepad is the selling point of the Wii-U, and two, a lot of games require the first player to use the Wii-U gamepad.
If they sold a Wii-U without the gamepad, Super Mario 3D World for example would be unplayable due to the levels requiring you to tap and blow objects.
Even if you can use the Pro-controller to play, the gamepad must always be on for most games.
Besides, a lot of the systems menus and in...

3607d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Except a lot of the Wii-U features require the gamepad.
Removing it would make the console nearly impossible to use.
You wouldn't be able to use many of the consoles menus, play a majority of the systems games and use Amiibo.

You have the option to use the Pro-Controller in most games, but the console itself couldn't function without the gamepad.

3607d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 'Best Exclusives' thing isn't a fact, its opinion.
The company with the best exclusives depends on each individual persons personal tastes/opinions, or what kind of game, genre or franchise they like.

Saying a specific company has the best exclusives and stating it as a fact sounds really pretentious, especially when some people might not even like most of the exclusives a certain company has.

3608d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought mine in April and I sometimes think it was a waste of money to get one this early, since there's hardly any games for the system (At the moment) and it's just been gathering dust a lot. (And the games that are out or coming soon are not really games I'm interested in, except Destiny, DA Inquisition and FarCry4.)
I bought my PS3 solely for Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper and Jak & Daxter.
When those franchises are on the PS4, my purchase of the system i...

3609d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

'Wide Range'

Destiny has about the level of character customization as a PS2/Original Xbox game.
It's nowhere near a 'Wide Range'.

A wide range would be Dragon's Dogma's character creation, for example.
If Destiny had that level of customization, it'd be amazing.

The game itself is still pretty cool, but the lacking character customization is a bit 'alright'.

3609d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't think anyone bought the Wii-U to play the latest third party titles like CoD or Assassins Creed.
Personally, I bought mine to play the games that Nintendo themselves make, and you also get the odd indie on the system too.

If you want a system for third party games, buy a 360/PS3/PS4/XB1.
Wii-U IMO is a companion system to play Nintendo's first party games, and that's about it apart from a f...

3610d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd rather have four well developed male characters than three well developed male characters and one terribly forced, under-developed female character that was shoehorned in at the last moment to please a group of people.

Seriously, why do people still listen to feminists?
They're like the new PETA of whining about trivial stuff.
Just ignore them and they'll remove their heads from their entitled behinds.

3611d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never really listened, I played ME1, 2 and 3 without looking at what the internet had to say and then looked at what people thought after I had played it and built my own opinion. (Something more gamers should do IMO.)

As for the series being an RPG, I've never really seen it that way, it's always been a Sci-Fi Third Person shooter franchise to me.
If there was RPG elements in ME1, I must have missed them.

Also for the record, ME2 is my favo...

3611d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Wah! Bioware don't listen to their fans and reject our input! Boycott!"
"Wah! Bioware are listening to their fans and accepting our input! Boycott!"

Please don't become the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase, Mass Effect fans.

3611d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Redeemed, thanks dude/dudette.

3612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to it, that's why I blatantly put 'it's a joke'.

I guess it's no longer a joke if you have to say it's a joke, but eh.
I'd be drowning in dislikes if I didn't put it.
At the moment I'm sort of paddling in dislikes.

3613d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Gotta keep milking that glorified cash cow, eh Naughty Dog?

For the less intelligent amongst you, that was a joke.
No need to lose your knickers.

3613d ago 7 agree26 disagreeView comment

I disagree.
People can play this game for cheaper on the PS3 (The PS3 version already pretty much looks next-gen too.), so it's not really and impulse to buy a PS4 just for a port with slightly better graphics and framerate.

A system seller for the PS4 would be a game that's not available anywhere else, exclusive to PS4, built from the ground up and offers an experience you can't get anywhere else.
The PS4 has yet to have one of these, InFamous SS ...

3613d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for more news, Mass Effect 2 is my #1 game of the last generation and my favorite new IP from last gen too.

Bring on ME4, I'm up for either prequel or sequel, as long as the principal races are still there. (Asari, Quarians, Turians, Krogan, Salarians, Krogan. etc)

3616d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a theory as to why the IP is dormant and why Activision are treating it so badly.
Now hear me out, I expect dislikes for this but I digress.

Not to defend Activision, and I hate them for what they did to Crash, but the fans kinda brought this on themselves.
Crash of the Titans and Mind over Mutant may be flawed games and far from 'Crash' games, but they're in no way badly made games in a technologiccal, gameplay and polish sense.

3616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Answer: Not be a judgmental idiot and just have fun playing a new Crash game, instead of expecting something 'ground-breaking' or 'unique'.
Then again, a lot of gamers are judgmental, so it may be asking too much.

Now HOW to make a AAA Crash game in 2014 is easy.
Pre-Titan designs and characteristics, multiple playable characters like Crash, Coco, Crunch and maybe even Cortex, mixture of open world and warp room based levels like Crash 1-3, app...

3616d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bought a PS4 in hope that cartoony platformers like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro would return to the system and would be the console this generation to have those kinds of games.

Make it happen, Sony, I'd buy both games in a heartbeat.

3618d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whenever I see articles like this, I wonder what people without internet or with limited internet will experience with games that use the cloud to make games 'better'.
Will the experience of the game be downgraded or is the clouds benefits barely noticable and the experience between online and offline is about the same?

3618d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment