
CRank: 5Score: 33380

MS got into the gaming industry to use gamers as a base to what they are REALLY trying to accomplish. They want it to become an entertainment hub. It was their plan all along.

Not to mention...
Xbox Live scam
Care more about securing exclusive DLC than creating their own games.
Market multi-platform games as their own.

I don't like their stupid tricks.
PS4 + Wii U next-gen for me

4267d ago 26 agree11 disagreeView comment


PS Vita (Wifi).... $250 + Memory card = Roughly $300 before you even buy a game.

3DS.... 170 + taxes before you even buy a game.

A $100 difference between the two. Remember when the 3DS was $250 and nobody bought it? The Vita is more expensive than that and they are dealing with Nintendo having the pricing edge on them.

How hard is it to comprehend this? It's not Sony or the PS brand or any other stupid article tha...

4267d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. They can keep RE6's engine and everything else but the core gameplay and exploration must remain intact. This would be so awesome if we can get a next-gen RE that returns to it's roots.

4267d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously everyone is in it for the money. But Sony and Nintendo are in it for the gamers. MS entered the game industry not for the gamers but to use them as a base to what they are really trying to accomplish. And it's rearing it's ugly head as we speak.

4268d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I rarely read the manual but I fully expect each physical copy to have one. Sometimes manuals have some nice artwork, nice info, etc.

4269d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is known for over-shipping 360s. That is a FACT. PS3 sold more

4270d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's crap like this that make the misinformed gamer think PS3 is selling like crap. But truth is PS3 is only 2 million behind Xbox who has had the pricing edge this whole gen. And PS3 has been outselling 360 WW the last 3 years. I guess the only way to get this shit to stop is for Sony to post a profit during the fiscal year consistently

4270d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for Tokyo Jungle

4271d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox was not number 1 last year. Just because MS said they were doesn't mean that was the truth. They claimed that based off shipping numbers. MS is notorious for over shipping consoles. That is a fact. Go look at the fiscal numbers and statements PS3 outsold 360. That is also a fact

4272d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hope you know that the website makes adjustments after the official numbers have been released per region every year. Xbox have been getting outsold the last 3 years. Looking at nothing but NPD's the whole time will make you delusional

4273d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony supported the PS2 a few years after PS3 launched. PS3 launched in 2006 but God of War 2 arrived on PS2 in March 2007 and still sold millions of copies. Don't see what the big deal is and now that we are in the digital age the PS3 will be supported even longer because their will still be a huge install base using their PS3's years after PS4 arrives. I can see some digital games arriving on both platforms years after PS4. Don't see what the big deal is. PS4 will most likely arr...

4273d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

A re-design would be cool because it changes things up. But only thing I want Sony to do is allow you to pre-load the full game on your HDD and publish the game as soon as it hits midnight. Everything else for me is a bonus

4273d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember NPD's = The World

4274d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

RE was really never scary to me like a Silent Hill but it's the design choices from Capcom that is really messing this series up. Based off the demo it's really linear with little to no exploration and the game is always pushing you forward. Gone are the days when you had to explore and find items for a certain puzzle or locked door. They are basically spitting on their hardcore fanbase and opt to design the game for people with ADD who always need to push forward with little to no ob...

4274d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the U.S that's correct but world wide this year that's very far from the truth. Sony is just trying to maximize profits this holiday season because next year they will have to drop the prices in preparation for the PS4. MS has always had the pricing edge this gen because quite frankly it's much cheaper to manufacture a 360 than a PS3. The PS3 is going to sell very well world wide during the holidays. Why don't people ever call out MS for selling that 4GB 360 for $200. A dam...

4274d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol Tell me about it. Those challenges will make you go insane

4275d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is going with these bundles for the holidays then in the 1st or 2nd qtr of 2013 they will make a formal price cut. Then it's about preparation for the PS4. As you can see Sony didn't announce any new games at the TGS it's pretty much God of War Acension, Beyond, and Last of Us. After that it's all PS4

4275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about beat Vanquish Challenge #6? Now that will prove if you are a man

4275d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have PS Plus and they still sent me a free trial lol But it wasn't a free week but it was free 30 days

4275d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I personally think they are testing the market out with the 12 GB PS3. If it's successful in Europe which it will be then it will come to other territories

4275d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment