
CRank: 5Score: 11030

It's fairly safe to assume launch games on the NGP will be limited to 2/4GB of storage.

Sony announced they would allow games on the NGP to used a limited amount of data on release and expand that limit over time.

Nintendo used the same idea with the DS, and it works rather well it means games will improve generally over time, I think on launch of the DS gamers where limited to 64meg.

Then they expanded to 256/512 currently I believe. ...

4882d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment


Am not flaming you because your welcome to your own opinion, but out of interest can you give me a big name franchise which you personally believe ain't over-hyped.

4883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see the point the ability to stream movies was mastered 10 years ago....

4883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am seriously not a fan of the concept I like to be able to actually own my media, and not require my internet connection and the servers to still be up to be able to play.

Honestly do you think EA will keep servers up on classic games, if you don't own the physical media once the servers are gone you lose it forever.

I understand the positives but honestly developers and publishers would just have gamers by the balls if this ever caught on.

4883d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's good in idea, but as I have played plenty of Gyro FPS games on the Iphone 4. I can promise you using the analog sticks are far easier

I mean I even resort to using the drag off my fingers to aim as it's still more accurate then gyro aiming.

Although maybe Naughty Dog can nail the controls but honestly it's not as intuitive as videos make it seem.

4883d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

There's a switch to turn 3D off what a faulty reasoning you have....

4883d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

To be fair you have to remember it's very different tech, Nintendo couldn't afford to enable 3D if they went Sony's design root.

Here is why,

1) The screen on the 3DS is 3.5" why the screen on the NGP is 5", as that makes it more then twice as big. Don't disagree with this unless you know how screen sizes work.

Enabling 3D without classes on a 5" screen would be much more expensive then on a 3.5" screen....

4883d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

My friend hasn't been able to play the game for 2 weeks since he bought it and there are plenty of other people on the forum with the same issue.

And no it's not his system the support for the PC on this game is horrible. It deserves a 7/10 it's buggy as hell.

4883d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

The display resolution is really high, it's not Iphone 4 Retina but it's the next best thing.

Am always a fan of big displays 5" is perfect, Although the size does concern me it's 18 and a half cm's long. Which is 2 more cm's then the original PSP which wasn't that portable to being with.

I really do like the device and it certainly appeals to me more then the 3DS.

however I don't really see me taking it out w...

4884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Either that Japanese guy is really really small or that device ain't very portable what so ever.

4884d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

IF you used a folding program which can use all your cores to there full potential almost because each core handles a different process then yes.

But as most applications aren't multi threaded then no, it depends entirely on how well the software is programmed.

I think you both have problems understanding the word potential, because nothing I said was wrong I can't help if it your to retarded to understand English.

4884d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are we really pretending it's going to be out anywhere else before Japan?

4884d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great for America but Sony has always been a little lax with it's European prices.

I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to price it the same in the US, but have it priced at more in Europe.

Although Codemasters is an English company so who knows.

4884d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like it could be a multiplayer Final Fantasy, which if it is count me in.

4 Player Co-op on final fantasy would be insane, that's the reason I still keep my PS3 even though I hardly console game.

For FF13 Versus, I really hope it doesn't disappoint. Well that and the fact my old fat 40GB PS3 is insanely reliable, it's been dropped of a 4 foot high table onto a wooden floor and it still work's.

Well for the most par...

4884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually it does have 4 processors as far as I can gather, but Sony released a statement themselves saying that there combined power would be around 2ghz.

With the average PC processor clocking around 5ghz (both cores) nowa days then it's not nearly as fast as a PC processor.

My processor is capable of a possible 12ghz if all 4 cores where used to there full potential which will most likely never happen.

4884d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yeah because Halo War's is completely the same as Halo Reach....

Fucking retard.....

4884d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's basically the same game as found on the Iphone 4, Epic Citadel tech demo and Infinity blade.

Only difference is there are more characters on screen, although it didn't give the same grow Epic Citadel did on my Iphone but I guess that could be down to poor video quality.

4884d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Not thanks to Geohotz thanks to Sony for not getting a better grasp on how to handle Piracy and instead gimping there user base.

4884d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If by that you mean an Intel Atom (Possibly dual) core found in Notebooks then yeah maybe.

If you mean anything i3 or above it's no where near. Not to mention Windows 8 would run horribly on 512mb of RAM it doesn't even run that well on 1024.

About the best OS for a PSP2 would have to be android as it's made for low resource environments.

4884d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really like the specs of the system, and the size of the screen and the functionality of the thing.

But am not so fussed on the design I have to be honest it seems to cluttered, there's even a track pad on the back which I honestly don't see the point for.

If done right and Sony release a decent web browser on this (looking at you PS3!!!) then it could be great for watching movies and videos in bed via wi-fi.

It could potentially be...

4884d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment